"turn off lights illuminate our minds, new signs of civilization from Manchester ... the stars." This is the title of the promoted by the Legambiente of Manchester under the auspices of the Municipality, to be held at the Manchester Sports Hall Friday 14 and Saturday, September 15 from 17. The event, whose theme is the fight against light pollution, will speak, among others, Ugo Tagliaferri Campo Catino Astronomical Observatory, which was started in Italy the first country to raise awareness to the problem. Tagliaferri outlining the successes in this field for many municipalities and technical solutions. On Saturday, a planetarium will be set up by the association "Cassiopeia" which will open in the morning, for guided tours for secondary school students, and in the afternoon for anyone want to survey the sky in broad daylight.
This is the program: Friday 14
, Sports Hall
17 Hours: lecture on light pollution by Ugo Tagliaferri Campo Catino Astronomical Observatory, a member of IDA (International Dark Sky Association)
18 Hours: "The eight weeks of astronomy MPI and monitoring of light pollution "of the report by Prof. Lucia Corbo
21 Hours: Observation of the stars by Marina Costa, of the" Cassiopeia ", preceded by an introduction to digital simulation the sky using the software Skymap (Prof. Lucia Corbo)
21.30 hours: first observations in the current conditions of light pollution site, measurements of the clarity of the sky by Ugo Tagliaferri with SQM (Sky Quality Meter)
22 Hours: start of the experiment the reduction of public and private "Evidence of intentional blackouts" and comparative observation
23 Hours: Deadline observation

Saturday 15, Sports Hall
8.30: guided tours of the classes of high school's planetarium
10.30: Opening of the exhibition on light fixtures with low pollution, the lamps low-power, lighting and objects d'art of Alexander Babbanini
11 Hours: practical activities for teaching astronomy, for teachers, "The Globe as the world under our feet "with prof. Lucia Corbo
13 Hours: closing the planetarium
16 Hours: reactivation of the planetary
20.30 Hours: permanent closure of the planetarium