Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How Long After Waxing Legs Should You Shower
Left Ecology and Freedom joined the national demonstration in defense of
up and down the streets with all those who believe that
national consciousness still resides in our book constituent.
In a historical moment in which the majority government is giving shape to a system that eliminates the
tripartite powers to dismantle our constitution
piece by piece through a frontal attack on the institutions,
weakened the activity of parliament (with the continuous application
the vote of confidence), delegitimize the judiciary, and by removing the means to operate
(short process), an executive of an expression only
market exchanges of favors, you need to take to the streets to support
democracy, freedom equality. To (re) affirm the importance of the public school
(Article 34) and the free expression of thought
(Article 21), the right to work (Article 4) and equal opportunities
(Article 3). To remind us that the Italian state is secular, peaceful and
rejects all forms of discrimination. Left Ecology and
Freedom adheres to the event national defense
public school because the school promotes public education of citizens
aware and therefore is the fundamental premise of democracy.
150 years ago more than 70% of the population was illiterate, the school has been a key instrument of unification
, public education has encouraged
the process of building our country. The public school is open to all
and therefore is a tool that can remove inequalities
base and to give everyone equal opportunities. The public school for a child
is the place of 'integration. Investing in public schools
means investing in health and Investing in the future of the country
private school means to feed the privileges and inequalities, remove
to the "poorest" to give "richer". The public school is secular and free
the site of the confrontation of ideas! Left Ecology Freedom
Perugia www.selumbria.org
Left Ecology and Freedom joined the national demonstration in defense of
up and down the streets with all those who believe that
national consciousness still resides in our book constituent.
In a historical moment in which the majority government is giving shape to a system that eliminates the
tripartite powers to dismantle our constitution
piece by piece through a frontal attack on the institutions,
weakened the activity of parliament (with the continuous application
the vote of confidence), delegitimize the judiciary, and by removing the means to operate
(short process), an executive of an expression only
market exchanges of favors, you need to take to the streets to support
democracy, freedom equality. To (re) affirm the importance of the public school
(Article 34) and the free expression of thought
(Article 21), the right to work (Article 4) and equal opportunities
(Article 3). To remind us that the Italian state is secular, peaceful and
rejects all forms of discrimination. Left Ecology and
Freedom adheres to the event national defense
public school because the school promotes public education of citizens
aware and therefore is the fundamental premise of democracy.
150 years ago more than 70% of the population was illiterate, the school has been a key instrument of unification
, public education has encouraged
the process of building our country. The public school is open to all
and therefore is a tool that can remove inequalities
base and to give everyone equal opportunities. The public school for a child
is the place of 'integration. Investing in public schools
means investing in health and Investing in the future of the country
private school means to feed the privileges and inequalities, remove
to the "poorest" to give "richer". The public school is secular and free
the site of the confrontation of ideas! Left Ecology Freedom
Perugia www.selumbria.org
Monday, February 28, 2011
Shortening Equivalent
PRESS RELEASE 05.03.2011 Bastia Umbra

We are witnessing at this time of the nth operation of Creative Business, all perpetrated in
usual places of power. This new abuse
sees this time Umbra waters of contention. For months now,
have started negotiations to divide the company into two, one and one for operational purposes. All this will only lead to higher costs
(double boards, administrators, higher profits to the private
etc etc) without any real benefit to users. Remember that
Umbra Spa Water belongs to the 40% to Acea and stay 60% to 38 municipalities forming part
Axis 1 and 2.
At this point, as promoters of the survey on what is happening, we decided that now is the time to ask
to our City Council, acting as majority shareholder in the Spa,
what his position on what is happening.
spokesman Stephen
We are witnessing at this time of the nth operation of Creative Business, all perpetrated in
usual places of power. This new abuse
sees this time Umbra waters of contention. For months now,
have started negotiations to divide the company into two, one and one for operational purposes. All this will only lead to higher costs
(double boards, administrators, higher profits to the private
etc etc) without any real benefit to users. Remember that
Umbra Spa Water belongs to the 40% to Acea and stay 60% to 38 municipalities forming part
Axis 1 and 2.
At this point, as promoters of the survey on what is happening, we decided that now is the time to ask
to our City Council, acting as majority shareholder in the Spa,
what his position on what is happening.
spokesman Stephen
How Much Money Does Bangbors Make
Bastia Umbra: A CONFERENCE of the center for the revival of DOWNTOWN
Chair of the Democratic Party should Brozzicoordinatore Union City Bastia Umbra
"The decline and loss of the centrality of the centers as a problem STRI of modern society "Speaker: Renato Covino, professor of contemporary history at the University of Perugia
* "Accessibility and quality of life in the historic centers" Urban Barelli, national vice president 'Italy Nostra'
* "Prime possibility of intervention for the recovery of the places and functions of the old town of Bastia Umbra "Bruno Broccoli, Umbrian Foundation for Architecture
*" Explanation of lines to intervene for the restoration and enhancement of open spaces of the old town of Bastia Umbra " Giuseppe Latini, engineer
* "Pricing policies and taxation for residents of the center. relocation branch office in the free areas of the municipal center "Giancarlo Long
Silvano RomettiAssessore planning and urban regeneration of the Region of Umbria
Left Ecology

"livability and quality of life in the old towns of Umbria. What prospects and politicians, who turn to the revival of the old town of Bastia Umbra ". This is the title of the conference sponsored by Bastiola parties of the center and scheduled for Saturday, March 5, at 15:30, in the boardroom of the municipal building.
"The idea of \u200b\u200bthis conference - says the leaflet will be distributed to the initiative - the proposal is in part determined by the city authorities of this city to reopen to vehicular traffic Piazza Mazzini, a decision that the parties of the center of Bastia Umbra is not theirs, but just to think about this choice, we decided to refer this issue is so important and delicate attention of the authorities. "
The intent is to extend the debate to a broader reflection on the role of city centers in modern society, and to this end the conference, chaired by the coordinator of the Democratic Party should Brozzi, will participate as speakers some experts.
have confirmed their presence, as well as political parties and municipal board, Confartigianato, CNA, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, CGIL, CISL, UIL and cultural associations of the territory.
Here is the program: Start of construction
"The idea of \u200b\u200bthis conference - says the leaflet will be distributed to the initiative - the proposal is in part determined by the city authorities of this city to reopen to vehicular traffic Piazza Mazzini, a decision that the parties of the center of Bastia Umbra is not theirs, but just to think about this choice, we decided to refer this issue is so important and delicate attention of the authorities. "
The intent is to extend the debate to a broader reflection on the role of city centers in modern society, and to this end the conference, chaired by the coordinator of the Democratic Party should Brozzi, will participate as speakers some experts.
have confirmed their presence, as well as political parties and municipal board, Confartigianato, CNA, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, CGIL, CISL, UIL and cultural associations of the territory.
Here is the program: Start of construction
Chair of the Democratic Party should Brozzicoordinatore Union City Bastia Umbra
"The decline and loss of the centrality of the centers as a problem STRI of modern society "Speaker: Renato Covino, professor of contemporary history at the University of Perugia
* "Accessibility and quality of life in the historic centers" Urban Barelli, national vice president 'Italy Nostra'
* "Prime possibility of intervention for the recovery of the places and functions of the old town of Bastia Umbra "Bruno Broccoli, Umbrian Foundation for Architecture
*" Explanation of lines to intervene for the restoration and enhancement of open spaces of the old town of Bastia Umbra " Giuseppe Latini, engineer
* "Pricing policies and taxation for residents of the center. relocation branch office in the free areas of the municipal center "Giancarlo Long
Silvano RomettiAssessore planning and urban regeneration of the Region of Umbria
Left Ecology
Freedom Democratic Party
Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
Sinistra Critica
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Online Bleach Doujinshi
Droughts, Floods and Food
By PAUL KRUGMAN 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics
We’re in the midst of a global food crisis — the second in three years. World food prices hit a record in January, driven by huge increases in the prices of wheat, corn, sugar and oils. These soaring prices have had only a modest effect on U.S. inflation, which is still low by historical standards, but they’re having a brutal impact on the world’s poor, who spend much if not most of their income on basic foodstuffs.
The consequences of this food crisis go far beyond economics. After all, the big question about uprisings against corrupt and oppressive regimes in the Middle East isn’t so much why they’re happening as why they’re happening now. And there’s little question that sky-high food prices have been an important trigger for popular rage.
So what’s behind the price spike? American right-wingers (and the Chinese) blame easy-money policies at the Federal Reserve, with at least one commentator declaring that there is “blood on Bernanke’s hands.” Meanwhile, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France blames speculators, accusing them of “extortion and pillaging.”
But the evidence tells a different, much more ominous story. While several factors have contributed to soaring food prices, what really stands out is the extent to which severe weather events have disrupted agricultural production. And these severe weather events are exactly the kind of thing we’d expect to see as rising concentrations of greenhouse gases change our climate — which means that the current food price surge may be just the beginning.
Now, to some extent soaring food prices are part of a general commodity boom: the prices of many raw materials, running the gamut from aluminum to zinc, have been rising rapidly since early 2009, mainly thanks to rapid industrial growth in emerging markets.
But the link between industrial growth and demand is a lot clearer for, say, copper than it is for food. Except in very poor countries, rising incomes don’t have much effect on how much people eat.
It’s true that growth in emerging nations like China leads to rising meat consumption, and hence rising demand for animal feed. It’s also true that agricultural raw materials, especially cotton, compete for land and other resources with food crops — as does the subsidized production of ethanol, which consumes a lot of corn. So both economic growth and bad energy policy have played some role in the food price surge.
Still, food prices lagged behind the prices of other commodities until last summer. Then the weather struck.
Consider the case of wheat, whose price has almost doubled since the summer. The immediate cause of the wheat price spike is obvious: world production is down sharply. The bulk of that production decline, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data, reflects a sharp plunge in the former Soviet Union. And we know what that’s about: a record heat wave and drought, which pushed Moscow temperatures above 100 degrees for the first time ever.
The Russian heat wave was only one of many recent extreme weather events, from dry weather in Brazil to biblical-proportion flooding in Australia, that have damaged world food production.
The question then becomes, what’s behind all this extreme weather?
To some extent we’re seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Niña — a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal. And La Niña events have historically been associated with global food crises, including the crisis of 2007-8.
But that’s not the whole story. Don’t let the snow fool you: globally, 2010 was tied with 2005 for warmest year on record, even though we were at a solar minimum and La Niña was a cooling factor in the second half of the year. Temperature records were set not just in Russia but in no fewer than 19 countries, covering a fifth of the world’s land area. And both droughts and floods are natural consequences of a warming world: droughts because it’s hotter, floods because warm oceans release more water vapor.
As always, you can’t attribute any one weather event to greenhouse gases. But the pattern we’re seeing, with extreme highs and extreme weather in general becoming much more common, is just what you’d expect from climate change.
The usual suspects will, of course, go wild over suggestions that global warming has something to do with the food crisis; those who insist that Ben Bernanke has blood on his hands tend to be more or less the same people who insist that the scientific consensus on climate reflects a vast leftist conspiracy.
But the evidence does, in fact, suggest that what we’re getting now is a first taste of the disruption, economic and political, that we’ll face in a warming world. And given our failure to act on greenhouse gases, there will be much more, and much worse, to come.
By PAUL KRUGMAN 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics
We’re in the midst of a global food crisis — the second in three years. World food prices hit a record in January, driven by huge increases in the prices of wheat, corn, sugar and oils. These soaring prices have had only a modest effect on U.S. inflation, which is still low by historical standards, but they’re having a brutal impact on the world’s poor, who spend much if not most of their income on basic foodstuffs.

The consequences of this food crisis go far beyond economics. After all, the big question about uprisings against corrupt and oppressive regimes in the Middle East isn’t so much why they’re happening as why they’re happening now. And there’s little question that sky-high food prices have been an important trigger for popular rage.
So what’s behind the price spike? American right-wingers (and the Chinese) blame easy-money policies at the Federal Reserve, with at least one commentator declaring that there is “blood on Bernanke’s hands.” Meanwhile, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France blames speculators, accusing them of “extortion and pillaging.”
But the evidence tells a different, much more ominous story. While several factors have contributed to soaring food prices, what really stands out is the extent to which severe weather events have disrupted agricultural production. And these severe weather events are exactly the kind of thing we’d expect to see as rising concentrations of greenhouse gases change our climate — which means that the current food price surge may be just the beginning.
Now, to some extent soaring food prices are part of a general commodity boom: the prices of many raw materials, running the gamut from aluminum to zinc, have been rising rapidly since early 2009, mainly thanks to rapid industrial growth in emerging markets.
But the link between industrial growth and demand is a lot clearer for, say, copper than it is for food. Except in very poor countries, rising incomes don’t have much effect on how much people eat.
It’s true that growth in emerging nations like China leads to rising meat consumption, and hence rising demand for animal feed. It’s also true that agricultural raw materials, especially cotton, compete for land and other resources with food crops — as does the subsidized production of ethanol, which consumes a lot of corn. So both economic growth and bad energy policy have played some role in the food price surge.
Still, food prices lagged behind the prices of other commodities until last summer. Then the weather struck.
Consider the case of wheat, whose price has almost doubled since the summer. The immediate cause of the wheat price spike is obvious: world production is down sharply. The bulk of that production decline, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data, reflects a sharp plunge in the former Soviet Union. And we know what that’s about: a record heat wave and drought, which pushed Moscow temperatures above 100 degrees for the first time ever.
The Russian heat wave was only one of many recent extreme weather events, from dry weather in Brazil to biblical-proportion flooding in Australia, that have damaged world food production.
The question then becomes, what’s behind all this extreme weather?
To some extent we’re seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Niña — a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal. And La Niña events have historically been associated with global food crises, including the crisis of 2007-8.
But that’s not the whole story. Don’t let the snow fool you: globally, 2010 was tied with 2005 for warmest year on record, even though we were at a solar minimum and La Niña was a cooling factor in the second half of the year. Temperature records were set not just in Russia but in no fewer than 19 countries, covering a fifth of the world’s land area. And both droughts and floods are natural consequences of a warming world: droughts because it’s hotter, floods because warm oceans release more water vapor.
As always, you can’t attribute any one weather event to greenhouse gases. But the pattern we’re seeing, with extreme highs and extreme weather in general becoming much more common, is just what you’d expect from climate change.
The usual suspects will, of course, go wild over suggestions that global warming has something to do with the food crisis; those who insist that Ben Bernanke has blood on his hands tend to be more or less the same people who insist that the scientific consensus on climate reflects a vast leftist conspiracy.
But the evidence does, in fact, suggest that what we’re getting now is a first taste of the disruption, economic and political, that we’ll face in a warming world. And given our failure to act on greenhouse gases, there will be much more, and much worse, to come.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Cubefiled Wide Screen
Paying for Nature
By Bryan Walsh TIME magazine
How much are the birds of heaven worth? How about the lilies of the field? Or clean air and water, verdant forests and untouched grassland, healthy coral reefs and lush mangroves? By the environmentalist's accounting, they're invaluable because nature has a worth all its own. But to business, untouched nature typically hasn't had a value--at least not one that could be put in a ledger.
Until now. Many greens--and a growing chorus of corporate suits--are arguing that nature in its own right provides economically valuable services that underpin business. A virgin forest is pleasant to look at, of course, but it also prevents soil erosion and improves water quality at no cost--valuable if you happen to own a beverage plant downstream that depends on clean water. That same forest might provide a habitat for bees, which can pollinate plants in surrounding cropland--a vital function if you run a coffee plantation nearby. By this reckoning, nature provides "ecosystem services"--from clean water to carbon sequestration--whose benefits for business are increasingly measurable in hard, cold dollar figures. "All the things that nature does for us fuel our prosperity," says Peter Kareiva, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy (TNC), a Washington-based environmental group.
Until recently, the concept of ecosystem services was mentioned only in obscure scientific journals, the province of a few ecologists trying to figure out the dollar value of the atmosphere. But the threat of government action on carbon emissions (which now have a price of about $20 a ton on the European market), insistent shareholder pressure on green issues and growing concern over limited natural resources have prompted an increasing number of companies, including giants like Coca-Cola, to examine their ecological numbers just as closely as they would any other part of their balance sheets. Last month, Dow Chemical took the trend to a new level, announcing a five-year, $10 million collaboration with TNC to eventually tally up the ecosystem costs and benefits of every business decision. The Michigan-headquartered company will look to make environmental factors part of its profit-and-loss statements--a move that could signal to other companies that nature can no longer be ignored. "Our planet's natural resources are more and more under threat," says Dow CEO Andrew Liveris. "But protecting nature can be a profitable corporate priority and a smart global business strategy."
Historically, conservationists and corporations were usually on opposite sides of the environmental debate, and few greens wanted to see the nature they loved tainted by consideration of dollar figures. Yet as climate change emerged as a concern in the 1990s--and, with it, the accounting of carbon dioxide emissions--even the deepest green began to understand that nature's value would really be understood only once it was quantified. A 1997 study in the journal Nature attempted to estimate the value of the planet's ecosystem services: forests and oceans, air and climate regulation, even cultural and recreational benefits. The researchers came up with a very rough figure of $33 trillion--nearly twice the global gross national product at the time. (The authors came to that calculation in part by estimating the public's willingness to pay for certain ecosystem services like waste treatment and pollution cleanup.)
The Flowers of the Forest
More recently, scientists working for the U.N.'s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and a just published study, "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity," have drilled down to find hard numbers on specific natural services. Scientists from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) looked at a coffee plantation in Costa Rica and found that flowers near forests received twice as many bee visits and twice as much pollen as flowers far from trees--meaning that extra bee pollination was worth an additional $62,000 a year, or 7% of the farm's income. Razing those trees to allow cattle grazing--a common way to monetize forests in the developing world--would earn only $24,000 a year. "There's a library of similar case studies that show the economic impact of nature conservation," says Taylor Ricketts, WWF's director of conservation science. "We only value something when we measure it."
Dow and TNC have already been involved in a smaller ecosystem-services project in São Paulo, which helped lay the groundwork for their new partnership. Some 9 million people in the city get their drinking water from the nearby Cantareira system in Brazil's Atlantic Forest. The forest has been under pressure from logging, agriculture and ranching for decades, and the resulting deforestation harms both water quality and the wildlife that depends on the forest. (Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, creating turbid water that requires more intensive and expensive treatment downstream.) Conserving the upstream land is a cheaper way of protecting downstream water quality than building costly treatment plants. New York City did this in the 1990s, purchasing or protecting over 70,000 acres (28,000 hectares) of its watershed upstate to avoid the need for a $6 billion treatment plant. So Dow donated $1.5 million through its charitable foundation to support a joint effort with TNC and São Paulo water utilities to restore 865 acres (350 hectares) of forest surrounding the Cachoeira reservoir. Not only will that money protect biodiversity, generate carbon credits and create green jobs for locals living near Cachoeira, but it should also cut the amount of sediment flowing into the water system by over 60%. That will benefit people and businesses in São Paulo--including Dow.
The details of the larger collaboration between TNC and Dow are still being worked out, but Dow will donate $10 million to TNC over the next five years. In exchange, TNC scientists will apply scientific models, biodiversity analysis and ecosystem-services estimates to assess Dow's business decisions. If Dow decides to build or expand a plant, TNC will be able to advise the company about the economic value of the ecosystem impacts of those plans, positive and negative. The partnership will begin with pilot programs at three Dow manufacturing plants--at least one of which will be in the U.S.--but the ultimate aim is to make ecosystem services an essential part of Dow's entire business model. Numbers are hard to come by, in part because the collaboration is meant to generate fresh data on ecosystem services, but Liveris sees that $10 million as an investment in Dow's future--one he expects will pay off by preparing the company for the prospect of tighter environmental regulations and scarcer natural resources. "I think that in 10 years we'll look back and wonder why we didn't do this earlier," he says.
Both Dow and TNC expect water to be the initial focus of the collaboration. As ecosystem services go, water is the closest to actually being part of a market--although its low price rarely reflects its true value. And Dow's chemical plants are unusually dependent on water--a fact the company's leadership has begun to recognize. Since 2007, the Dow production plant in Terneuzen, a city in the southwestern Netherlands, has recycled 2.6 million gal. (9.8 million L) of municipal wastewater a day for its operations--cheaper and greener than tapping river water. "If you have insufficient water, it can stress the ecosystem, and it can cause production problems," says Neil Hawkins, Dow's vice president of sustainability and environment. "Understanding those impacts can help us make better decisions."
The Dow-TNC collaboration is just the latest piece of business news to suggest that environmental responsibility and corporate success aren't always opposed. In 2007, Goldman Sachs released a landmark report showing that companies that were considered leaders in environmental, social and governance policies tended to outperform the general stock market and their peers. Other major international companies have begun experimenting with ecosystem services. Coca-Cola has invested nearly $30 million in watershed programs around the world, replenishing for communities and nature the equivalent of 31% of the water used in its finished beverages in 2010. SABMiller is working with TNC in Bogotá to protect the basin that provides the Colombian capital with much of its drinking water. SABMiller's Colombian subsidiary, along with several other Bogotá businesses, has begun paying to protect the watershed and ensure a supply of clean water. So far they've spent about $700,000, and estimates are that the investment will pay off--through reduced water-treatment costs--in four to five years. "In the past, the big concern for companies on the environment was just to avoid risk," says Glenn Prickett, TNC's chief external-affairs officer and the point person for the Dow deal. "The difference is now they can look at nature as a source of business values."
If it all sounds too good to be true--or too fuzzy--it's because ecosystem services are just being defined as a concept. Services beyond water--like biodiversity--are harder to price, and corporations will not stop pushing back Against Government Environmental Regulations Consider They onerous. But in a world with a growing population and demand for resources, smart companies will learn to value ecosystem services, not just exploit Them. "It's not a choice to play a zero-sum game anymore," says Liveris. "The economy and the environment are interdependence." And they're united by one color: green.
By Bryan Walsh TIME magazine
How much are the birds of heaven worth? How about the lilies of the field? Or clean air and water, verdant forests and untouched grassland, healthy coral reefs and lush mangroves? By the environmentalist's accounting, they're invaluable because nature has a worth all its own. But to business, untouched nature typically hasn't had a value--at least not one that could be put in a ledger.
Until now. Many greens--and a growing chorus of corporate suits--are arguing that nature in its own right provides economically valuable services that underpin business. A virgin forest is pleasant to look at, of course, but it also prevents soil erosion and improves water quality at no cost--valuable if you happen to own a beverage plant downstream that depends on clean water. That same forest might provide a habitat for bees, which can pollinate plants in surrounding cropland--a vital function if you run a coffee plantation nearby. By this reckoning, nature provides "ecosystem services"--from clean water to carbon sequestration--whose benefits for business are increasingly measurable in hard, cold dollar figures. "All the things that nature does for us fuel our prosperity," says Peter Kareiva, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy (TNC), a Washington-based environmental group.
Until recently, the concept of ecosystem services was mentioned only in obscure scientific journals, the province of a few ecologists trying to figure out the dollar value of the atmosphere. But the threat of government action on carbon emissions (which now have a price of about $20 a ton on the European market), insistent shareholder pressure on green issues and growing concern over limited natural resources have prompted an increasing number of companies, including giants like Coca-Cola, to examine their ecological numbers just as closely as they would any other part of their balance sheets. Last month, Dow Chemical took the trend to a new level, announcing a five-year, $10 million collaboration with TNC to eventually tally up the ecosystem costs and benefits of every business decision. The Michigan-headquartered company will look to make environmental factors part of its profit-and-loss statements--a move that could signal to other companies that nature can no longer be ignored. "Our planet's natural resources are more and more under threat," says Dow CEO Andrew Liveris. "But protecting nature can be a profitable corporate priority and a smart global business strategy."
Historically, conservationists and corporations were usually on opposite sides of the environmental debate, and few greens wanted to see the nature they loved tainted by consideration of dollar figures. Yet as climate change emerged as a concern in the 1990s--and, with it, the accounting of carbon dioxide emissions--even the deepest green began to understand that nature's value would really be understood only once it was quantified. A 1997 study in the journal Nature attempted to estimate the value of the planet's ecosystem services: forests and oceans, air and climate regulation, even cultural and recreational benefits. The researchers came up with a very rough figure of $33 trillion--nearly twice the global gross national product at the time. (The authors came to that calculation in part by estimating the public's willingness to pay for certain ecosystem services like waste treatment and pollution cleanup.)
The Flowers of the Forest
More recently, scientists working for the U.N.'s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and a just published study, "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity," have drilled down to find hard numbers on specific natural services. Scientists from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) looked at a coffee plantation in Costa Rica and found that flowers near forests received twice as many bee visits and twice as much pollen as flowers far from trees--meaning that extra bee pollination was worth an additional $62,000 a year, or 7% of the farm's income. Razing those trees to allow cattle grazing--a common way to monetize forests in the developing world--would earn only $24,000 a year. "There's a library of similar case studies that show the economic impact of nature conservation," says Taylor Ricketts, WWF's director of conservation science. "We only value something when we measure it."
Dow and TNC have already been involved in a smaller ecosystem-services project in São Paulo, which helped lay the groundwork for their new partnership. Some 9 million people in the city get their drinking water from the nearby Cantareira system in Brazil's Atlantic Forest. The forest has been under pressure from logging, agriculture and ranching for decades, and the resulting deforestation harms both water quality and the wildlife that depends on the forest. (Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, creating turbid water that requires more intensive and expensive treatment downstream.) Conserving the upstream land is a cheaper way of protecting downstream water quality than building costly treatment plants. New York City did this in the 1990s, purchasing or protecting over 70,000 acres (28,000 hectares) of its watershed upstate to avoid the need for a $6 billion treatment plant. So Dow donated $1.5 million through its charitable foundation to support a joint effort with TNC and São Paulo water utilities to restore 865 acres (350 hectares) of forest surrounding the Cachoeira reservoir. Not only will that money protect biodiversity, generate carbon credits and create green jobs for locals living near Cachoeira, but it should also cut the amount of sediment flowing into the water system by over 60%. That will benefit people and businesses in São Paulo--including Dow.
The details of the larger collaboration between TNC and Dow are still being worked out, but Dow will donate $10 million to TNC over the next five years. In exchange, TNC scientists will apply scientific models, biodiversity analysis and ecosystem-services estimates to assess Dow's business decisions. If Dow decides to build or expand a plant, TNC will be able to advise the company about the economic value of the ecosystem impacts of those plans, positive and negative. The partnership will begin with pilot programs at three Dow manufacturing plants--at least one of which will be in the U.S.--but the ultimate aim is to make ecosystem services an essential part of Dow's entire business model. Numbers are hard to come by, in part because the collaboration is meant to generate fresh data on ecosystem services, but Liveris sees that $10 million as an investment in Dow's future--one he expects will pay off by preparing the company for the prospect of tighter environmental regulations and scarcer natural resources. "I think that in 10 years we'll look back and wonder why we didn't do this earlier," he says.
Both Dow and TNC expect water to be the initial focus of the collaboration. As ecosystem services go, water is the closest to actually being part of a market--although its low price rarely reflects its true value. And Dow's chemical plants are unusually dependent on water--a fact the company's leadership has begun to recognize. Since 2007, the Dow production plant in Terneuzen, a city in the southwestern Netherlands, has recycled 2.6 million gal. (9.8 million L) of municipal wastewater a day for its operations--cheaper and greener than tapping river water. "If you have insufficient water, it can stress the ecosystem, and it can cause production problems," says Neil Hawkins, Dow's vice president of sustainability and environment. "Understanding those impacts can help us make better decisions."
The Dow-TNC collaboration is just the latest piece of business news to suggest that environmental responsibility and corporate success aren't always opposed. In 2007, Goldman Sachs released a landmark report showing that companies that were considered leaders in environmental, social and governance policies tended to outperform the general stock market and their peers. Other major international companies have begun experimenting with ecosystem services. Coca-Cola has invested nearly $30 million in watershed programs around the world, replenishing for communities and nature the equivalent of 31% of the water used in its finished beverages in 2010. SABMiller is working with TNC in Bogotá to protect the basin that provides the Colombian capital with much of its drinking water. SABMiller's Colombian subsidiary, along with several other Bogotá businesses, has begun paying to protect the watershed and ensure a supply of clean water. So far they've spent about $700,000, and estimates are that the investment will pay off--through reduced water-treatment costs--in four to five years. "In the past, the big concern for companies on the environment was just to avoid risk," says Glenn Prickett, TNC's chief external-affairs officer and the point person for the Dow deal. "The difference is now they can look at nature as a source of business values."
If it all sounds too good to be true--or too fuzzy--it's because ecosystem services are just being defined as a concept. Services beyond water--like biodiversity--are harder to price, and corporations will not stop pushing back Against Government Environmental Regulations Consider They onerous. But in a world with a growing population and demand for resources, smart companies will learn to value ecosystem services, not just exploit Them. "It's not a choice to play a zero-sum game anymore," says Liveris. "The economy and the environment are interdependence." And they're united by one color: green.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Dermovate In Pregnancy
I just now begin the Cavalier Prosdocimo, that because "every good dance stove", as the Venetians say, if I do not want to bore you all need to see that this will end soon my chatter: And then I decided to reduce to a minimum as still I would say to you, leaving everything that is not absolutely necessary to know.
There is, however, a topic which I will not give up, because it's already been too much neglected to date, and is so important for wine-growing: the argument of the supports of the screw.
may seem strange that the supports have a great importance. And indeed it would be strange if I wanted to say that what with the supports are to significantly increase the production of the vine. But I want to say almost the opposite: that, since backups are not too directly affect the production of the vine, so it is very important for us to find ways to reduce them to a strict minimum, thus saving on every minute spent on this .
Once this matter was of little importance: the vineyards were not very large, very large and were instead the woods, the lumber was cheap and plentiful then. Today, on the contrary are scarce in the woods and vineyards abound. If you add that timber today is new and most important destinations in special industries, if you add that to the cost of labor required to implement and maintain the order the same support, we understand how important it is today, again, to find ways to to economy in this part of the budget wine. To
economy, we must first choose the cheapest support. Do not think that supports the cheapest are the ones that cost less. Also support that you pay very dear Possoni succeed very cheap, when their high cost is offset by a long duration. Therefore, in general you should try to increase the duration of support. Let us see what ways.
Here I should first make a bit 'of distinction between the various supports, and should begin to distinguish live from dead ones. Let's not talk about the living, that is the trees which marries the screw (which is always the best maple) to limit how quickly forces me to those deaths. These can be of wood or of another material. Those wooden poles can be of various species: black locust, willow, chestnut, oak, elm, pine.
one word on one of them: the black locust or false acacia. And it's a word of praise for this plant, as useful as modest. I wish you the coltivaste more than facades. I often see the edges of land unused: embankments and slopes of roads, embankments of canals, the banks of rivers or streams abandoned, because of their unpopular views of the water. Here are many land to be allocated to black locust. It's content with so little. Certainly, on the gravel beds of a river will not give such brilliant results as good farmland, but precisely because that otherwise would not have anything, the black locust becomes valuable.
were saying, then, should try to prolong the life of these poles, which as you know is always more or less brief. I do not intend to talk about all the processes designed for this purpose, I'm happy to recall certain ones. good way is to spread the portion of the post that has to go underground, with the coal tar or even better with the carbolineum. These substances prevent water from entering the land of the poles and make them rot. Good thing, since the large end posts, every two or three years, displacing at the soil surface, clean and dry the stretch near the ground, and then brush with hot tar or pitch, because it is precisely this first section that is underground, which is more susceptible to mold damage and the weather.
A great way to prolong the duration of the poles is then to let them suffer a bath of copper sulfate to the 3 or 5 per cent. Dipping This bathroom, located within a basin of stone or concrete or even wood and left for a week (or if they are too long, is that they must dip first on one side, then the other, left him for a fortnight ), it soaks completely of copper sulphate, which, being a powerful antiseptic, preserves them well to alterations.
A similar treatment with copper sulfate to 3 per cent, is also useful for increasing the length of the barrels.
You know that the barrel is one of the most popular support for the screws, because really many advantages. And that is what hath been often recommended to their wine piece of cane, as the dowry of the vineyard. The board is certainly good for free from the need to buy the barrels on the market, paying sometimes very expensive, but today I would not give it more of a security with the same time, because the barrels are no more, as they were then, in My thanks. They, in fact, on the plus side, they have several drawbacks. First, having a robust necessarily limited, must be used in great numbers, which, besides increasing the cost of the material, makes it the highest annual expenditure of manpower PEL rehabilitation of the rows of scaffolding. Moreover, they are the perfect place for pests to the screw, and especially the pupae moths of the grape. Now, you understand that it is unreasonable to provide our enemies of the comfortable neighborhoods where the winter. So I wish that the use of canes in vineyards go increasingly smaller.
Moreover, even the wooden poles which was mentioned earlier, crack over time, offer to many insects and welcome shelters. And that is what, especially abroad, they banned from vineyards van, van and replacing it with support of other kinds.
Among these, iron plays an important role. Actually, we also iron is widely used today in the form of wires of various size. And 'no need for me to come here to demonstrate all the great utility of the wire to support the vines. Now there is growing region that has not progressed widely adopted. It indeed gives a behind the vineyards remarkable strength combined with an admirable lightness and simplicity.
E 'hardly necessary to recall how you have to use galvanized iron wire or galvanized to prevent rust. Since, however, copper sulphate, used to combat blight, ends with the removal of the zinc coating, so take some unnecessarily incatramatura of these threads. You know that they are measured with gauges of different numbers: the lowest in the vineyards the most widely used is 14. E ' feel good as to give the backs a good solid mind, the wires are taut. This s'ottiene easily with the use of special tensioners, some models are very good to very good purpose.
Today, however, the wire is also being used to make poles for vineyards. The shape and size of these piles vary widely: they are T or L, or round, full or empty, often ending down with a plate which serves to better secure them to the ground and another time instead implants itself into a socket stone or concrete. Sometimes, in order to give greater strength to the posts of head of the rows, arming you with arrows, also in iron, inclined inwards the row. Certainly, these iron poles are excellent, because sturdy, slim elegant, and, if kept well painted, long-lasting. The only drawback, a bit 'serious it is true that they have, is very dear cost. And that is what in Italy is still not widespread, but they are much more in Germany, where the iron is cheaper than us. Knowing, however, get some iron material used can be achieved very substantial economy. Especially well suited in this regard are the iron pipes of old steam boilers, which can have a good condition from the arsenals, by tram company, etc.. And so it is good that the wine know.
then today is a material that is gaining increasing sympathy for the many advantages, it is concrete. The great advantage of the piles of concrete is what can be built on site by the same growers, with a saving of expense.
What is needed to build the concrete posts for vineyards? First a wooden mold, which can be poplar od'abete, held closed by screw bolts, internally and well greased with tallow. Of course, the mold must have the form we want to give to the post. One of the best is that of two truncated pyramid set against the larger base. One of the two pyramids will shorter and more squat: it is one that needs to be underground, the other, longer and thinner, he'll be above ground. The equipment required for the construction of the pile is made up of a good cement mortar Casale slow-setting, mixed with twice or twice and a half of river sand, well washed, well kneaded together with a little water (about 15 parties on percent of mix sand / cement) and three iron bars of 4 or 5 mm in diameter. One begins to roll out the mortar in the mold, compressing it very well with a special iron mallet, then spread over the mortar two dots, then another mortar is poured, it is compressed, there is the third rod, and you finish filling the mold Malta, always squeezing, not excessively.
After 48 hours, the stakes can be extracted from forms. We leave first harden up some horizontal boards, lightly spraying twice a day. Then he stands on end against a wall, and leave for a month. After that you can plant. It is helpful to observe that, since you can not put nails in them, so it is well built, leave holes at the points where you must pass the wire. To leave these holes, just drill hole through the mold and, while filled with mortar, pass the hole for a wire, turning it on itself repeatedly, then pulling it out. The size of
these poles of course vary depending on the effort that they must exercise. Vineyard low overall height varies from m.1, 60 to 2.50, the thickness of 8 to 12 cm. the larger base.
I said that these poles have many good qualities. Constructed by the same grower in the winter when jobs are few, are to cost much less than the iron posts (generally not exceeding one pound each), they are no less resistant to these long-lasting, just when you avoid strike them violently with work tools (plows, picks, hoes). They, too, such as iron, have the advantage over those of wood not to give shelter to the insects and, most they provide solidity at the back of the rows, to greatly reduce the annual cost of rehabilitation of the shoulder line. Here, then, as well as in terms of support, the winemakers have something to learn and little to no progress. After that, I point this evening and send you to bed everyone!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Emu Boots Difference Bronte And Stinger
IF NOT NOW, WHEN? PERUGIA: Sunday, February 13, 2011. Piazza Della Repubblica, 16.30.
February 13: National Day of mobilization of women and men friends of women
women and men participating in the event of SEL
Another Italian history is possible, there is a better Italy for women are not cannon fodder, from illicit trade bodies, the stars only in an establishment by escort.
For this Sunday, Feb. 13 in the square and we adhere to the mobilization promoted by women in defense of their dignity.
There is no possibility of change if we do not start from the voice of freedom for women and if you do not notice the violence, brutality against women is hidden in the grammar and syntax of ordinary relations between men and women, costumes sex in their hierarchy. In the usual sense.
The policy has a big responsibility in front of a country lives lost under his dreams and possibilities of mobilizing February 13 is certainly an important element for building a better Italy.
In Perugia the event will be at 16.30 in Piazza della Repubblica.

February 13: National Day of mobilization of women and men friends of women
women and men participating in the event of SEL
Another Italian history is possible, there is a better Italy for women are not cannon fodder, from illicit trade bodies, the stars only in an establishment by escort.
For this Sunday, Feb. 13 in the square and we adhere to the mobilization promoted by women in defense of their dignity.
There is no possibility of change if we do not start from the voice of freedom for women and if you do not notice the violence, brutality against women is hidden in the grammar and syntax of ordinary relations between men and women, costumes sex in their hierarchy. In the usual sense.
The policy has a big responsibility in front of a country lives lost under his dreams and possibilities of mobilizing February 13 is certainly an important element for building a better Italy.
In Perugia the event will be at 16.30 in Piazza della Repubblica.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Met Art Ekl 0052 Milena
with any past election, a handful of people left of center, always the same, has identified a candidate and imposed, with obvious negative results.
It's time to say enough. We can not afford this time - Will vote in May - that such action is the center-left Assisi is again put in place: we can not once again imposed from accepting a nomination. We also want all the center-left is presented together with the elections. Only in this way we can win.
We therefore needs to be set as soon as possible, without any possibility of further extension, the date of the primaries, to choose - between those who have already proposed and who will be proposed - the person who will be able to represent all the best center sinistranel way.
We urge that the primaries held in Assisi are the only medium that gives the opportunity to sound field in all the energy policy of our party and society to be involved in the choice of who will govern us in the coming years.
The story of the primaries in Assisi for the upcoming municipal elections began in September 2010, at the request of some citizens also supported by some parties.
The PD was then promised in November that would express its own candidate and would have thus been able to carry the primaries.
With another commitment made in December, the PD has set back the date for the primaries in January 2011 for the 15th, referring then to 30. Everything was once again postponed until February 13 but had not yet expressed the PD on a name, you may ask to move the date further.
If it is true that politics is not just a technique for the exercise of power, but it feeds on values, we have the right to participate in the choice of the center-left candidate for mayor of the city where we live and grow our children.
You must pick up the broken threads of communication with society: they need political parties, to recover their role as interpreters of social needs, and citizens feel the need.
We therefore ask you a concrete commitment that we believe is due to the immediate holding of the primaries. And we demand an your prompt response.
We are women of the center-left supporters of Assisi, who is now common for fourteen years is administered by the center-right.
with any past election, a handful of people left of center, always the same, has identified a candidate and imposed, with obvious negative results.
It's time to say enough. We can not afford this time - we will vote in May - that this mode of operation of the center-left Assisi is again put in place: once again we can not accept a nomination imposed from above. We also want all the center-left is presented together with the elections. Only in this way we can win. We therefore
needs to be set as soon as possible, without any possibility of further extension, the date of the primaries, to choose - between those who have already proposed and who will be proposed - the person who will be able to represent the entire center sinistranel best.
We urge that the primaries are launched in Assisi, the only way that makes it possible to deploy all the healthy energies of our party politics and society to be involved in the choice of who will govern us in the coming years.
The story of the primaries in Assisi for the upcoming municipal elections began in September 2010, at the request of some citizens also supported by some parties.
The PD was then promised in November that would express its own candidate and would have thus been able to carry the primaries.
With another commitment made in December, the PD has set back the date for the primaries in January 2011 for the 15th, referring then to 30. Everything was once again postponed until February 13, but the PD had not yet delivered on a name, you may ask to move the date further.
If it is true that politics is not just a technique for the exercise of power, but it feeds on values, we have the right to participate in the choice of the center-left candidate for mayor of the city where we live and grow our children.
You must pick up the broken threads of communication with society: they need political parties, to recover their role as interpreters of social needs, and citizens feel the need.
We therefore ask you a concrete commitment that we believe is due to the immediate holding of the primaries. And we demand an your prompt response.

with any past election, a handful of people left of center, always the same, has identified a candidate and imposed, with obvious negative results.
It's time to say enough. We can not afford this time - Will vote in May - that such action is the center-left Assisi is again put in place: we can not once again imposed from accepting a nomination. We also want all the center-left is presented together with the elections. Only in this way we can win.
We therefore needs to be set as soon as possible, without any possibility of further extension, the date of the primaries, to choose - between those who have already proposed and who will be proposed - the person who will be able to represent all the best center sinistranel way.
We urge that the primaries held in Assisi are the only medium that gives the opportunity to sound field in all the energy policy of our party and society to be involved in the choice of who will govern us in the coming years.
The story of the primaries in Assisi for the upcoming municipal elections began in September 2010, at the request of some citizens also supported by some parties.
The PD was then promised in November that would express its own candidate and would have thus been able to carry the primaries.
With another commitment made in December, the PD has set back the date for the primaries in January 2011 for the 15th, referring then to 30. Everything was once again postponed until February 13 but had not yet expressed the PD on a name, you may ask to move the date further.
If it is true that politics is not just a technique for the exercise of power, but it feeds on values, we have the right to participate in the choice of the center-left candidate for mayor of the city where we live and grow our children.
You must pick up the broken threads of communication with society: they need political parties, to recover their role as interpreters of social needs, and citizens feel the need.
We therefore ask you a concrete commitment that we believe is due to the immediate holding of the primaries. And we demand an your prompt response.
We are women of the center-left supporters of Assisi, who is now common for fourteen years is administered by the center-right.
with any past election, a handful of people left of center, always the same, has identified a candidate and imposed, with obvious negative results.
It's time to say enough. We can not afford this time - we will vote in May - that this mode of operation of the center-left Assisi is again put in place: once again we can not accept a nomination imposed from above. We also want all the center-left is presented together with the elections. Only in this way we can win. We therefore
needs to be set as soon as possible, without any possibility of further extension, the date of the primaries, to choose - between those who have already proposed and who will be proposed - the person who will be able to represent the entire center sinistranel best.
We urge that the primaries are launched in Assisi, the only way that makes it possible to deploy all the healthy energies of our party politics and society to be involved in the choice of who will govern us in the coming years.
The story of the primaries in Assisi for the upcoming municipal elections began in September 2010, at the request of some citizens also supported by some parties.
The PD was then promised in November that would express its own candidate and would have thus been able to carry the primaries.
With another commitment made in December, the PD has set back the date for the primaries in January 2011 for the 15th, referring then to 30. Everything was once again postponed until February 13, but the PD had not yet delivered on a name, you may ask to move the date further.
If it is true that politics is not just a technique for the exercise of power, but it feeds on values, we have the right to participate in the choice of the center-left candidate for mayor of the city where we live and grow our children.
You must pick up the broken threads of communication with society: they need political parties, to recover their role as interpreters of social needs, and citizens feel the need.
We therefore ask you a concrete commitment that we believe is due to the immediate holding of the primaries. And we demand an your prompt response.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Power Of Attroney Sbi India
Bastia Umbra: SQUARE GOES ON THE MOBILIZATION of the center.

parties of the center confirmed the favorable reception by the citizens of the petition against the reopening to traffic of Piazza Mazzini, as evidenced by the already large number of signatures collected.
The center believes that the square is a central issue in the current debate politico-administrative, maintain the initiative taken and will continue to hold a short conference-debate on the old town of Bastia, in the presence of professionals urban culture and the world.
parties of the center raises a series of reflections on the role of political-cultural city of Bastia and its historic center, in contrast to the positions indicated in press reports, lack of perspective and linked to a vision of personal interest.
And you agree with the reopening to traffic of the streets?
a Centre-Left Bastia Umbra
Ecology LibertàItalia ValoriPartito DemocraticoSinistra CriticaPartito of the Socialist Party of Italy ComunistaPD PRC, IDV, PRC, SEL, Psi, Sinistra Critica
Monday, February 7, 2011
The center believes that the square is a central issue in the current debate politico-administrative, maintain the initiative taken and will continue to hold a short conference-debate on the old town of Bastia, in the presence of professionals urban culture and the world.
parties of the center raises a series of reflections on the role of political-cultural city of Bastia and its historic center, in contrast to the positions indicated in press reports, lack of perspective and linked to a vision of personal interest.
And you agree with the reopening to traffic of the streets?
a Centre-Left Bastia Umbra
Ecology LibertàItalia ValoriPartito DemocraticoSinistra CriticaPartito of the Socialist Party of Italy ComunistaPD PRC, IDV, PRC, SEL, Psi, Sinistra Critica
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Funky Silver Wallpaper
fourteenth fifteenth bet bet bet
last evening, began the Knight, as we have seen to be working the soil of the vineyard, we see tonight should be like being fertilized. Jobs and fertilizers, in fact, are necessary to keep it in good condition. A premise. It 's true that fertilizers are necessary for life? This is a question that you might happen to hear do, while not v'accadrà ask to hear from you if you need to fertilize corn, ol'orto, etc.. Why?
Why do some farmers argue that some vineyards, not fertilized for many years, also pulled out, while it does not happen in a field of maize, potato od'un'aiuola, etc.. But I hasten to reply that it is necessary to fertilize the vine. That it is a plant that is able well to exploit the resources are scarce land, to bear it better than other plants, especially grasses, hunger is undeniable, but in the long term effects of hunger has sad for the screw, it should decline and decreasing the product can be fertilized is equally true. He has
the lives that often become abundant fertilizer plant, using materials of low impact, so for a number of years it suffers the beneficent influence. But today is better not to exaggerate these fertilizer plant, which frequently involve a huge expense, and instead rather largheggiare, and frequently, in the regular fertilizing.
However, today more than once the vineyard deve'esser fertilized, it is because we want to get the best product possible, and because it now has to contend with enemies more numerous and powerful than before: and so it must be robust and well-equipped to resist their assaults.
Let's see exactly what is needed to screw in materials fertilizers. You know that the main elements that we must give our plants by means of fertilizers are:
nitrogen, phosphorus (or rather, the phosphorus pentoxide), potash and lime. This many times we do not need to add: in any case it costs very little. Not so for the other three elements, which cost much more expensive. Now, the screw needs large amounts of potash and nitrogen, and significantly lower amounts of phosphorus pentoxide. That would believe that we should give much more with the fertilization of the first two elements and third. Now this is not. Since one must remember that almost all of our land is very low in phosphorus pentoxide, while those who are not as rare fairly rich in potassium. That's why a good fertilizer in the vineyard should always include the full dose of phosphorus pentoxide. That said, let's see in what ways we can provide the food that takes lives. With two kinds of fertilizers: natural and artificial (the latter most often hear them call "chemical").
Let us start from the beginning, and the most important and best known of them: the manure. I take my hat to this fertilizer, which was also known as "King of fertilizers. A king rather smelly, but it does not matter ... But we add that, precisely because the manure can find many useful applications in our business, it is better not to waste too much of the vineyards. Manure, in fact, is not the most suitable fertilizer for the vines. It is too rich too poor in nitrogen and phosphorus pentoxide, so that helps too and the vegetation, even where they dramatically increase production, but rather worsens the quality of the product. E 'for this reason that once it was assumed that the fertilization of the vineyards go to the expense of product quality. Today this can be avoided with fertilizers chemical, but it still remains true that you use excessive amounts of manure. At most, the manure will be cheaper for fertilizing planting the vineyard. For these doses will be needed quite strong, ranging from 500 to 1,000 kilos per hectare, and more, depending on the vineyard is more or less intensive.
The drawback to such strong doses of manure may be spending too much that you must meet if the manure is more expensive than the costs. In general we may conclude that the manure is too expensive, when you have to pay more than a penny per quintal. When it is (as in more than one region intensely vitifera), then we can minimize the fertilization planting with manure, rather than supplementing it with generous doses of chemical fertilizers.
But where the manure is abundant and has very low n value, then you can also use it for fertilizing the vineyard regular adult, always, however, be sure not to exceed, and to correct it by adding phosphate fertilizers. Remember to always agree that the manure will add a good dose of gypsum (6 / 8 quintals per hectare), as has been shown that this will greatly increase the beneficial effects of manure.
In most cases, the fertilization of the vine should do it with chemicals. They, unlike the manure, when they are selected and proportioned right fit, not only increase the amount of the product, but also improve its quality.
But of course, must know how to use well. Must first know that you're the kind of well you have to fertilize the land, to learn what elements most lacking. This is a difficult point, and you do well that will analyze your soil.
Assuming you well know, you have to choose fertilizers. Some of them are nitrogen: such is the sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, this, that the calcium cyanamide. I am ready for all of fertilizers effect: most of all nitrate, sulphate least. Therefore, to prevent the water from the soil asportino them, you should not use them too soon. The nitrate of soda from a spring, Ammonium sulphate may be given in autumn but better half in the fall, half in spring. The calcium is given at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Of these various fertilizers if they use 1 to 2 pounds, 2.5 at most, per hectare of vineyard.
Other chemical fertilizers are essential to life are the ones phosphate. The most commonly used are the basic slag and mineral superphosphate. The first action is slower than the second, but are perfect for the screw, the screw being a woody plant, then you can also use a little fertilizer rapid. They are especially suitable for those poor soils of limestone, rich in organic matter. They absolutely must be used in the fall, if you want the plant does not take long to feel the benefit. Superphosphates also can be distributed in the fall, but you can also use a fine spring. Slag it will take 4 to 8 tons per hectare; superphosphates 3 to 6.
potassic fertilizers are the most common sulfate and potassium chloride. Actually you could also consider non leached wood ash, which is a good material (an estimated 5 tons of it on average equivalent to a potassium sulphate), the Kaine, who is a salt that is obtained directly from mines, and so it is very unclean. But the most convenient of all is the potassium sulphate. It 's a fertilizer can be easily used by plants. May be given in autumn or early spring, in doses ranging from 1.5 to 3 tons per hectare. Land that is less need avran clay soils, because they are already quite naturally equipped with potash. How much did you
fertilizer limestone, not very often that they need to make a real administration, because usually the land of vineyards are sufficiently equipped with limestone. However, if necessary, you may be given in abundance and cheaply through the usual lime bricklayers, or through the plaster.
And now some words about the administration of these chemical fertilizers. First they must be mixed together before use. Better to do these mixes themselves, adjusting, com'ho said, than running in determining the amount depending on the nature of the terrain. And so it is, and for other reasons, do not recommend that you use those so-called "complete fertilizers for vine" which is available commercially. At best guess, they will be there to cost twice what you are worth based fertilizers containing materials. As for the distribution, if it is very thick vines can be done uniformly or broadcaster sprint (best first fertilizers have been added a few pounds of fine soil or sand to increase the volume). If the rows are more distant from each other, you dig a ditch above and below the log, or make four holes with a hoe, and in the ditches or holes is distributed in the mixing of fertilizers. When the time to spread them, as we have indicated before.
In fact the fertilization of the vineyard but there is another system, on which I would insist if time was short: I allude to the green manure legumes. It allows us to bring you into the ground element that is most expensive of all: namely nitrogen. Indeed you know how the plants are legumes that improve the soil, and how, after having cultivated plants that are obtained following the production most abundant. It is, therefore, to sow some good in between rows of leguminous vines, which can make it grow more prosperous, until he has come into bloom, and then, instead of pick it up, bury it and what a good job. Imagine that with a good green manure can be carried in soil from 100 to 200 kg. Of nitrogen per hectare, and when you think it fertilizers, you pay almost two cents from the Kg understand what sort of convenience will be adopting this practice. It will be more appropriate in all cases where the soil of the vineyard is very poor in organic matter, so would agree to add a little, and you do not have manure at low prices, or the transport of fertilizer this succeeds very expensive and uncomfortable, as in certain regions hilly, poorly supplied with roads.
but will provide you with good results from manure run it wisely. E 'must first choose a good legume that adapts well to our vineyard. Good legume that lend themselves to this end there are not few. One of these is the beans, it adapts especially to clay soils: however, it suffers from the strong winter cold, so Northern Italy is often necessary to wait to sow it in late February. Pimps in the land can use to good effect on clover, sown late September, and green manure in the beginning of spring. Very rustic, and therefore also suitable for poor soils and dry, is the old invernenga, although it is sown in autumn and green manure in late spring.
poor land of limestone is good white lupine. Then there is often convenient to sow a mixture of two or three of these plants, so it is more likely that at least one of them comes out well. The choice of a good legume is not enough: we must also think of proper fertilization.
Since we must not forget that the pulses can not provide for themselves other than nitrogen, but not the potassium or phosphorus pentoxide or lime. You will then be given to the soil before planting of these plants, 3 to 4 pounds of superphosphate per hectare from 1.5 to 2.5 tons of potassium sulphate, 4 to 6 tons of gypsum. Only then will our legume vegetation, and spring, came into flower, they can give us an excellent green manure. It 'also important to remember that the planting of these legumes is best done in alternating rows, running the green manure over the vineyard in two years. Thus can more easily perform various farming operations to the screw without having to walk on the green manure plants.
The work of green manure can be done by hand with a spade, or with a plow. However, He must be a deeper work than normal, having to bury all these plants, they may well decompose.
For this reason, the green manure is a practice to be done at intervals, and should be alternated with the chemical fertilizer. But, again, is a good practice, which should spread much more in our wine regions, even as it increases the amount of product without worsening the quality, like other organic fertilizers.
But the hour is late, and I end up. For another night, then, my friends.
last evening, began the Knight, as we have seen to be working the soil of the vineyard, we see tonight should be like being fertilized. Jobs and fertilizers, in fact, are necessary to keep it in good condition. A premise. It 's true that fertilizers are necessary for life? This is a question that you might happen to hear do, while not v'accadrà ask to hear from you if you need to fertilize corn, ol'orto, etc.. Why?
Why do some farmers argue that some vineyards, not fertilized for many years, also pulled out, while it does not happen in a field of maize, potato od'un'aiuola, etc.. But I hasten to reply that it is necessary to fertilize the vine. That it is a plant that is able well to exploit the resources are scarce land, to bear it better than other plants, especially grasses, hunger is undeniable, but in the long term effects of hunger has sad for the screw, it should decline and decreasing the product can be fertilized is equally true. He has
the lives that often become abundant fertilizer plant, using materials of low impact, so for a number of years it suffers the beneficent influence. But today is better not to exaggerate these fertilizer plant, which frequently involve a huge expense, and instead rather largheggiare, and frequently, in the regular fertilizing.
However, today more than once the vineyard deve'esser fertilized, it is because we want to get the best product possible, and because it now has to contend with enemies more numerous and powerful than before: and so it must be robust and well-equipped to resist their assaults.
Let's see exactly what is needed to screw in materials fertilizers. You know that the main elements that we must give our plants by means of fertilizers are:
nitrogen, phosphorus (or rather, the phosphorus pentoxide), potash and lime. This many times we do not need to add: in any case it costs very little. Not so for the other three elements, which cost much more expensive. Now, the screw needs large amounts of potash and nitrogen, and significantly lower amounts of phosphorus pentoxide. That would believe that we should give much more with the fertilization of the first two elements and third. Now this is not. Since one must remember that almost all of our land is very low in phosphorus pentoxide, while those who are not as rare fairly rich in potassium. That's why a good fertilizer in the vineyard should always include the full dose of phosphorus pentoxide. That said, let's see in what ways we can provide the food that takes lives. With two kinds of fertilizers: natural and artificial (the latter most often hear them call "chemical").
Let us start from the beginning, and the most important and best known of them: the manure. I take my hat to this fertilizer, which was also known as "King of fertilizers. A king rather smelly, but it does not matter ... But we add that, precisely because the manure can find many useful applications in our business, it is better not to waste too much of the vineyards. Manure, in fact, is not the most suitable fertilizer for the vines. It is too rich too poor in nitrogen and phosphorus pentoxide, so that helps too and the vegetation, even where they dramatically increase production, but rather worsens the quality of the product. E 'for this reason that once it was assumed that the fertilization of the vineyards go to the expense of product quality. Today this can be avoided with fertilizers chemical, but it still remains true that you use excessive amounts of manure. At most, the manure will be cheaper for fertilizing planting the vineyard. For these doses will be needed quite strong, ranging from 500 to 1,000 kilos per hectare, and more, depending on the vineyard is more or less intensive.
The drawback to such strong doses of manure may be spending too much that you must meet if the manure is more expensive than the costs. In general we may conclude that the manure is too expensive, when you have to pay more than a penny per quintal. When it is (as in more than one region intensely vitifera), then we can minimize the fertilization planting with manure, rather than supplementing it with generous doses of chemical fertilizers.
But where the manure is abundant and has very low n value, then you can also use it for fertilizing the vineyard regular adult, always, however, be sure not to exceed, and to correct it by adding phosphate fertilizers. Remember to always agree that the manure will add a good dose of gypsum (6 / 8 quintals per hectare), as has been shown that this will greatly increase the beneficial effects of manure.
In most cases, the fertilization of the vine should do it with chemicals. They, unlike the manure, when they are selected and proportioned right fit, not only increase the amount of the product, but also improve its quality.
But of course, must know how to use well. Must first know that you're the kind of well you have to fertilize the land, to learn what elements most lacking. This is a difficult point, and you do well that will analyze your soil.
Assuming you well know, you have to choose fertilizers. Some of them are nitrogen: such is the sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, this, that the calcium cyanamide. I am ready for all of fertilizers effect: most of all nitrate, sulphate least. Therefore, to prevent the water from the soil asportino them, you should not use them too soon. The nitrate of soda from a spring, Ammonium sulphate may be given in autumn but better half in the fall, half in spring. The calcium is given at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Of these various fertilizers if they use 1 to 2 pounds, 2.5 at most, per hectare of vineyard.
Other chemical fertilizers are essential to life are the ones phosphate. The most commonly used are the basic slag and mineral superphosphate. The first action is slower than the second, but are perfect for the screw, the screw being a woody plant, then you can also use a little fertilizer rapid. They are especially suitable for those poor soils of limestone, rich in organic matter. They absolutely must be used in the fall, if you want the plant does not take long to feel the benefit. Superphosphates also can be distributed in the fall, but you can also use a fine spring. Slag it will take 4 to 8 tons per hectare; superphosphates 3 to 6.
potassic fertilizers are the most common sulfate and potassium chloride. Actually you could also consider non leached wood ash, which is a good material (an estimated 5 tons of it on average equivalent to a potassium sulphate), the Kaine, who is a salt that is obtained directly from mines, and so it is very unclean. But the most convenient of all is the potassium sulphate. It 's a fertilizer can be easily used by plants. May be given in autumn or early spring, in doses ranging from 1.5 to 3 tons per hectare. Land that is less need avran clay soils, because they are already quite naturally equipped with potash. How much did you
fertilizer limestone, not very often that they need to make a real administration, because usually the land of vineyards are sufficiently equipped with limestone. However, if necessary, you may be given in abundance and cheaply through the usual lime bricklayers, or through the plaster.
And now some words about the administration of these chemical fertilizers. First they must be mixed together before use. Better to do these mixes themselves, adjusting, com'ho said, than running in determining the amount depending on the nature of the terrain. And so it is, and for other reasons, do not recommend that you use those so-called "complete fertilizers for vine" which is available commercially. At best guess, they will be there to cost twice what you are worth based fertilizers containing materials. As for the distribution, if it is very thick vines can be done uniformly or broadcaster sprint (best first fertilizers have been added a few pounds of fine soil or sand to increase the volume). If the rows are more distant from each other, you dig a ditch above and below the log, or make four holes with a hoe, and in the ditches or holes is distributed in the mixing of fertilizers. When the time to spread them, as we have indicated before.
In fact the fertilization of the vineyard but there is another system, on which I would insist if time was short: I allude to the green manure legumes. It allows us to bring you into the ground element that is most expensive of all: namely nitrogen. Indeed you know how the plants are legumes that improve the soil, and how, after having cultivated plants that are obtained following the production most abundant. It is, therefore, to sow some good in between rows of leguminous vines, which can make it grow more prosperous, until he has come into bloom, and then, instead of pick it up, bury it and what a good job. Imagine that with a good green manure can be carried in soil from 100 to 200 kg. Of nitrogen per hectare, and when you think it fertilizers, you pay almost two cents from the Kg understand what sort of convenience will be adopting this practice. It will be more appropriate in all cases where the soil of the vineyard is very poor in organic matter, so would agree to add a little, and you do not have manure at low prices, or the transport of fertilizer this succeeds very expensive and uncomfortable, as in certain regions hilly, poorly supplied with roads.
but will provide you with good results from manure run it wisely. E 'must first choose a good legume that adapts well to our vineyard. Good legume that lend themselves to this end there are not few. One of these is the beans, it adapts especially to clay soils: however, it suffers from the strong winter cold, so Northern Italy is often necessary to wait to sow it in late February. Pimps in the land can use to good effect on clover, sown late September, and green manure in the beginning of spring. Very rustic, and therefore also suitable for poor soils and dry, is the old invernenga, although it is sown in autumn and green manure in late spring.
poor land of limestone is good white lupine. Then there is often convenient to sow a mixture of two or three of these plants, so it is more likely that at least one of them comes out well. The choice of a good legume is not enough: we must also think of proper fertilization.
Since we must not forget that the pulses can not provide for themselves other than nitrogen, but not the potassium or phosphorus pentoxide or lime. You will then be given to the soil before planting of these plants, 3 to 4 pounds of superphosphate per hectare from 1.5 to 2.5 tons of potassium sulphate, 4 to 6 tons of gypsum. Only then will our legume vegetation, and spring, came into flower, they can give us an excellent green manure. It 'also important to remember that the planting of these legumes is best done in alternating rows, running the green manure over the vineyard in two years. Thus can more easily perform various farming operations to the screw without having to walk on the green manure plants.
The work of green manure can be done by hand with a spade, or with a plow. However, He must be a deeper work than normal, having to bury all these plants, they may well decompose.
For this reason, the green manure is a practice to be done at intervals, and should be alternated with the chemical fertilizer. But, again, is a good practice, which should spread much more in our wine regions, even as it increases the amount of product without worsening the quality, like other organic fertilizers.
But the hour is late, and I end up. For another night, then, my friends.
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