fourteenth fifteenth bet bet bet last evening, began the Knight, as we have seen to be working the soil of the vineyard, we see tonight should be like being fertilized. Jobs and fertilizers, in fact, are necessary to keep it in good condition. A premise. It 's true that fertilizers are necessary for life? This is a question that you might happen to hear do, while not v'accadrà ask to hear from you if you need to fertilize corn, ol'orto, etc.. Why?
Why do some farmers argue that some vineyards, not fertilized for many years, also pulled out, while it does not happen in a field of maize, potato od'un'aiuola, etc.. But I hasten to reply that it is necessary to fertilize the vine. That it is a plant that is able well to exploit the resources are scarce land, to bear it better than other plants, especially grasses, hunger is undeniable, but in the long term effects of hunger has sad for the screw, it should decline and decreasing the product can be fertilized is equally true. He has
the lives that often become abundant fertilizer plant, using materials of low impact, so for a number of years it suffers the beneficent influence. But today is better not to exaggerate these fertilizer plant, which frequently involve a huge expense, and instead rather largheggiare, and frequently, in the regular fertilizing.
However, today more than once the vineyard deve'esser fertilized, it is because we want to get the best product possible, and because it now has to contend with enemies more numerous and powerful than before: and so it must be robust and well-equipped to resist their assaults.
Let's see exactly what is needed to screw in materials fertilizers. You know that the main elements that we must give our plants by means of fertilizers are:
nitrogen, phosphorus (or rather, the phosphorus pentoxide), potash and lime. This many times we do not need to add: in any case it costs very little. Not so for the other three elements, which cost much more expensive.
Now, the screw needs large amounts of potash and nitrogen, and significantly lower amounts of phosphorus pentoxide. That would believe that we should give much more with the fertilization of the first two elements and third. Now this is not. Since one must remember that almost all of our land is very low in phosphorus pentoxide, while those who are not as rare fairly rich in potassium. That's why a good fertilizer in the vineyard should always include the full dose of phosphorus pentoxide. That said, let's see in what ways we can provide the food that takes lives. With two kinds of fertilizers: natural and artificial (the latter most often hear them call "chemical").
Let us start from the beginning, and the most important and best known of them: the manure. I take my hat to this fertilizer, which was also known as "King of fertilizers. A king rather smelly, but it does not matter ... But we add that, precisely because the manure can find many useful applications in our business, it is better not to waste too much of the vineyards. Manure, in fact, is not the most suitable fertilizer for the vines. It is too rich too poor in nitrogen and phosphorus pentoxide, so that helps too and the vegetation, even where they dramatically increase production, but rather worsens the quality of the product. E 'for this reason that once it was assumed that the fertilization of the vineyards go to the expense of product quality.
Today this can be avoided with fertilizers chemical, but it still remains true that you use excessive amounts of manure. At most, the manure will be cheaper for fertilizing planting the vineyard. For these doses will be needed quite strong, ranging from 500 to 1,000 kilos per hectare, and more, depending on the vineyard is more or less intensive.
The drawback to such strong doses of manure may be spending too much that you must meet if the manure is more expensive than the costs. In general we may conclude that the manure is too expensive, when you have to pay more than a penny per quintal. When it is (as in more than one region intensely vitifera), then we can minimize the fertilization planting with manure, rather than supplementing it with generous doses of chemical fertilizers.
But where the manure is abundant and has very low n value, then you can also use it for fertilizing the vineyard regular adult, always, however, be sure not to exceed, and to correct it by adding phosphate fertilizers. Remember to always agree that the manure will add a good dose of gypsum (6 / 8 quintals per hectare), as has been shown that this will greatly increase the beneficial effects of manure.
In most cases, the fertilization of the vine should do it with chemicals. They, unlike the manure, when they are selected and proportioned right fit, not only increase the amount of the product, but also improve its quality.
But of course, must know how to use well. Must first know that you're the kind of well you have to fertilize the land, to learn what elements most lacking. This is a difficult point, and you do well that will analyze your soil.
Assuming you well know, you have to choose fertilizers. Some of them are nitrogen: such is the sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, this, that the calcium cyanamide. I am ready for all of fertilizers effect: most of all nitrate, sulphate least. Therefore, to prevent the water from the soil asportino them, you should not use them too soon. The nitrate of soda from a spring, Ammonium sulphate may be given in autumn but better half in the fall, half in spring. The calcium is given at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Of these various fertilizers if they use 1 to 2 pounds, 2.5 at most, per hectare of vineyard.
Other chemical fertilizers are essential to life are the ones phosphate. The most commonly used are the basic slag and mineral superphosphate. The first action is slower than the second, but are perfect for the screw, the screw being a woody plant, then you can also use a little fertilizer rapid. They are especially suitable for those poor soils of limestone, rich in organic matter. They absolutely must be used in the fall, if you want the plant does not take long to feel the benefit. Superphosphates also can be distributed in the fall, but you can also use a fine spring. Slag it will take 4 to 8 tons per hectare; superphosphates 3 to 6.
potassic fertilizers are the most common sulfate and potassium chloride. Actually you could also consider non leached wood ash, which is a good material (an estimated 5 tons of it on average equivalent to a potassium sulphate), the Kaine, who is a salt that is obtained directly from mines, and so it is very unclean. But the most convenient of all is the potassium sulphate. It 's a fertilizer can be easily used by plants. May be given in autumn or early spring, in doses ranging from 1.5 to 3 tons per hectare. Land that is less need avran clay soils, because they are already quite naturally equipped with potash. How much did you
fertilizer limestone, not very often that they need to make a real administration, because usually the land of vineyards are sufficiently equipped with limestone. However, if necessary, you may be given in abundance and cheaply through the usual lime bricklayers, or through the plaster.
And now some words about the administration of these chemical fertilizers. First they must be mixed together before use. Better to do these mixes themselves, adjusting, com'ho said, than running in determining the amount depending on the nature of the terrain. And so it is, and for other reasons, do not recommend that you use those so-called "complete fertilizers for vine" which is available commercially. At best guess, they will be there to cost twice what you are worth based fertilizers containing materials. As for the distribution, if it is very thick vines can be done uniformly or broadcaster sprint (best first fertilizers have been added a few pounds of fine soil or sand to increase the volume). If the rows are more distant from each other, you dig a ditch above and below the log, or make four holes with a hoe, and in the ditches or holes is distributed in the mixing of fertilizers. When the time to spread them, as we have indicated before.
In fact the fertilization of the vineyard but there is another system, on which I would insist if time was short: I allude to the green manure legumes. It allows us to bring you into the ground element that is most expensive of all: namely nitrogen. Indeed you know how the plants are legumes that improve the soil, and how, after having cultivated plants that are obtained following the production most abundant.
It is, therefore, to sow some good in between rows of leguminous vines, which can make it grow more prosperous, until he has come into bloom, and then, instead of pick it up, bury it and what a good job. Imagine that with a good green manure can be carried in soil from 100 to 200 kg. Of nitrogen per hectare, and when you think it fertilizers, you pay almost two cents from the Kg understand what sort of convenience will be adopting this practice. It will be more appropriate in all cases where the soil of the vineyard is very poor in organic matter, so would agree to add a little, and you do not have manure at low prices, or the transport of fertilizer this succeeds very expensive and uncomfortable, as in certain regions hilly, poorly supplied with roads.
but will provide you with good results from manure run it wisely. E 'must first choose a good legume that adapts well to our vineyard. Good legume that lend themselves to this end there are not few. One of these is the beans, it adapts especially to clay soils: however, it suffers from the strong winter cold, so Northern Italy is often necessary to wait to sow it in late February. Pimps in the land can use to good effect on clover, sown late September, and green manure in the beginning of spring. Very rustic, and therefore also suitable for poor soils and dry, is the old invernenga, although it is sown in autumn and green manure in late spring.
poor land of limestone is good white lupine. Then there is often convenient to sow a mixture of two or three of these plants, so it is more likely that at least one of them comes out well. The choice of a good legume is not enough: we must also think of proper fertilization.
Since we must not forget that the pulses can not provide for themselves other than nitrogen, but not the potassium or phosphorus pentoxide or lime. You will then be given to the soil before planting of these plants, 3 to 4 pounds of superphosphate per hectare from 1.5 to 2.5 tons of potassium sulphate, 4 to 6 tons of gypsum. Only then will our legume vegetation, and spring, came into flower, they can give us an excellent green manure. It 'also important to remember that the planting of these legumes is best done in alternating rows, running the green manure over the vineyard in two years. Thus can more easily perform various farming operations to the screw without having to walk on the green manure plants.
The work of green manure can be done by hand with a spade, or with a plow. However, He must be a deeper work than normal, having to bury all these plants, they may well decompose.
For this reason, the green manure is a practice to be done at intervals, and should be alternated with the chemical fertilizer. But, again, is a good practice, which should spread much more in our wine regions, even as it increases the amount of product without worsening the quality, like other organic fertilizers.
But the hour is late, and I end up. For another night, then, my friends.