The business of the moment
The PTC Territorial Coordination Plan (DCP No. 21 of 20/04/2009) launched by the province of Grosseto last year, provides, among other measures, a certain bureaucratic simplification in the implementation of photovoltaic systems.
The PTC Territorial Coordination Plan (DCP No. 21 of 20/04/2009) launched by the province of Grosseto last year, provides, among other measures, a certain bureaucratic simplification in the implementation of photovoltaic systems.
The "solar farms" have suddenly become the topic of the day: many farmers are encouraged by professional and trade associations to install photovoltaic arrays of 2 or 3 hectares, while electrical contractors scour the countryside looking for Places to realize vast facilities, including hundreds of acres.
Energy not currently produce electricity from solar income without government incentives.
These incentives have been established by Ministerial Decree of 19 February 2007 to around 40 € cents. per kW produced and these will remain until the end of 2010
But from 2007 to present panels have benefited from a cost reduction close to 30%, and this has triggered a speculative fever of enormous proportions: the speculators are just a few hours months to complete all the facilities as possible (given that the next ministerial decree in 2011, will introduce a substantial reduction of subsidies) and therefore the most sought after locations are those on agricultural land of the plains that provide facilities fast and economical.
In the only town of Manchester (GR) have been submitted to over 215 MWp, which alone would cover all the remaining financial support (which are all 200MWp to the achievement of overall national ceiling).
The two major systems currently under consideration of the technical office of the Superintendent and the landscape, located at the southern boundary of the municipality, each covering an area of \u200b\u200bover 400 hectares, comparable, for comparison, the total area of \u200b\u200bGrosseto or almost twice Giannutri
Giannutri reported on the dimensions of the whole island could not contain
A region in tatters
Two "solar estates" that develop over a 15 km perimeter fence, designed to protect against theft, and then the precious silicon design with rugged industrial grating, impassable to any land animal, together, every 30 meters from the antennas with reflectors and surveillance cameras, which will create vast areas of land instability is completely de-naturalized and visual impact, both day and night, is truly terrifying.
NEW VIEWS country setting: industrial gratings, bolts, barbed wire, lighting and closed circuit cameras
Food vs. Energy
We were among the first supporters of photovoltaics, and we are still, but agricultural land must continue to produce food, otherwise, with progressive depletion of fossil fuels, shortages could not be more serious than energy but FOOD. (The oil crisis of 2008 has already pointed out clearly the link between oil prices and those of cereals)
space for PV we have in abundance, even for large systems: starting from the rooftops buildings, which in this country already cover more than 10% of the total area, then there are the abandoned quarries, embankments, noise barriers for highways, roads and entire provinces contaminated with dioxin or asbestos.
Just give a look around, the decay is everywhere, let's shoot those in the PV panels, instead of the fertile plains.
A sea of \u200b\u200bsilicon, a web of power lines.
should also be considered that the implementation of large-scale "solar farms" scattered in the territory of a host of "power" large and small, to deliver the product that users will need to power lines, it follows that the territory must also be crossed by a network of new power lines medium and high voltage, and in this respect, it appears that in the Conference Services Enel has also repeatedly expressed concern at the dynamics in place.
would serve consultation between the government and vision for the location of "farms solar "territory, instead this is left entirely to private initiatives and urban variant of the weak instrument (not provided by the PTC for plants less than 6 hectares).
The attention given by the provincial renewable energy is definitely positive, but this must not lose sight of the fact that, for the Maremma, the landscape is an irreplaceable wealth primary, and it is necessary to work in the first place to maintain this feature, you increase, production from renewable energy but only to achieve energy self-sufficiency, not to replace a bent for agriculture and tourism already well established in the territory .
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