not all gold that glitters (often mercury )
In the field of environmental research and sustainability, often, for every innovation, initial euphoria, followed by a disappointment. Remember
unleaded fuel and its benzene, and catalytic converters that only work well over long distances, while in the urban cycle rarely reaches operating temperature?
Now is the time of low energy light bulbs, fluorescent lamps: These lamps
base their operation on mercury, which according to EU Directive 2002/95/EC should not exceed 5 mg per lamp. But reducing
or eliminate mercury requires costly research programs, instead are able to manufacture all with so much mercury.
So while companies tout as the Dutch Philips lamps that contain a lot less, in Italy there was a huge spread of lamps of low quality and high mercury content, thanks to the rich "green certificates" that are acquired through the free distribution of lamps (of course, this is preferable to use low cost).
These lamps are environmentally friendly bombs, especially in Italy where nobody took the trouble to inform the public that the fluorescent faulty can not be thrown into the glass or, worse, indifferentiation.
They must be disposed of without breaking them, the materials WEEE. (Collection Electrical Appliances Electronics), it can be delivered to the dealer or to delegate to municipal landfills. (The ecological oasis of Manchester, under the shed, has bins WEEE)
Another disappointment is then the fact that these energy saving light bulbs instead of reducing electrical consumption, have increased artificial illumination, with effects disastrous night light pollution. Unfortunately
fact, in the absence of widespread environmental awareness, the technical measures for reducing consumption are incorporated users only as an opportunity to further waste on the cheap.
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