Friday, April 23, 2010

Mom And Daughter's Friend Play

risks to infants and children "Toxic 5 times higher than permissible"

irritation with those who do not harm the environment to drink tap water here in the article quoted below FirstFlora proof of how he had always suspected. In addition, add, the analysis of the city are without potable water to the water and not at home the end user. We will skip it to control the release of the 'last mile' of private pipes almost always old and out of the norm.


A scientific committee appointed by the European Commission sounded the alarm about the quality of drinking water Italian. Piping elements tolerated by adults, but dangerous for children and young Developmental

BRUSSELS - Infants and children at risk in drinking water coming from taps in Italian homes, contaminated - apparently - from arsenic, boron and fluoride that, in some regions, exceeding five times the permitted level by European standards. To say it is the scientific committee appointed by the EU Commission to give an opinion on drinking water in our country. It 'was the result of an analysis of the pipes which run along the levels of toxic substances that, if they are not immediately dangerous to adults, however, pose risks to children in age of development and especially for infants.

Italy, which for nine years he has acted under a derogation from the EU directive on water, should comply with EU standards by 2012, as requested by Brussels. But a few months ago he requested a time extension. The EU Commission will decide in coming weeks whether to grant, and its decision will be based also on the scientific committee. Corriere della Sera 23/04/2010