The following text was sent to all clubs Legambiente of Italy, wishing to start a grassroots movement of resistance to the use of arable land by the estate photovoltaics.
While the imperative to "curb the use of the land" seems to have become a priority for Italian intellectuals and politicians, is preparing throughout Italy and a colossal lightning looting of agricultural land.
The attack comes from an area which they deemed a friend and that until recently had supported a sword: the production of electricity from photovoltaics.
actors instead of looting are always the same: the speculation in league with the political class for Connoisseurs improvident.
The economic plunder that makes feasible and urgent is that given by a substantial drop in the cost of photovoltaic panels (over 30%) continue to cross until the end of 2010 the high-energy incentives in the Income 2007 (in average € 0.38 x kW product)
The figures of the plunder: We have no figures
general but some "drilling" played in small towns of Grosseto give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation:
Manchester: 7,000 people, 1,025 acres required for
Scansano: 4,300 inhabitants, requests for 460 hectares
It is not difficult to imagine that all over the country tens of thousands of hectares of the best arable land will shift from agricultural to industrial production, within a few months and a total lack of control (the province of Grosseto has launched a PTC, which abolishes the Environmental Impact Assessment and plants under 5 acres also the variant surface Urbanism)
The consequences for employment:
Our administrators defend their choices with the mantra of employment, but the truth is another:
- One hectare of agricultural land can generate a variable number of working hours, which according to the tables of the province for the calculation of ULU (units working man) , from 30 to 500 hours per year per hectare, depending on who cultivate cereals or olive trees. (With the vegetables can also be reached at 2500 hours / year)
With large PV installations, the installation completed in a few months, the hours down to those necessary to spread the herbicide a couple of times a year between the rows of panels , say 4 or 5 hours per year per hectare.
Only in Manchester with its 1025 acres of facilities required will be a net loss of jobs ranging from 25,025 to 498,000 hours of work a year removed from agriculture.
The consequences for the landscape:
For the Province of Grosseto, the legislature should place the plants on land "flat" and to surround them with hedges.
The dialectic ruse to avoid such terms as "plain" or "valley" (too evocative of the idea of \u200b\u200b"fertility") already complaint intentions. The addition of the fence completes the picture: for the administrators of the province of Grosseto, the landscape is not the honest result of the balance between human activities and the imperatives of nature, but it is a movie set, with the scenes to hide all the ugliness that would disturb the audience and reveals the stage fiction.
will still be hard to hide all the havoc, with industrial plants of several hundred acres, without a break, surrounded by fences on the grid impervious to the movement of any land animal, and dotted with tall antennas with reflectors and surveillance cameras.
The dispersal of a myriad of facilities "agricultural" (up to 1,000 kWp) will result in incalculable damage: in addition to the visual impact of these lakes with silicon, the energy-delivery produced Campaigns stretch a web of low and medium voltage power lines, which are not necessary in the case of plants in proportion to consumption.
Food & Strategic Consequences:
Maintaining the ability of the existence of a nation, in times of international crisis, has always been a priority for any responsible government, at least as that to maintain an efficient system of defense.
The most serious emergency that we face, with the gradual exhaustion of fossil fuels, energy efficiency but will not be food. The economic crisis of 2008 has already shown: oil sets the price of wheat, first because it feeds the necessary machinery for cultivation and also because it enables low-cost carriers around the globe.
Italy has plenty of arable land in the 30's when it suffered the embargo on Libya in retaliation for war, the regime, to feed the population, was forced to cultivate grain even in public parks.
Since then the situation has worsened, the population has doubled and a good chunk of arable land has been consumed with speculation.
PV is a key resource for solving energy problems for years to come, but you can find much cheaper locations of agricultural land.
12% of the national territory has already been cemented, if a roof was covered by three photovoltaic, this would generate an area of \u200b\u200b12,053 square kilometers, or 241 million kWp. That meet and exceed all the requirements without sacrificing national day one square meter of our agricultural productive capacity.
could also use abandoned quarries, old landfills, former airports, noise barriers for highways, roads, parking roofs, facades, roundabouts.
What does the rest of the world:
While in Italy is currently the biggest change of use of agricultural land never worked before, in the silence deafened national environmental groups and with the full complicity of the farmers' associations (now resigned to treat their members in the same way unnecessary relics of the past) in the rest of the world debate on the preservation of agricultural land from the greed of speculators is at its peak:
- Germany has launched a fall last June 10 of the incentives from 16% for installations integrated into buildings at 100% for those made on agricultural land, (or no incentive for facilities that affect the country's arable land ) while many Land, driven by farmers' associations, are launching rules that tend to allow the installation to the ground only if carried out on land already degraded.;
The same trend is observed in Canada
http://www.omafra / Inglese / engineer / ge_bib / Photo.htm
While the Danes are concerned about (them) for the fate of the beautiful country and for the destruction of PV in rural Salento
http://rinnovabili360. org / blog /% 3Fp% 3D506% 26gtlang% 3Dda
In the U.S., the protection of arable land soul many forums and sites environmentalists, here is the American Farmland Trust, a powerful association of American farmers, which is promoting a federal law that prevents the passage of land from 'agricultural use to industrial use.
conclude with the passage of an interview with Henning Wicht, principal analyst of the "iSuppli Photovoltaics Market Research Group, (team of analysts who stood out for having predicted the collapse of the silicon and module prices in 2009):
D. "That trend of prices form is expected in this and next year?
R. " Prices have remained stable in the first half of 2010, between 1.40 € / W for the low prices of Chinese products and 1.9 € / W for European products. We expect that prices will fall slightly in the second half of 2010, to compensate for the cut FIT (ndt. The consideration of the GSE in Italy) in Germany. There are two more reasons that support price stability: a year-end rally in Italy and the weakening euro is hampering Chinese suppliers applying prices low.
For 2011, we have no data yet but we expect ASP down to 1 € / W for the modules.
D. "What is the potential impact, and which major companies in the photovoltaics, the fact that the German government intends to reduce or even stop the FIT for PV systems to the ground?"
R. "As recently confirmed, the FIT will not support the German photovoltaics on agricultural land. At first glance, this amendment deals with the preferred market segment of First Solar and other providers of thin film (a-Si tandem). However, onshore plants for the conversion of agricultural land are not yet included in the financing. I believe that suppliers of thin films and EPC will be able to address these areas, however the planning permission and will probably require more time, then the segment of the trackside, the risk of a slowdown than on the roof, which is instead rapid growth. "
Al" Rally "mentioned by the German analyst, it seems that German companies will also participate in many of the fleeing that country, where the leaders can do to deal with the complexity of the present without compromising the future of the nation and the good of generations to come.
Reversed their destructive powers on our country, where a short-sighted and unwise leadership is determined to throw open their doors.
click to enlarge
publish (if authorized) the replies received from the clubs.
- Legambiente Cuneo
Your position is fully correct: our circle for over a year trying to oppose, together with other
associations (including "Stop the use of the land "), this unfortunate
devastation of precious land, share with us the battle also
local agricultural associations such as Confederation and the CIA, something we
budge, it is certainly an urgent need for serious planning and the proposed
unified national strategy we fully agree: Just say
and uncritically support everything that the "renewal is beautiful!
The same is true, at least for our area, including the hydro" robbery "which is
cemented / destroying old irrigation canals and intubation km of mountain torrents
I enclose two of the documents produced at the PV soil
Our campaign local feedback on the site
Gianfranco Peano
President Legambiente Cuneo
- Legambiente Capannori and Lucca planes
Dear s, about stolen land, my opinion is simple and it is this: As energy is of fundamental importance to the life and work of people, you must choose:
We want the oil with all the consequences of pollution and the tight control of the few multinational companies are plundering the poor countries of the world?
We want nuclear power plants in Italy?
Since this is not what we want then we have to make credible and workable proposals for supporting all the choices can be made for the development of renewable energy and energy spread for a production sponsored by the citizens and small and medium enterprises. In essence, promote sustainable development.
You can of course discuss the implementation procedures, the preservation of some places particularly valuable from an environmental perspective. There must be, of course, rules to protect pesaggistica, this is! But to say that our country lacks the land to work I think, frankly, out of place. I think instead of agriculture are other problems. but this would be another good question.
So to me Legambiente, has a correct position, shared and sustainable. Best regards Guido Angelini
Legambiente Capannori and Lucca planes
- Circle Sarmazza-Legambiente Saonara-Vigonovo
Hi, totally agree with you, we are aware of similar projects, although not on this scale, also in the Veneto as well know is already largely devastated by the senseless consumption of soil, a subject on which we are doing a great battle from the new development plans and the "great works" in the approval stage. We are the region shed, just use those and the problem would be solved. I think
Legambiente national absolutely must take a clear position to condemn this type of speculation and all the local clubs have to denounce this kind of initiative measures in their territories.
compliments for his work
Legambiente Saonara-Vigonovo - Circle Sarmazza
adhere to CAT - Committees Environment and Territory - Riviera del Brenta and Miranese
... - The Linden Circle Legambiente
Thanks Andrea for the valuable report. I am sending you attached a request we just sent to the municipal administration of Vigasio (Verona), because here again the junta has decided to do a feasibility study to look for land suitable to accommodate a photovoltaic system.
Vincent Parise
Legambiente Head - The Linden Circle
- Legambiente Medicina (BO)
Thanks for the information. We send our own, as well as some residents, considerations and comments in this crazy speculation,
made to the Province of Bologna, on a mega complex of the Coop.
Transportation of Imola, the first "farmer"
for the Municipality of Imola, which is gradually transforming the intended use of agricultural fields terrenui
Legambiente Medicine
- Circle Trani Legambiente
Here in Apulia, and particularly in the neo province BAT, we are in full emergency biomass.
Consider biomass plants like the real sources (solar and wind
) is an aberration.
Puglia is a high risk of desertification and even before
burn biomass should return to the soil.
I attach a document that embodies the plants offered in
Salutoni. Francesco Bartucci
- Cinisello Balsamo Legambiente ONLUS
I live in a city 'of 12.5 km2 with about 75,000 inhabitants in the north of Milan (but almost contiguous to it). Density 'residential high that we should defend to the few vacant spaces.
We have suffered in recent years a crazy cover of soil (75% of cemented soil) and we only have 2 large (large green areas for us that we have just a few ..)
parks that allow us to breathe. Now the gimmick and 'putting photovoltaic panels in their parks, when we have an area of \u200b\u200bindustrial warehouses that comes to cover a big chunk of territory.
We hope that the issue you have raised to take the body as soon as possible. Yours sincerely
Ivan Fumagalli, President Legambiente ONLUS
Cinisello Balsamo (Circle Trani Legambiente)
- Legambiente Brindisi
Your problem is also ours, and it is developing in an exponential manner and dramatic. We did this to Zanchini
in a recent meeting organized by our Regional. Something must be done immediately and officially
. Keep in contatto.Cordiali greetings. Henry
Favuzzi Legambiente Brindisi
PS.Il Our feeling is that we should not give incentives to entrepreneurs who place pseudo
photovoltaic fields, and more on individuals wishing to install solar roofs
for personal use only. In short, less energy online and more private use.
will follow the blog.
- Circle Barbariga Low Brescia.
Hello guys all our sympathy from the circle of low Barbariga Brescia.
a hug from Gabriele Pellegrini, keep us informed
- Legambiente Doradilla Nuoro
Hello Andrea, in Sardinia, we know very well what it means to speculate
on renewable energy. Renato Soru wanted to set standards with precise well
the business of wind power, but the advent of center-right has
deregulated everything, with the result of mafia infiltration in
our island who have denounced the media lately.
denounces what you are sacrosanct, the usual bad habit of all Italian
exploit for profit the only environmental sensitivity also
communities .... it will take all our efforts to try and restore legambientini
on track environmental policy
just and right ... not arrendiamoci
hello Pier Luigi Meloni, Legambiente Doradilla Nuoro
- Legambiente Low Sabina
requires that the output is destined to local consumption, MAYBE will reduce speculation.
- Circle Legambiente Milan West
Dear Andrea, thank you for clear and elucidate vidende that he did not live in the flesh, (as has happened to you) to Sometimes there are little or escape capibili. You may have the support of our club, I will turn to all members of the Club for your mail.
If you want to involve us, in such petition or otherwise, are available.
Francesco De Carli Legambiente Club President Milan West
- Legambiente Viterbo
... - Legambiente Parco del Vesuvio
Hello Andrea,
I agree on the issue that it is unjust to sacrifice farmland
to install solar panels that could easily be placed
hundreds of other places (industrial warehouses, bus shelters , barriers
highways, rooftops of buildings etc.. etc.). As usual, however, it seems that those we send
to lead Italy, all this does not understand or
most likely not want to understand it. Just look
as they have "developed" wind power in Sicily, where they took
million € for European funds and at the end of the poles were installed
farms that are not connected to "nothing" and do not produce a single watt of energy
For the moment what we can do and put on our. Website the news and try to spread it.
would be useful, however, develop a short, not too technical, so
reach the mass of people is not so much accustomed or willing to
arguments too complex and detailed.
I hope that other clubs Legambiente
environmental and other associations directed towards the good or otherwise, are activated
to try to prevent yet another environmental destruction, this time even
name of "sustainable development". I know well the province of Grosseto and the
I think one of the most intact remaining in Italy. It would be a crime
devastate unnecessarily.
Conclusion: Just in Italy began to be a little more serious
, and maybe start to imitate our neighbors as Switzerland, Germany, Austria
, where technological development is increasingly integrated with respect for the environment and human
Greetings from LEGAMBIENTE PARK OF VESUVIUS (President Alberto Alba)
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