the occasion of the release of a Leopardus Wied (cat of the forest) began the collaboration between the NGO and FirstFlora Animal Bahia since 2006 that deals with rehabilitation and release of wildlife in the state of Bahia, Brazil.

Magaly's history.
Magaly When arrived at the center of Animal Bahia was a tame animal kept in captivity 'since childhood. In addition to the terrible conditions in which he maintained was necessary groped its reintroduction in the wild since the case of endangered species. So during his rehabilitation It has been left as much as possible without contact with humans. Only when the officer came into the power of the pen. The first few days and Magaly 'was fed to raw meat, liver, chicken and fish. After a while the food was hidden and we have observed with satisfaction that Magaly has always managed to find them. Three months later, following the dictates of the veterinary aprendistato Begin the hunt. He was offered a live rabbit and to our great relief of his predatory instinct is awakened. Unfortunately lõfferta of live prey and 'need for rehabilitation. In the days prior to the provisional release of the quails were offered. We tried to simulate hunting quail putting the two in a box so when Magaly overturned the box would have been ahead of the two animal fleeing in different directions. Every attempt has' been successful. The next day we found the feathers of the quail eaten and the body `s other quail in his lair for a meal the next day.
Today, just before sunset, Magaly is returned to nature!
Leopardus wied
Status: endangered (CITES)
Order: Carnivore Family
: Felídea
Cientifico Name: Leopardus wied
Popular name: gato-maracajá
Fauna: Brazilian
Caracteristiche: It has a tail 'long that the hind limbs and large eyes. The hair is dark yellow in the upper body and the outside of the legs. The rosette-shaped spots are located throughout the body, from head to tail. The ears are rounded and have a white spot on the outside, this is a characteristics of this species.
distributions Region: Central America and South America
Habitat: subtropical forest
eating habits: carnivorous
Habit: Twilight and night / arboreal and terrestrial
Social Organization: solitary
Length: 110-135 cm Weight
: 3-9 kg
Reproduction: Gestation: 81-84 days the female sexual
Maturity: 20-24 months
small number: 1
Sexual dimorphism: Male has testicles and penis
Birth weight: 85-170 gr.
Life expectancy: 20 years
Features: Rotated 180 degrees ankles
For those wishing to support the work of Animal riabilitizione and release of Bahia and 'can take MonaLisa an animal like the fawn (Mazama gouazoubira ) who lost his mother probably killed by a hunter. You can express your interest in the comments or by sending an email to