Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hindu Swastika Bracelet

'a better Italy. RACCONTACELA TU.


First the attack on the Web with a brand new website. The people invited to the slogan to become the president of Puglia, the candidate of the center of Matthew Pucciarelli

ROME - It 's officially broken the electoral machine that allowed Nichi Vendola to win twice in Puglia, the primary center and then to the local tradition. Although this time is much higher ambition: to become the premier candidate of the center and then, perhaps, beat Berlusconi. The campaign for "Vendola president" started officially on Monday: a completely new website, posters and billboards 1 in Italian cities.
Internet First - The web has always been and will be even more of the battlefield for the beloved president of Left Ecology and Freedom. From Facebook, where Vendola is the most popular Italian political leader with over 350 thousand fans. And where on time, four or five times a day, Vendola writes his impressions of politics and surroundings ("I think ..."), attached newspaper articles and post photos. One way to intercept and especially the young - not a small thing - at no cost.
The watchwords - The slogan that is setting the pace in the campaign is "There is a better Italy." The other leitmotif will be just users of the internet and then present them to choose on 2. "Is there anyone - it is written on the website of Liberty and the Left - who believes in the magic wand, is there anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough know how to find, just give her confidence, just help raise the head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. There is an Italy on the roofs of the best universities in the classrooms of public schools, next to a cradle, queue at a supermarket, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in makeshift houses, in libraries, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. "Well," there is a better Italy made up of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty to the comfort of cleverness. The themes of the campaign will be: more work and less precarious, no to nuclear power and yes to renewable energy, public water, more money for research and culture. The rise of
Sel - The political moment to officially launch a campaign in semi-election is not chosen at random. Polls give Sel growing between 6 and 8%, according to the center-left party after the Democratic Party. With IDV just bypassed. A month ago there was the victory of the candidate in the primaries Milanese "blessed" by Vendola, Giuliano Pisapia. The other primary
- In Meanwhile the Left and Freedom has been set in motion to win two more challenges within the center, as the candidate for mayor of Bologna and Naples. In Bologna is the Catholic left Frascaroli Amelia, and very active participation in prodiana doc. While in that field on the former President of Puglia tip magistrate Libero Mancuso. In both cases - as it did the same and then Vendola Pisapia - choices that have caught off guard the local leaders of the Democratic Party, unable to find a name that would put all agree.

December 15, 2010 The Republic

Kates Playground Heel


I'm afraid that, translated into Italian, a bit confused this reformulation strategy Bersani mean annexation of Pd in \u200b\u200bthe third pole. " For Nichi Vendola, leader of Sel, the turning of the Secretary of the Democratic Party is "the triumph of pure abstraction. We are on the metaphysics of tactics. " "I have no opposition to expanding the center - Vendola said in an interview with Corriere della Sera - but it's hard to imagine that we continue to repeat an intention or a statement of principle, when the point is the availability of others." "I want to discuss with the moderates - he continues - but I also want prevent the left hand over his hands up, like a final surrender. " "I can not believe that our freedom and ecology of the Left and the Democratic Party do not go together, I hope that we will meet all of the ribbon cutting of the alternative site," hopes the governor of Puglia. The dissolution of the Pd Sel, advocated by the former coordinator of the Democrats Bettini, "I prefer to taste a carrot that take a beating in the head, however - he said - is a little difficult for me to be from time to time for some food left the Count Ugolino or the subject of a fast recruitment to Pd. In the interview Vendola back to criticize the position of the primary Bersani. "They have become bulbs as Christmas is on and off AC because they make a little afraid, they contain a power antioligarchica "he says. "The primaries are a vital element of the center. If they do not cancel are insulting me, breaking a crucial link with the people, and I do not think that is the majority sentiment among voters. " The left, complains, "it's already cracked a thousand times for having bartered the horizon of the alternative with the stools of alternation." Vendola expresses esteem for Casini. However, he adds, "the DC was different. A minimum of secular pride is not a lack of respect for the Church. "

BERSANI: "DO NOT chase CASINI" "Who is tracking against Vendola Casini and other such convoluted political nature did not understand a pipe." It points out the Secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani in an interview with 'The Unit'. "The policy applies to all emergency-adds-the forces of the center-left and center forces that are placed in opposition, the social forces. We appeal to all these forces, then each will. We want to close accounts with Berlusconi and with that plebiscite democracy and populist Berlusconi or replace with something that maybe looks like him? "As the primaries," there is a program that you form a coalition and then the coalition to decide on the primary . It is not that the coalition parties agree in advance the primaries. Accepted the program, it is logical that is. Then there is-well-separate the question of how the Democratic Party as such deals with the primaries in different administrative situations. There are things corregere salvagurdare just for the primaries and not lost. But Bersani-end-this is an issue for the Democratic Party ".

VENDOLA: BERLUSCONI TO STOP EVEN LEFT "" We should not get rid of Berlusconi needs to be liberated by Berlusconi who is right, is at the center and is also on the left. " This was stated today in Venice Nichi Vendola, invited by Left Ecology and Freedom. For the Vendola Berlusconi is "a disease that runs veins of Italian society. " "If we're unable to field a great political and cultural innovation - said Vendola - I do not think we will be able to live the transition period that is before our eyes with the strength to build a real victory." "Winning does not mean make a stool, a chair: it means turn the page in the country of insecurity and fear - he concluded - I do not think that this is only possible, but it is also necessary." Coordinator for the Environment and Freedom Venetian Left Giampietro Pizzo, who called Vendola in Venice "We must change course because the policy that governs us today is very far from the lives of citizens." A young precarious, who spoke at the beginning of the work, however, proposed that "the weaker categories will change this country"

"NO TO ALCHEMY OF BUILDING" "No, the alchemy of the Palace", in essence Nichi Vendola responds to the demands of its people speaking Venice . "We have to get out in the open: it is cold, and it is an icy chill to the young generation, to the world of work and insecurity," he replies to those who ask in particular what you think of the proposed Di Pietro to run together Bersani. "We have to worry about heat this country - continues - I believe that alliances, coalitions, programs should be a big hug with Italy suffering, which fight and hopes: all the rest seems to me alchemy of the Palace ". When asked how would you rate the alliance equivalent Finian, Vendola replied that "the social subject that has long expected the change sooner or later take the collar this center so afraid of God and men, and cry out loud, very loud , do not be afraid to trust the people of the left and not to field a small modest program for survival, but a great story of change. " "I do not believe in the annexation third prong - added in response to a specific question - I think we need to discuss with the centrists from the breakdown of those social actors who relate the moderates." More explicit: "The third prong of the center over the formula, I have the impression that it is a simple annexation in the third cluster: I frankly - concluded Vendola - I would like to 'attach'. (

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Italian businesses and the crisis

During a conference organized by Fondazione Corriere della Sera, held December 16 and having as its argument, the "re-specialization of firms", valuations have expressed nothing short of staggering.

According to Roberto Colaninno, for example, in this country "we have become too rich, and perhaps we no longer want to work, because we think more rights than duties." The "divestment from work, photographed by Censis, can be cured only with more work, according to the present. "We have to work harder," said Colaninno. But a little 'all interventions have countered those who have become weary "verbal rituals" of an entrepreneurial class, the Italian, who has amply demonstrated that it no longer an innovative vision, and what is worse, not to have more ideas on the future of this country, the dynamics that should lead us out of this terrible recession.

Who, in fact, should work harder? Perhaps the Italian workers who already work more than anyone else?

Yes, because it is known, or at least should be, that the hours worked in a year by the Italian worker amounted to 1773, then a figure very high, well above the European average (an average German worker works 1390 hours per year), and even higher than that of the "celebrated "American workers and Japanese still reach the figures of 1768 and 1714 hours worked annually (source: OECD - 2009). Or maybe

entrepreneurs to become competitive, they think they further reduce the already skinny wages?

Because this is the troubling reality: despite a very high number of hours worked, Italy recorded an average wage that places us with $ 30,794 per capita, the last places in Europe, followed only by Portugal and several Eastern European countries.

Where is then the "dark evil" of this Italy, its low productivity and even more of its poor market penetration?

It lies, of course, the chronic lack of infrastructure, the lack of direct investment in research and innovation, in the dis-investment that this government has worked towards the school. But also, and perhaps most importantly, the inability of our entrepreneurial class to confront the challenges that globalization has placed them in front.

What is emerging is the inability to cope with the global market only niches by relying on the so-called "made in Italy" is not selling any "Ferrari" or some designer clothes to the new rich of the world that we can hope to revitalize our economy. It is not blindly trusting in the virtues of an entrepreneurial class, like ours, brought up in "bread and state aid" which we hope to redefine a manufacturing facility that is able to take us out of the "dry" production of a hopelessly burdened by the inability to renew itself.

What is needed is to have an industrial policy worthy of the name, what is needed is a design that can only come from driving (if far-sighted, of course) state institution. This is needed is, above all, escape from dogmatic ideology Mercat, which has always preached the exclusion of the state from the dynamics that rule the market.

"recovery state" functions who naively believed they could delegate to the market. Reappropriation of the "public good", and ensure that the public good (usually expressed in the "Service") works well. Regain, more generally, of his own humanity, all too often forgotten in favor of a "science", the economic, that science can not be considered.

it is only "humanizing" the market that we hope to see those inherent limitations that ideology does not allow us to see, we can hope to make us aware that in practice the Italian worker works more than anyone else, and who earns less than anyone else!

Because, after all this discourse, there is our having exchanged for one that science is only one ideology: the economics of "free market". The alternative to this awareness are the talk of a bar by Roberto Colaninno all, a man who one day someone called "captain courageous".

Mauro Rossi (Ecology and Liberty spokesman Left Upper Tiber Umbria)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Compatibility Of People Of The Same Birthday


Social centers were the focus of the meeting on Friday Left of the circle of Ecology Freedom 'Sandro Pertini'. During the debate showed a substantial agreement with the decisions taken by the administration, but also some concerns regarding the closure of the center Mezzomiglio.

"was held Friday, December 10, as a weekly appointment, the circle of SEL Bastia Umbra, which saw the participation of new people sympathetic to our movement.
Among other issues addressed, what was most important was to focus on the social centers.
It was found that these, in recent years have been losing part of their primary place of group and cultural purposes: This is due in part to the lack of initiatives is the company that has changed.
I want to highlight and take into account the role and importance that clubs have in our community, especially in some località.L 'municipal government should pay more attention to their work, encouraging those who seek to organize more events and activities for which they are originally born.
We agree on the order of the mayor regarding the case of the "new slot" which is not relevant to the purposes for which created the social centers: These, and others, are becoming a plague on our comunità.Purtroppo our government has "legalized" these "games" that bring a dowry of positive effects for the state budget (estimated at nearly 7 billion in the first nine months of 2010), but also very negative for the family budget (has finally begun to discuss "ludopatie"). We believe it would be very interesting to assess specifically the economic impact that this cash flow escapes the traditional economies (such as those of production).
The case of the closure of the center of Mezzomiglio, we agree to pay the rent for a facility that will hopefully benefit future periods as has been the case hitherto, it is a huge waste of money, but makes us think about its closure, set within a very short time, we believe that it was a sort of act of force, which should be evaluated as to the way in which it was made.
would be taken inspiration from this last argument to know all the cases where the municipality plays the role of the tenant and assess its cost-effectively that this choice leads to the community. "

by Stefano PaffariniPortavoce SEL Bastia Umbra

Tuesday 14 December 2010

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"There is a better Italy." The campaign for President Nichi Vendola.

Is there anyone who believes in magic wands, anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough to know how to find, just give her confidence, just to help you raise your head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. Is there a better Italy
on the roofs of universities, public school classrooms, next to a cot, in a supermarket queue, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in homes luck, in bookstores, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. Is there a better Italy
made of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty the comfort of cleverness.

With this assurance comes the national campaign for President Nichi Vendola, starting with five key issues, however, that alone will not suffice to describe the idea of \u200b\u200bcountry, society, the development model we want. We invite you to a competition of creativity and participation: a few days on each may propose his idea and create your slogan to help, with so many and so many, with passion and courage to build an Italy better.

======================= ===============


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home Remedies Withdrawal Cold Sweats

Vendola: "The primaries are a volcano, can not be stopped"

"The era of Berlusconi ends with the popular vote,
first, the better for all"

Nichi Vendola was not square with the Democratic Party yesterday in Rome, but in the discourses between demonstrators and leaders he spoke more often, a sort of stone guest.

Why not go to the march?
"Do not overdo it with the guests ... I was not there because I would have introduced an element of political theater, my presence could be seen as a contrast to the leadership of the Democratic Party. But that square is a fundamental democratic garrison for the future of the country. It 's the heart of the popular demand for an alternative to Berlusconi. And do not say this as some form of political etiquette, but because I believe deeply. "

But in the end has not been an event like many, with no results?
"To the forces of the center to find the right people is crucial, even the physicality of an event is an emergency exit from the temptations of the devil ritual in close in politicistici the Palace. "

are alluding to any technical or government of national responsibility in the event of a fall of Berlusconi?
"Exactly. I think that if it falls Berlusconi could, at best, create a government that quell'obbrobrio redo the election law. But certainly not an alliance between right and left to take care of economic and social reforms, given the damage on this front led to Berlusconi. And Berlusconi is the enemy to beat, even without Berlusconi. "

Therefore, early elections in 2011?
"Today we are on the brink of a precipice, it is urgent to put in place the prospect of salvation for the country. Italy needs a radical change, a change that needs to be legitimized by a democratic test. The sooner you through by Berlusconi dismisses the people, the better for all Italians. "

Before the elections should take place, however, the primary center to which she is a candidate well in advance: you know that the Democratic Party are getting stronger pressures to avoid this ordeal by fire, also seen the results of Puglia and Milan ?
"I feel too many around bellyache and worries, but I do not think this political season may be managed with the weapon of cunning. Even today's demonstration has a scent of primaries. It seems to me obvious that the primaries are now regarded by millions of people a way to regain the political, many feel encouraged to come to the center thanks to this instrument. I speak of the workers who do not want to go back to nineteenth-century type of industrial relations and protesting on cranes, those who claim that the research and teaching are not sold in supermarkets like toothpaste and potato and climb on the roofs, women and young people who claim more freedom, immigrants applying for citizenship. The primaries are the encounter between politics and the country better. "

Yet multiply the pressure to avoid them, perhaps they are afraid of her.
"I am very interested to take up all the rumors of politics. But I think that stopping the primaries, which also have been a foundation for the life of the PD, it would be like trying to stop the eruption of a volcano. "

one metaphor to another, she said that his party, Sel, is a seed destined to die to give birth to something bigger. The Democratic Party is a seed that must die with you?
"I will not conjure up images of death but of life. The center of life for everyone. And then I say that the prospect of all of us should be to build the party of the future. "

you think the draft of the Democratic Party is failed?
"Do not tell me but they say some leaders of that party. I believe that the political community is proud of its lifeblood provided they do not degenerate into the arrogance of the party. And this teaching of Gramsci is for large and small. "

Moral of the story?
"The moral is that we need to discuss whether and how to remake the Democratic Party, but how and when to rebuild the Italian center. The theme, again, is the party of the future. "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Men Masterbation Demonstrattion


Bastia Umbra - Many people - members, supporters and ordinary citizens, attended the meeting weekly circulation of the Left, ecology and freedom bastiolo.Nell 'opportunity arose mainly discussed the agenda of the municipal council on November 30 last year. During the council, in fact, during the settling private general budget 2010, there was a remaining availability of 300 000 €. Of that amount, the administration has decided to devote the majority of 200 thousand euro) to the viability of the city by identifying two strands of work: the construction of two roundabouts which will allow direct connection between Via Roma and Via Firenze and reopening the traffic on the north side of Piazza Mazzini. Sel they say: "As regards the first point, Administration meets with our full agreement, because we think it is a source of streamlining traffic cittadino.Invece - Sel by state - in relation to the second point we express our total opposition: we do not find acceptable the link between the re-opening to traffic of the square the possibility of increasing trade in this place, as stated by Mayor Ansideri. Considering that this reopening and the subsequent creation of new parking charges (remember that there is about 100 meters to free the Post hardly used) is called a 'test' and that involves a financial investment rather than second order, we wonder whether it is I use this availability in much more concrete actions, especially in this time of economic crisis. In our opinion, the reasons for the closure of these 7 years, must be sought in the opposite direction, far from the one indicated by the administration. The fact that Piazza Mazzini is no longer a place frequented by people and families is a fact . It would be perhaps more appropriate to raise some public functions at the primary site, restore the benches, Offir games for kids, bring municipal services such as municipal police, the library, the registry office. Our city needs places where you can meet and socialize, where to take their kids to go for walks, not only for shopping "

Il Corriere Umbria

Thursday December 9, 2010

Names For A Cultural Group


the evening of Friday, December 3 was held weekly meeting of the Circle of Left Ecology and Freedom of Bastia Umbra, which saw a large participation of members, sympathizers and citizenship, the re-opening to traffic in Piazza Mazzini at the center of the debate.

"On this occasion it was mainly discussed the agenda of the City Council held on 30 bovembre. In that Council, during the general disquisition bedding to the budget 2010, there was a availability of remaining € 300,000.
Of that amount, the administration has decided to devote the majority (€ 200,000) to the viability of the city, identifying two strands of work:
- the construction of two roundabouts which will allow direct connection between Via Roma and Via Firenze - reopened to traffic on the north side of Piazza Mazzini.
Regarding the first point, the administration meets with our full agreement, because we think it is a source of streamlining the traffic (you avoid unnecessary speed of vehicles around the Old City with its decrease pollution and travel times).
Instead, in relation to the second point, we have to say our total contrarietà.Premettendo that for decades all the cities tend to preserve and expand its pedestrian zones in city centers, we do not find acceptable the link between the re-opening to traffic of the square with the possibility of increasing trade in this place, as stated Mayor Ansideri.
Considering that this reopening and the subsequent creation of new parking charges (remember that there is about 100 meters to the Post Office free of charge, hardly used) is called a "trial" and that this involves a financial investment rather than second order, we ask whether it is better to use this availability in far more concrete actions, especially in this time of crisis economy.
We believe the causes of the closure of these 7 exercises to be found in the other direction, far from the one indicated by the current administration. Piazza Mazzini
The fact that it is no longer a place frequented by people and families is a fact. It would be perhaps more appropriate to raise some public functions at the primary site, restore the benches, Offir games for kids? In this sense it is also suggested to the mayor and the administration to think about the relocation, in this place, municipal services such as municipal police, the library, the registry office.
Our city needs places where you can meet and socialize, where to take their kids to go for walks, not only for shopping. "

by Stefano Paffarini
Spokesman SEL Bastia Umbra

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cookworks Signature Breadmaker Instructions

Foie gras, the French conquest of China

Unfortunately merrily in the new export markets, even our traditions more terrifying to animals. Carry the joyful and triumphant article where lightly magnifies the intention to crush the liver forced to guzzle cute ducklings. Not a comment to inform the reader of the environmental consequences, the consequences on consumer health and pain caused to animals. The production of foie gras is illegal in many countries, almost all of the EU, particularly in Italy it is illegal since March 2007

Elizabeth Iovine Italy Today - Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The French company wants to convert Rougé Chinese foie gras. Opened three years ago to 80 kilometers from Beijing, at the foot of the Great Wall, Rough breeding ducks which are then used for the production of the delicious food.
The 53 employees of the company are all Chinese, but the production method is that of the French giant cooperative Euralis, a world leader in the industry, comprising 15 000 farmers and employs 5,000 people, with an annual turnover of 1.3 billion euro.

Small ducklings arrive every week in China by plane and, like those fattened in France are of a particular race, genetically selected from French Grimaud. For four years, the Chinese law prohibits the export of raw foie gras in the country. Euralis, which distributes the product under the brand Montfort and Rouge in France and abroad, has invested 3.5 million euro plant in China.

Euralis Before landing, two Chinese (San Rougey and Jilin Zhengfang) had grappled with the foie gras. They produce 120 tonnes per year compared to 30 of Rouge. The French, who sell at a higher price by 40% compared to competitors in China, say they are confident they want to double production in 2011 and reach 500 tons within a decade.

It is possible that the cooperative will open a second company between Beijing and Shanghai, home to most of the restaurants who order its products. Fruchon Brieuc, brand manager Rouge, stresses that its strength lies in contact with each of the chefs, so that a number of dishes with foie gras within their menus. The rich the Chinese consume only about ten years, only the restaurant. They look for fine dining, and the same goes for wine. The French are at the forefront in meeting their tastes.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vacination Record Card

"The meat is good for the planet?"

Foreword by FirstFlora: we share the positions of Fairlie is that of vegans and vegetarians even though we are more ethically agree with them. But it is undeniable that some animals are useful biodynamic agriculture (which is fine to tell the truth to organize small food crops and niche of origin and for the preservation of biodiversity for food but to save the biodiversity of the planet and you feed him necessary for the efficient intensive agriculture that has much higher production per hectare). Always say that it is important to reduce consumption of meat. It's nice to see that faces a new kind of real communication on important issues that will not start from dogmatic positions and opposite. So we got permission to add a point to interogativo title.

Here is the article:

"The meat is good for the planet"

If you convert the vegetarian

The editor of the environmentalist magazine "The Ecologist" change the diet, and data in hand, said: "I feel more environmentally friendly a vegan. " But not everyone agrees: "Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice, more people eating meat polluter"

SARA Ficocelli

Eating meat will not necessarily hurt the planet, indeed. To launch the challenge is the ecologist Simon Fairlie, editor of British magazine The Ecologist and a former vegetarian. "I have not touched meat from 18 to 24 years - said in an interview with Time - and then I started raising goats. But the men did not know what to do: not producing milk, were not children. So I started to eat them." Strong words, as spoken by a man who for 30 years, including investigations and insights, is dedicated to environmental issues. It has now decided to put pen to paper on his new creed prints giving the book "Meat: A Benign Extravagance" (ed. Maddy Harland, £ 19.95).

Pressed by Time's colleague Tara Kelly, Fairlie explained that it is possible to combine a serious commitment to the environment with the pleasure of a Florentine steak: "Eat moderately, twice a week, does not cause any damage to the planet. All farming systems produce a surplus of biomass that must be disposed of, and I do not see what's wrong with giving this surplus as fodder for animals. This way of raising livestock is environmentally friendly and even good for the earth. Goats, sheep and cows in turn produce a useful natural fertilizer to farmers. The cycle is perfect. And I feel more of a vegan environmentalist. "

few months ago, similar conclusions were reached by a New Scientist investigation of 2. Yet the 2006 report of the Food and Agriculture Organization has determined that raising animals for the production of meat produces 18% of annual global carbon emissions. "A since it contains basic mistakes - continues Fairlie - because the assumption that farms inevitably lead to deforestation. Not so. Science has also calculated that to produce a piece of meat are consumed plants useful to man in a ratio of 5 to 1. But even this figure is controversial breeding animals with non-edible plants for us, the proportion drops to 1.4 to 1.

Fairlie also provides specific information about the types of meat that is good to eat to become a good "omnivorous ecologist "yes" to that of pork, because these animals consume waste of all kinds, and yes even the beef, as long as it was brought up in the meadows. "A diet with too much meat is definitely bad - says Professor Peter Migliaccio, president of the Italian Society of Food Science 3 - but to have a balanced diet should eat meat at least twice a week. And the environmental impact would not worry: the Mediterranean diet "polluter" 50% less than the Anglo-Saxon, and these are official data that will bring in Rio De Janeiro October 26, during the world day of pulp.

But according to the president of the Italian Vegetarian 4, Carmen Somaschi, the discourse of the journalist Ecologist from a mistaken assumption: "That's become a vegetarian is an ethical choice - he explains - and then accept or all or nothing. Also eat meat only twice a week will damage the planet, because as long as there will be those who consume livestock. Authoritative studies have shown that the environmental impact of a person who eats meat is equal to that of 10 vegetarians: you use the fridge to keep it, to dispose of animal waste is polluting the waters. I do not criticize those who eat meat, consume only say that it is objectively harmful to the environment. "The Somaschi recalls that when the association was founded in 1952 in Italy vegetarians were a handful of marginalized:" Again in 1980 we threw outside the restaurants. Today, only in our country, we are 7 million and a half. We have done so much to get here, I find it unfair that our commitment to ethical and practical is misleading discredited provocations. "

of the same opinion, the doctor Luciana Baroni, president of the Scientific Society of Nutrition 5 Vegetarian and author of" VegPyramid - The vegetarian diet of the Italians "(Ed. probe, 190 pp).. According to Baroni, "the choice not to eat meat is first of all staff, linked to the most varied reasons. But it becomes a social issue when you understand that if all behave the same way, the habitat of living beings will be safeguarded. "As to healthiness of a vegetarian diet, the nutritionist notes that there are communities that do not naturally eat meat and are the longest in the world, as Hunzas, the Vilcamba or Okinawa. "Unfortunately - he concludes - the trend today is to mediate between the dell'onnivoro will not give up meat, need not renounce the production of profit, and ecological reasons. It 'clear that in this light, attempts to say that the meat should be reduced, and this is certainly right, but it is only the first step is to go beyond. " The Barons concludes by recalling that the average conversion ratio of plant-animal is 15:1, meaning that it takes 15 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of meat. "I understand that might annoy those who draw huge profits from these wastes. But these are the data," he concludes.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Compaq Presario V6000 Coprocesador

The paradoxes of


The prodigious energy efficiency of man
The man, with his cognitive abilities, with his imagination and his physical strength is also a marvel of efficiency: if it were an appliance would be placed in Class AA . (Indeed, for the truth, deserves a classification all its own, since no mechanical artifact is nowhere near the degree of efficiency).
To work, in fact, on the arc of 24 hours, needs only 3400 kcal . food, that Watt converted into the equivalent of about 4 kWh : consumption equivalent of a large bulb.
A worker , under stress, as economical as a small hobby drill: 400 Wh
Yet, these days, it seems that this wonderful "article" has become obsolete , and all businesses you give great pains to eject from the production chain.

Power, the first fuel
Despite the low per capita consumption, to feed 60 million Italians are needed every day, the equivalent in food 251.2 GW h, or one third of the total power consumption required by our economy.
If the absolute value may seem small, as compared to the numbers required to supply the country's enormous energy to transport goods and passengers, for heating and electricity requirements, the task that rests on the shoulders of the Italian farmers is not little, especially considering that:
  • the high consumption of food in the form of animal protein, x 10 multiplies the amount of fertilizers, processing and water (and CO2 emissions) needed than those which would be sufficient to feed a population with a majority instead of a vegetarian diet. The
  • Gains for Agriculture, imprisoned in the complex mechanisms speculative, it has reached unsustainable levels, forcing many players to throw in the towel and find other uses.
  • the best farmland, once available to agriculture, have now disappeared under an endless flow of cement

They always say that the speculation the last 50 years has served to cement the 12% Italian soil, that that you do not specify is that such speculation has focused on the fertile lands of the plains and valleys, who have sacrificed to building more than 60% of their surface, and the remaining 40% had already assumed connotations of the residual area, from sudden urban void ( terrain vague, define them, effectively, the French)

The left image is a night of thermography satellite, identified with great accuracy, in red and black, urban areas. A quick comparison with the daytime picture on the right shows that almost all the fertile lands of the plains are lost forever.
Agriculture resists in hilly areas and disadvantaged areas where we can still produce a quality food, but not meet the food needs of 60 million inhabitants.

Over the past 10 years, meat consumption in China increased by eight times, fruit and vegetables than ten times, and the UN predicts that in 2050 the Earth will be populated by 9.2 billion people, or 2, 5 billion new mouths to feed.
The phenomenon of land grabbing , that the hoarding of land by multinational companies and international investment funds (especially in Africa), which arises from the concern not have enough arable land, is spreading at a strong pace. (8 million hectares in 2009, 45 million in 2010)
everywhere except in Italy, it became clear that just about food production, through farming, you play the game for the future of the globalized world.
This country depends on foreign trade so as to estimate that, if an international crisis to stop the trade in food, our population would be starving in a few weeks.

largest photovoltaic system in agricultural land
I wonder what he would think, Angelo Piras, which is dedicated to the chilling lake of silicon, is intended to cover 29 more acres of farmland in the fertile plain of Montalto, that the slaughter is made in his name.
Yet, with an ease that is unmatched in the rest of the world, plans to transfer a substantial portion of the remaining agricultural land from food production to electric and doing so in particular on those fertile plains and valleys, with the absurd grounds that they are easier to hide, with the help of hedges, at the sight of the keeper distracted.
A responsible government wise as in Germany and got the time and, last July, has removed any incentive in the form of PV installed on farmland .
The Italian, however, after hoping for a gradual reduction in the rate from the end of 2010, did vote in a Senate halved from their summer holidays, an extension of the very high incentives Contoenergia on the DL until June 2011, six months beyond the deadline, despite the drop in silicon prices occurred from 2007 to date do not justify it in any way.
have been published for some days the expectations national guidelines, which do not alter the situation much: There are two types plants on land, industrial ones, without exemption limits, even if subject to EIA or SEA, and "agricultural" to 1 MWp. The province of Grosseto
theoretically requires industrial plants to place in marginal areas, and instead sets a limit of 0.8% of common use, as if every town had the same percentage of marginal land, for the moment, however, still in Maremma does not move anything for this type of equipment in anticipation of the Region's comments to the national guidelines;
Instead of facilities "so-called agricultural" size of 1 MWp have already left, there are many ; Farmers who can afford to pay 3.5 million euro for a PV system while you have some news that, despite the stakes raised by the province with the obligation of the PMA. campaigns are beaten by brokers who acquire the rights from farmers in exchange for an unused FV rent of the land.
A real farmer would have a substantial incentive to income (€ 15,000 a year ) from a PV system in the trade regime in place, with a capacity of 20 kWp , certainly more within the reach of its assets and positioned on the roof of a barn

Sector Employment and
In recent months it feels to repeat that, if an economic recovery will be, this will be without jobs.
The reason is known: capital income loves and hates labor, especially the West, with its wealth of knowledge, status of workers and unions.
For some time, investors are migrating to or from industry to finance productive activities to low need for manual labor. The estate
photovoltaic born in this light. His profit, which comes at the moment, only contributions from state, and the almost total absence of management staff, the financial returns that equates to more industrial production.

An industrial plant of the American multinational SunPower Corp. of 42 MWp and 120 hectares in Montalto di Castro visited, which cost over € 150 million, employs only a fixed 3 vigilantes, who, in 3 shifts provide 24-hour surveillance.
maintenance is entrusted to an outside firm that is alerted by a computerized system and intervenes only in case of system problems.
The same land, which are vegetable gardens, flat and irrigated, could generate well-used, according to the provincial tables, 300,000 hours per year, ie: steady job for 125 employees , and one hundred times lower investment.
And you are not creating any industry, if not the installation of equipment, which is from the building, does not need the "know how" special and find a job only in the transient solar activity.

The raw material (panels and inverters) is almost exclusively manufactured in Asia, as well as German and English industries, created in the wake of European incentives and are relying on labor, are beginning to de-locate facilities to produce panels de-unionized countries in South Asia.
Some misleading lies on the ground FV
Listing Program Festambiente 2010
In an attempt to defuse the growing outrage over the use of agricultural land by the PV industry, the lobby renewable energy, with an established strategy in years by the multinational tobacco, petroleum and chemicals, has started to ecological theories of dubious scientific validity, that come to state that the agricultural environment would benefit from the massive coverage of soil with silicon panels.
A land left natural to latitudes in spring herbaceous plants that are rapidly developing in the seed also reaching a height of 150 cm from the second year
appear brambles, gorse and thistles in excess of two meters.
Finally arrive arboreal plants.

After five years of neglect, a field, if you run into a check of the Forest Service, would be diverted out of agricultural and forestry to the past.
After thirty, the soil would probably be covered with a soft, fresh layer of humus, but also a coppice ripe for cutting.
The only natural grass that could be maintained under the rows of panels would be recommended for organic farming orchards and olive groves, but the lawn is maintained with the help of repeated chopping, and between the rows of PV panels should be performed by hand, since the passage of a large mechanical means put at risk too fragile and expensive equipment.
Unfortunately, however, is much more likely that, once obtained the concessions made and the plants, plant growth would be contrasted with the use of herbicide. Already
regions and ASL shall authorize other non-agricultural uses, as more and more often we see, every spring, watching the grass first dyed orange and then withered in the pits of roads and highways.
The idea that industrial facilities in PV as a transitional employment (twenty years) of agricultural land, in this image shows all his unfounded:
Yards in cement, electrical substations, and industrial buildings are a testimony to the 'irreversibility of speculative looting.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Hang A Valance Scarf

Letters on Brazilian agriculture

SIR - Your briefing paints a cheery picture of the potential for Brazil to meet the world’s growing food needs (“The miracle of the cerrado”, The economist August 28th 2010). However, two important facts should temper our optimism about this remarkable agricultural story.
First, Brazilian climate change law requires steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020: 36-39% below 2005 levels. The government plans to achieve this through an 80% reduction in deforestation in the Amazon region and a 40% reduction in deforestation of the cerrado savannah. It is on track to reach the Amazon goal, but will only succeed in curbing the 7,000-20,000 plus square kilometres of annual clearing in the cerrado if most agricultural expansion moves onto unproductive cattle pastures. An even greater challenge for Brazil and a world facing a dangerous climatic disruption will be to diminish agriculture’s dependence on fossil fuels and noxious chemicals.
Second, you perpetuate the view of the cerrado as the expendable, scrubby neighbour of the far more glamorous Amazon rainforest. In fact, it has more plant and animal species than any other savannah in the world and is more threatened than the rainforest—at least in the coming decade. The world is moving rapidly into a food crisis and there are no free lunches.
Daniel Nepstad
Woods Hole Research Centre
Woods Hole, Massachusetts

SIR – You are correct to say that recent innovations in Brazilian agriculture have been truly miraculous. However, the cerrado needs a second miracle—one of conservation and sustainable use—if any of this unique biome is to survive.
Conservation is urgent not just to prevent the loss of 12,000 plant species of which 40% are found nowhere else. The cerrado is also providing ecosystem services. Recent climate-vegetation models suggest that excessive cerrado clearance could lead to the drying up and loss of rainforest in south Amazonia.
Professor Toby Pennington
Dr James Ratter
Professor Mary Gibby
Professor Stephen Blackmore
Royal Botanic Garden

*SIR – Your story promoting the expansion of commercial agriculture in Brazil’scerrado, and its imitation by African countries ignored the fact that the cerrado is the biologically richest savannah on earth. It is the home of unique wildlife and nearly half of its highly diverse plant community is found nowhere else on earth. Nevertheless you repeated the centuries-old error of seeing savannahs, grasslands and prairies as worthless and empty, fit only for conversion to pastures and soyabean fields. This, despite the fact that over half of the cerrado has already been converted—far more than the Amazon rainforest.
Ironically, Brazil itself has moved beyond this outdated point of view. Most of its remarkable increase in agricultural output in recent years has come from increasing yields, not from expansion of cultivation and pastures, and its national plan to combat climate change establishes the goal of reducing deforestation in the cerrado by 40% over the next decade (and by 80% in the Amazon). This is the kind of far-sighted plan that other countries should be imitating, not your clear-it-all boosterism.
Doug Boucher
Union of Concerned Scientists
Washington, DC

*SIR – Although you are right in describing Brazil’s cerrado as a “miracle”, your reasoning for the accolade is wide of the mark. The importance of the cerrado to Brazil’s people and economy and to the increasing demands of “feeding the world” should not go unnoticed. But neither should its relationship with the Amazon, or its own ecological importance.
True enough, the land in this vast savannah has become more economically valuable due largely to soyabean plantations. Also true is that “hardly any of this new [agricultural] land lies in Amazonia”. Yet, the resultant rises in land value have simply pushed cattle-ranching into the Amazon.
Neither should we forget the ecological importance of both areas. The Amazon has long been the “poster-boy” for conservation messaging, but the cerrado is a biodiversity miracle in its own right: home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity from the giant armadillo to the maned wolf (both already endangered) and over 10,000 plant species, 44% of which are endemic.
Two-thirds of the area has already disappeared. To save what remains will require more sustainable production. We are not asking for a miracle. We are simply asking for agriculture to be reconciled with biodiversity conservation. Through the Roundtable on Responsible Soy, we are working with some of the world’s leading businesses to ensure that happens.
David Nussbaum
Godalming, Surrey

*SIR – The Amazon is not the only diverse ecosystem in Brazil; the cerrado is the most biologically diverse savannah in the world. Less than 3% is protected. Agriculture and ranching, of which you speak so glowingly, are the prime causes of the cerrado’sendangered status. Much of the agriculture is cash crops and not foodcrops like race and beans. Growing soyabeans which are then exported to feed pigs in North America and Europe is by no means a sustainable activity, nor is increasing ranchland to grow more beef. Yes, it’s a scientific miracle, but at what cost?
Amartya Saha
Southeastern Environmental Research Centre, Florida International University

*SIR – Embrapa could not have been established without a cadre of well-trained scientists available to staff the institution. These scientists were available because Brazil identified talent and many of these young people received higher education training in North America, Europe, Japan and Australia. The development of institutions to solve our food security challenges can only occur if we invest in the intellectual capital of nations and then create the institutions that enable those well-trained Scientists To Have Gainful employment. Training Programmes Such Have Been Greatly Reduced in the Past Two Decades by many Developed Countries. Reinvigorating Them to target areas with the greatest Challenges in food security can lead to Successes That Such as seen in Brazil.
MM Alley
Past President, American Society of Agronomy
Professor of Agriculture, VirginiaTech
Blacksburg, Virginia

Friday, August 27, 2010

How To Talk Without It Sounding Stuffie

hunting and illegal trafficking of exotic animals from the taps

A business that is worth two billion each year. For smuggling in Italy often only risk a fine, and so in our country are found the largest collections of wild species of

CORRADO ZUNINO La Repubblica August 27, 2010

ROME - Faithful Father was able to bring a vervet in the curve of Cosenza. In the midst of the ultras. Red and blue as the team's heart and the white muzzle, the religious nuance that did not care. Father Fedele Bisceglia missionary in the Congo basin withdrawals from the tropical forest monkey, arranged in a toolbox, the French customs jumped the start, the Italian customs upon landing, and on Sunday showed the vervet friends of Cosenza football. His trophy. He took, fast, a complaint for "illegal possession of protected species" by the Forestry Corps.

Father Fedele is an icon of Italian abroad, traveling in exotic lands. Curious, picks up animals, looting habitat. Italy, have found reports of international authorities state and non-governmental organizations, is a crucial hub of trafficking of exotic animals, rare, endangered, three million "dead parts" imported (skins, python, alligator and shark teeth), two thousand seizures of live animals year, 1,536 offenses charged, five arrests. The turnover of the brand "exotic animal" comes to two billion a year and is "growing exponentially," said Massimiliano Rocco, director of "Traffic" of the WWF.

Because Italy is considered a long time, a central country of the "wild market"? And how this culture of predation has been formed? The archive of impromptu Cites in Rome, which stands in the world indicates that the institution by protected species and we s'incardina the State Forestry Corps, reports that depart from Italy the most important serial killer leopards and polar bears, collectors of parrots and turtles protected by the dazzling colors. It is we who have trained a few of the most popular safari Raider: Giorgio Barbero, now 81 years old, born in Cuneo and wine entrepreneur living in Turin, he published a book of 576 pages full of photos to document the eighty safari organized in world, all illegal. In thirty years, showing his videos, has almost never fired, and had only reached the day after the sherpas hired to be photographed with the twisted horns seized from the Gaur Bos, Indian cattle that would be untouchable. Barbero's book, "My paths, and the incredible museum exhibitions that straw man in three decades held on Lake of the plug Pralormo, have become a damning indictment for his conviction (Court of Cassation ) for trafficking in protected species. Ten thousand euro fine and on, until the age of stands, to another predatory raids.

The Washington Convention. Since 1975, the Washington Convention defines the many species of animals "fully protected" and 36mila that can move - dead or alive, whole or in pieces - only with a certificate attached and in units defined. Italy has acceded to the Convention four years later, but turned it into a national law until 1992. The Wild Life trade, the trade in the wild worldwide is worth € 125 billion per year (equivalent to the estimated investment in clean technology over the next seven years, to understand, and not far from the charged drug trafficking). Well, according to the offices Cites Geneva 35 billion others are the result of illegal exports were banned, threatening the survival of entire species.
The two markets "wild life" - emerged and submerged - traveling together and merge with two other primary sectors of trade international transactions and the timber of drugs and parapharmaceuticals (often extracted from plants and rare untouchables). Here again our country is an engine, legal and illegal.

emerged and submerged. Italy is the first buyer in the world of reptile skins (become Gucci handbags, Versace, Prada) and the monopoly of the importation of South American wool (96% arrive in our ports of call). The Italian designers import quotas granted to them with certificates attached to each snake skin. But the latest investigation by the Forest Service has recommended a prosecution raider Senegal ready to ship parcel post in 2500 of illegal skins rock pythons and Nile monitor lizards. Wrapped in Dakar, landed in the clearing of Lonate Pozzolo, the Milanese, were withdrawn by immigrants unaware of the content and then taken by the intermediary, a real wholesaler illegal, large enterprises and the tannery of Prato Bolognese, producers, they, on behalf of major fashion designers. On the trip from Dakar atelier in Via Montenapoleone the value of the "piece" was a hundred times: that seizure has lined up three miles of illegally imported leather. Said wool, merchandise import crucial for national budgets. Even there, alongside the business encoded, travels the forbidden. A major producer of the Northwest, the world leader, had a stock of "shawls Shah" confiscated because it turned out, the wool was to show endangered Tibetan antelope.

What is the relationship between trade and travel of dead animals of protected species still alive? Again, there is a mingling of business legal and illegal business? The pattern is established: inside the big business is undermining a share - a significant - in fact illegal business, mostly in the skins, tusks of ivory, coral.

Macaques as a souvenir. Lateral to this, again, has grown a thriving market of live animals by destructive means of the eighties-nineties, the summer tourists who came back with macaques as a souvenir, it's been calibrated to the looting of collectors and dealers who often prefer to take educated eggs have not hatched. Our land bridge for trade of the species that go up from Africa in Northern Europe, has become the basis for global trade in South American birds of prey. In 2005 with 'Operation Condor ", the largest so far conducted on animals protected by our police, superintendents of Forestry Marco and Ivan Severoni Flowers intercepted a shipment of eggs to the port of Ancona and climbed to an Austrian citizen who had converted a hangar abandoned inland Brindisi on a ranch for the receipt of vultures and eagles Andes. I found two hundred and fifty. hangar Austrian registry changed the history of animals and, with the complicity of German officials, they initiated couples across Europe. Two were purchased around 30 000 €, from the record hang glider Angelo D'Arrigo: loved to fly with the birds overhead.

The interests of the mafia. mafias international in South East Asia and South America in particular, open new routes and provide logistics to trade wild. Even in Italy there were crosses between the passion of unscrupulous collectors and the Camorra. The findings of investigations and some wiretaps dated - the only date given at the beginning of the nineties - tell us that, often, Amazon parrots and reticulated pythons dangerous traveling in the substrate of cases that already conceal drugs. Organized crime controls, for example, the markets for the sale of turtles Campania leaked from the Nile and North Africa. And if Fabrizio De Andrè in "Don Raffaè" Cutolo told boss inspired by a councilor, "God forgive him, which he kept in the trailer mink, literature has clearly established that the rare bird used by the leaders of the underworld to status symbol: moluro pythons, the story of the middle of August, were put to guard loaves of heroin. A two-meter crocodile lived in semi-freedom in the garden of a drug dealer, allocated on a primary school in Naples. Then there are the two tigers Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone, the historic leader of Casale.

The owner of a pub in Catania, to attract customers, the tables had hosted a dwarf crocodile, exotic iguanas, scorpions, tarantulas, then two geckos and a frog. Two South American chinchillas had them sealed in a glass case shaped like a coffin, which was served on the cheeseburger. The guards zoophilic Ente national security of the macabre zoo animals have stopped eating fast food. A Fourth Oggiaro the head of a ball python is overlooking the water of a bath, and this is news of early summer. In a house of Brunico have been bred for years, illegally more daring, 400 poisonous spiders. It did not help the seizure of the 2003 season at the airport of Malpensa: the Customs had intercepted a shipment of scorpions for collectors, among them was the Androctonus Australis, whose venom is more potent than that of a cobra. The discovery prompted the quick passage of a bill that would prohibit the keeping of dangerous animals, but after seven years on the forums of the major sites are offered aracnofilia ten euro each other's "Cyclosternum fasciatum" big spider in Central America by the stinging hairs, the Poecilotheria Regalis, "Indian ornamental tarantula" and Pterinochilus murinus, "unpredictable, fast, aggressive and with a poison to be reckoned with ". 70% of the ads of animals, networking, covers trade in rare animals and a French website which indicates the hunters are the only species discovered by scientists, and therefore more delicious to make out. The Italian Society of Veterinary exotic animals then estimated that in Italy there are twelve thousand holders of spiders. Who supplies them? And because we lack the controls? Earn Giovanni, head of the captivity of the ENP, noted: "Some collectors and organizers of exhibitions where he could then sell seized spiders were named as members of the ministerial committee that would draw up a list of dangerous animals."

Turtles in a suitcase. Fiumicino airport stopped monkeys froze to death from Nigeria, if the hold is not heated, it goes in the air at 50 degrees below zero. Then 277 hatchlings of the Nile in a suitcase crammed fuchsia, this was hand luggage. Amazon Parrots Finance airport discovers them asleep because they depart and arrive in force, after 12 hours and a couple of stops, awake and noisy. An Italian consular official in Congo, thanks to his uncontrollable case diplomatic channels, has for years imported to Rome raptors, eagles, hawks, kites, mixing and matching carpets and precious stones. When they stopped he protested: "In Brazzaville I bought them for a few dollars." It was also reported for maltreatment. And these days, in three different regions, have been reported "snapping turtles" in freedom. Hurt, and would be protected.
The last investigation of the Forest Service was founded by twenty photographs that have now made the rounds of the Internet: a morgue Italian exotic animals. Baby zebra and antelope stacked up and slaughtered. Pance smashed, big birds' heads off. In the pile there is a macabre chimpanzees. A lot of starchy foods comes from the province of Reggio Emilia, another fertilizer from Casertano. Those carcasses could be "remnants" of a zoo in difficulty, exotic animals sick and then killed. Investigations are ongoing. "To understand the Italian mentality of a predator, yet investigators Forestry," suffice it to say that our safari raider look illegality, the claim. In Alaska you can hunt polar bears in Siberia is prohibited. L 'Interpol has just announced the killing of two polar bears in Siberia were two Italians. "

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is It Bad To Use Expired Lube


An interesting editorial in the Guardian shows us the paradoxes of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Some examples of individuals who received lavish subsidies from the EU are staggering.
Here are the most "interesting": Martinique Rhum Saint James the company produces a decent range of drinks on an island 4000 km from France, which did not prevent him receiving last year, more than one million euro in agricultural subsidies. In the list of the 174 that receive aid from French millionaire also appear several producers of bananas. Elsewhere, smaller amounts went to a Swedish club accordion, a Danish pool, the 26 year old daughter of former Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture (which has grossed more than 700,000 euro), Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (almost one hundred thousand euro) .

Everyone agrees that the Common Agricultural Policy, which costs € 50 billion a year, so as it does not work. Publicly, all promising reform. In private, however, are hunting because they can draw from. The result is an economic and environmental disaster. Small farmers struggle to survive, as evidenced by the report of December 2009 on mountain, while large agrarian societies share the proceeds of the CAP, in particular the producers of sugar. These are all among the biggest beneficiaries: 144 000 000 French St Louis Sugar and 42.9 million by the German Südzucker.

These anomalies are blown into the limelight thanks to the work of a small organization (, which has hidden data recovered from the 27 EU governments and made available to them online. The result on the one hand strengthens the cause of those who say that the CAP must be eliminated, the other confirms it is impossible to do so. Too many people benefit because it will reach an agreement to change this state of affairs. Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission president, had promised to reform "without taboos or restrictions." Last year was presented a draft that represented a retreat from a real change. It was too early to "determine the boundaries or the exact intentions of future reforms," \u200b\u200bthe document concluded. Ultimately, the governments of member states are not strong enough to resist vested interests.
We just have to wait in the reform of 2013, but the prospects are not rosy.

Luca Bernardini, Slow food

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pinnacle Tv Centre Pro Cd

Snapshot of the Bel Paese

In a country plagued by mismanagement, widespread corruption, budget gaps, unemployment, excessive power of the mafia and so on, to address the issue of waste dumped on land, you figure bigots dedicated to the futile bon ton.
Yet nothing better than this phenomenon, describing the civil and cultural backwardness of this country.
steep cliffs and beaches of cigarette butts, dimples road filled with all kinds of waste, processed slopes in landfills for scrap metal and wreckage, none of that now arouses public indignation.

If (rarely) this argument overlooks the headlines in newspapers or TV has only to stigmatize, with adverse electoral purposes, the inertia of this or that government, guilty of not cleaning up with sufficient alacrity.
are never singled out the only real charge: that those citizens and merry rogues, cowards and arrogant, shallow and ignorant that the majority now live in the Italian peninsula. All
fact contribute to keep this away from the multitude of rude reproach:
From a television and a publisher who Auditel live and appeal to a political class that pursues only polls and consensus, an economic system for which there are no citizens but only consumers. Consumers
to cuddle and cajole, or befuddle and disinformation, to mislead and harass, but never, under any circumstances, to blame. Why
criticism and reproach generate awareness and consciousness of self, the soul were to be avoided like the plague in this bizarre, depressing country.

photo: Via Aurelia, Maremma, on the route of the trans tourism, a business card of the Bel Paese

With apologies to the small minority of good, honest Italian citizens who resist, resist, but in his state of exception can only prove the rule ...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Herpes. No Smelly Discharge

stolen land to the Earth

The following text was sent to all clubs Legambiente of Italy, wishing to start a grassroots movement of resistance to the use of arable land by the estate photovoltaics.

While the imperative to "curb the use of the land" seems to have become a priority for Italian intellectuals and politicians, is preparing throughout Italy and a colossal lightning looting of agricultural land.
The attack comes from an area which they deemed a friend and that until recently had supported a sword: the production of electricity from photovoltaics.
actors instead of looting are always the same: the speculation in league with the political class for Connoisseurs improvident.
The economic plunder that makes feasible and urgent is that given by a substantial drop in the cost of photovoltaic panels (over 30%) continue to cross until the end of 2010 the high-energy incentives in the Income 2007 (in average € 0.38 x kW product)

The figures of the plunder: We have no figures
general but some "drilling" played in small towns of Grosseto give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation:
Manchester: 7,000 people, 1,025 acres required for
Scansano: 4,300 inhabitants, requests for 460 hectares
It is not difficult to imagine that all over the country tens of thousands of hectares of the best arable land will shift from agricultural to industrial production, within a few months and a total lack of control (the province of Grosseto has launched a PTC, which abolishes the Environmental Impact Assessment and plants under 5 acres also the variant surface Urbanism)

The consequences for employment:
Our administrators defend their choices with the mantra of employment, but the truth is another:
- One hectare of agricultural land can generate a variable number of working hours, which according to the tables of the province for the calculation of ULU (units working man) , from 30 to 500 hours per year per hectare, depending on who cultivate cereals or olive trees. (With the vegetables can also be reached at 2500 hours / year)
With large PV installations, the installation completed in a few months, the hours down to those necessary to spread the herbicide a couple of times a year between the rows of panels , say 4 or 5 hours per year per hectare.
Only in Manchester with its 1025 acres of facilities required will be a net loss of jobs ranging from 25,025 to 498,000 hours of work a year removed from agriculture.

The consequences for the landscape:
For the Province of Grosseto, the legislature should place the plants on land "flat" and to surround them with hedges.
The dialectic ruse to avoid such terms as "plain" or "valley" (too evocative of the idea of \u200b\u200b"fertility") already complaint intentions. The addition of the fence completes the picture: for the administrators of the province of Grosseto, the landscape is not the honest result of the balance between human activities and the imperatives of nature, but it is a movie set, with the scenes to hide all the ugliness that would disturb the audience and reveals the stage fiction.
will still be hard to hide all the havoc, with industrial plants of several hundred acres, without a break, surrounded by fences on the grid impervious to the movement of any land animal, and dotted with tall antennas with reflectors and surveillance cameras.
The dispersal of a myriad of facilities "agricultural" (up to 1,000 kWp) will result in incalculable damage: in addition to the visual impact of these lakes with silicon, the energy-delivery produced Campaigns stretch a web of low and medium voltage power lines, which are not necessary in the case of plants in proportion to consumption.

Food & Strategic Consequences:
Maintaining the ability of the existence of a nation, in times of international crisis, has always been a priority for any responsible government, at least as that to maintain an efficient system of defense.
The most serious emergency that we face, with the gradual exhaustion of fossil fuels, energy efficiency but will not be food. The economic crisis of 2008 has already shown: oil sets the price of wheat, first because it feeds the necessary machinery for cultivation and also because it enables low-cost carriers around the globe.
Italy has plenty of arable land in the 30's when it suffered the embargo on Libya in retaliation for war, the regime, to feed the population, was forced to cultivate grain even in public parks.
Since then the situation has worsened, the population has doubled and a good chunk of arable land has been consumed with speculation.

PV is a key resource for solving energy problems for years to come, but you can find much cheaper locations of agricultural land.
12% of the national territory has already been cemented, if a roof was covered by three photovoltaic, this would generate an area of \u200b\u200b12,053 square kilometers, or 241 million kWp. That meet and exceed all the requirements without sacrificing national day one square meter of our agricultural productive capacity.
could also use abandoned quarries, old landfills, former airports, noise barriers for highways, roads, parking roofs, facades, roundabouts.

What does the rest of the world:
While in Italy is currently the biggest change of use of agricultural land never worked before, in the silence deafened national environmental groups and with the full complicity of the farmers' associations (now resigned to treat their members in the same way unnecessary relics of the past) in the rest of the world debate on the preservation of agricultural land from the greed of speculators is at its peak:

- Germany has launched a fall last June 10 of the incentives from 16% for installations integrated into buildings at 100% for those made on agricultural land, (or no incentive for facilities that affect the country's arable land ) while many Land, driven by farmers' associations, are launching rules that tend to allow the installation to the ground only if carried out on land already degraded.;

The same trend is observed in Canada
http://www.omafra / Inglese / engineer / ge_bib / Photo.htm

While the Danes are concerned about (them) for the fate of the beautiful country and for the destruction of PV in rural Salento
http://rinnovabili360. org / blog /% 3Fp% 3D506% 26gtlang% 3Dda

In the U.S., the protection of arable land soul many forums and sites environmentalists, here is the American Farmland Trust, a powerful association of American farmers, which is promoting a federal law that prevents the passage of land from 'agricultural use to industrial use.

conclude with the passage of an interview with Henning Wicht, principal analyst of the "iSuppli Photovoltaics Market Research Group, (team of analysts who stood out for having predicted the collapse of the silicon and module prices in 2009):

D. "That trend of prices form is expected in this and next year?

R. " Prices have remained stable in the first half of 2010, between 1.40 € / W for the low prices of Chinese products and 1.9 € / W for European products. We expect that prices will fall slightly in the second half of 2010, to compensate for the cut FIT (ndt. The consideration of the GSE in Italy) in Germany. There are two more reasons that support price stability: a year-end rally in Italy and the weakening euro is hampering Chinese suppliers applying prices low.
For 2011, we have no data yet but we expect ASP down to 1 € / W for the modules.

D. "What is the potential impact, and which major companies in the photovoltaics, the fact that the German government intends to reduce or even stop the FIT for PV systems to the ground?"

R. "As recently confirmed, the FIT will not support the German photovoltaics on agricultural land. At first glance, this amendment deals with the preferred market segment of First Solar and other providers of thin film (a-Si tandem). However, onshore plants for the conversion of agricultural land are not yet included in the financing. I believe that suppliers of thin films and EPC will be able to address these areas, however the planning permission and will probably require more time, then the segment of the trackside, the risk of a slowdown than on the roof, which is instead rapid growth. "

Al" Rally "mentioned by the German analyst, it seems that German companies will also participate in many of the fleeing that country, where the leaders can do to deal with the complexity of the present without compromising the future of the nation and the good of generations to come.
Reversed their destructive powers on our country, where a short-sighted and unwise leadership is determined to throw open their doors.

click to enlarge

publish (if authorized) the replies received from the clubs.

- Legambiente Cuneo
Your position is fully correct: our
circle for over a year trying to oppose, together with other
associations (including "Stop the use of the land "), this unfortunate
devastation of precious land, share with us the battle also
local agricultural associations such as Confederation and the CIA, something we
budge, it is certainly an urgent need for serious planning and the proposed
unified national strategy we fully agree: Just say
and uncritically support everything that the "renewal is beautiful!
The same is true, at least for our area, including the hydro" robbery "which is

cemented / destroying old irrigation canals and intubation km of mountain torrents

I enclose two of the documents produced at the PV soil
Our campaign local feedback on the site
Gianfranco Peano
President Legambiente Cuneo

- Legambiente Capannori and Lucca planes
Dear s, about stolen land, my opinion is simple and it is this: As
energy is of fundamental importance to the life and work of people, you must choose:
We want the oil with all the consequences of pollution and the tight control of the few multinational companies are plundering the poor countries of the world?
We want nuclear power plants in Italy?
Since this is not what we want then we have to make credible and workable proposals for supporting all the choices can be made for the development of renewable energy and energy spread for a production sponsored by the citizens and small and medium enterprises. In essence, promote sustainable development.
You can of course discuss the implementation procedures, the preservation of some places particularly valuable from an environmental perspective. There must be, of course, rules to protect pesaggistica, this is! But to say that our country lacks the land to work I think, frankly, out of place. I think instead of agriculture are other problems. but this would be another good question.
So to me Legambiente, has a correct position, shared and sustainable. Best regards Guido Angelini

Legambiente Capannori and Lucca planes

- Circle Sarmazza-Legambiente Saonara-Vigonovo
Hi, totally agree with you, we are aware of similar projects, although not on this scale, also in the Veneto as well know is already largely devastated by the senseless consumption of soil, a subject on which we are doing a great battle from the new development plans and the "great works" in the approval stage. We are the region
shed, just use those and the problem would be solved. I think
Legambiente national absolutely must take a clear position to condemn this type of speculation and all the local clubs have to denounce this kind of initiative measures in their territories.
compliments for his work

Legambiente Saonara-Vigonovo - Circle Sarmazza
adhere to CAT - Committees Environment and Territory - Riviera del Brenta and Miranese


- The Linden Circle Legambiente
Thanks Andrea for the valuable report.
I am sending you attached a request we just sent to the municipal administration of Vigasio (Verona), because here again the junta has decided to do a feasibility study to look for land suitable to accommodate a photovoltaic system.
Vincent Parise
Legambiente Head - The Linden Circle

- Legambiente Medicina (BO)
Thanks for the information. We send our own, as well as some
residents, considerations and comments in this crazy speculation,
made to the Province of Bologna, on a mega complex of the Coop.
Transportation of Imola, the first "farmer"
for the Municipality of Imola, which is gradually transforming the intended use of agricultural fields terrenui

Legambiente Medicine

- Circle Trani Legambiente
Here in Apulia, and particularly in the neo province BAT, we are in full emergency
Consider biomass plants like the real sources (solar and wind
) is an aberration.
Puglia is a high risk of desertification and even before
burn biomass should return to the soil.
I attach a document that embodies the plants offered in
Francesco Bartucci

- Cinisello Balsamo Legambiente ONLUS
Dear friends, I fully agree with the statement and I'd like Legambiente National take a strong position in this regard.
I live in a city 'of 12.5 km2 with about 75,000 inhabitants in the north of Milan (but almost contiguous to it). Density 'residential high that we should defend to the few vacant spaces.
We have suffered in recent years a crazy cover of soil (75% of cemented soil) and we only have 2 large (large green areas for us that we have just a few ..)
parks that allow us to breathe. Now the gimmick and 'putting photovoltaic panels in their parks, when we have an area of \u200b\u200bindustrial warehouses that comes to cover a big chunk of territory.
We hope that the issue you have raised to take the body as soon as possible. Yours sincerely

Ivan Fumagalli, President Legambiente ONLUS
Cinisello Balsamo (Circle Trani Legambiente)

- Legambiente Brindisi
Your problem is also ours, and it is developing in an exponential manner
and dramatic. We did this to Zanchini
in a recent meeting organized by our Regional. Something must be done immediately and officially
. Keep in contatto.Cordiali greetings. Henry
Favuzzi Legambiente Brindisi
PS.Il Our feeling is that we should not give incentives to entrepreneurs who place pseudo
photovoltaic fields, and more on individuals wishing to install solar roofs
for personal use only. In short, less energy online and more private use.
will follow the blog.

- Circle Barbariga Low Brescia.
Hello guys all our sympathy from the circle of low Barbariga
a hug from
Gabriele Pellegrini, keep us informed

- Legambiente Doradilla Nuoro
Hello Andrea, in Sardinia, we know very well what it means to speculate
on renewable energy. Renato Soru wanted to set standards with precise well
the business of wind power, but the advent of center-right has
deregulated everything, with the result of mafia infiltration in
our island who have denounced the media lately.
denounces what you are sacrosanct, the usual bad habit of all Italian
exploit for profit the only environmental sensitivity also
communities .... it will take all our efforts to try and restore legambientini
on track environmental policy
just and right ... not arrendiamoci

hello Pier Luigi Meloni, Legambiente Doradilla Nuoro

- Legambiente Low Sabina
HELLO ANDREA. My name is Sandra
requires that the output is destined to local consumption, MAYBE will reduce speculation.


- Circle Legambiente Milan West
Dear Andrea, thank you for clear and elucidate vidende that he did not live in the flesh, (as has happened to you) to Sometimes there are little or escape capibili.
You may have the support of our club, I will turn to all members of the Club for your mail.
If you want to involve us, in such petition or otherwise, are available.

Francesco De Carli Legambiente Club President Milan West

- Legambiente Viterbo

- Legambiente Parco del Vesuvio

Hello Andrea,
I agree on the issue that it is unjust to sacrifice farmland
to install solar panels that could easily be placed
hundreds of other places (industrial warehouses, bus shelters , barriers
highways, rooftops of buildings etc.. etc.). As usual, however, it seems that those we send
to lead Italy, all this does not understand or
most likely not want to understand it. Just look
as they have "developed" wind power in Sicily, where they took
million € for European funds and at the end of the poles were installed
farms that are not connected to "nothing" and do not produce a single watt of energy
For the moment what we can do and put on our. Website the news and try to spread it.
would be useful, however, develop a short, not too technical, so
reach the mass of people is not so much accustomed or willing to
arguments too complex and detailed.
I hope that other clubs Legambiente
environmental and other associations directed towards the good or otherwise, are activated
to try to prevent yet another environmental destruction, this time even
name of "sustainable development". I know well the province of Grosseto and the
I think one of the most intact remaining in Italy. It would be a crime
devastate unnecessarily.
Conclusion: Just in Italy began to be a little more serious
, and maybe start to imitate our neighbors as Switzerland, Germany, Austria
, where technological development is increasingly integrated with respect for the environment and human

Greetings from LEGAMBIENTE PARK OF VESUVIUS (President Alberto Alba)