Article published by the Tyrrhenian Sea on 18.11.2008
MANCIANO "A road instead of the woods save forty seconds'
"One environmental destruction is taking place in the hills of Manchester." They do not use half measures by the local section of Legambiente, which intervenes on ongoing work on the provincial Maremmana 74. "An intervention by the Province and with the cooperation of municipal authorities, carried out over a distance of 8,400 meters from the village of La Mancha and Sgrilla, with a total estimated cost - stress environmental association - of € 6,184,000 paid by the taxpayers. " But beyond the economic cost of the operation to finish in the crosshairs of Legambiente be called 'environmental costs', which are calculated in this way: "tens of hectares of coppice and fields devastated, gutted entire hills, fertile valleys filled with stone and rubble, many mature trees that line the old route, relentlessly slaughtered. "
According to a quick calculation that Legambiente performed studying the area with the help of satellite images of Google "can be calculated - they say - that the entire project, rectifying three big curves, shorten the journey of about 800 feet, reducing the travel time from 7 minutes to 6 minutes and twenty seconds. " Hence the question that the environmental group is asking: "We wonder what sense, compared with a deficit that prevents permanent Anas also to regularly carry out routine maintenance work on existing roads, spending € 6,184,000, not to mention the effects on the environment of that area in order to save 40 seconds to motorists traveling on a road where traffic was modest as the Maremma 74.

Replica Bovicelli councilor, published by the Tyrrhenian Sea on 19/11/2008
'Work Safety »Road" Maremma ", the commissioner Bovicelli replica Legambiente
#" our goal is to reduce the travel time, but increase the level of security. "
And 'this, in short, the answer the provincial Sergio Bovicelli following the criticism of the club of lacking Legambiente whereby work done for the regional road 74 (expenditure of over € 6 million, a large slice of territory 'ate' for the benefit of the asphalt) were not justified by the savings of time that guaranteed (according to Legambiente, before and after work, the trip was shorter than 40 seconds).
"The Mr. Andrea Marciani, as a representative of the Circle of Manciano Legambiente - says Bovicelli -, joined by the low ranks of those who deem unnecessary interventions that Province, for years, is building on the Regional Road 74 Maremma. Not only that, but try to describe the environment as bombers and essentially considers the ongoing work dissipation of money, compared to a small shortening of journey times on a street with low traffic, he writes. The operation in progress, such as those that preceded it and which follow, are designed solely to take action on the safety of a road, over the decades, has not encountered any adaptation, which has a large amount of traffic, with a percentage of accidents that ranks among the most dangerous in our area. Between 2002 and 2006 there were 80 accidents with 114 people involved in a number of deaths and injuries, with a social cost estimated at 8 million and € 600 000 The improvement works will eliminate accidents? Probably not, but we want to ensure a safer path to the thousands of people each day use the Maremma. We are not interested in travel times, but the overall safety to the citizens, which of course must be put in their own, observing the elementary rules of the Highway Code and common sense. "
"about the environment - concluded Bovicelli - The representative of Legambiente of Manchester know that this project, like all others, was subjected to meticulous and stringent environmental controls and has obtained all necessary clearances. Moreover, as with every work, there are environmental mitigation and reforestation. "
Our counter-reply this time did not have the headlines, the public here, for completeness of information.
Assessor Bovicelli, against criticism received from Legambiente on works related to the 3 rd batch responded by saying that the work was necessitated by the recurrence of serious incidents (80 between 2002 and 2006 with 114 people involved)
We do not have data relating to the Traffic Police statistics quoted by the councilor, but our impression simply because of the daily reading of local newspapers is that the greater frequency of serious accidents to focus on ranging from straight Albinia and Marsili, where in fact many of the monumental pines lining the road, is impressed with the sign in the bark of terrible impacts.
The impression was confirmed by the curious response obtained in the province in support of the roundabout dell'incongrua Marianacci "serves to slow down traffic on a stretch of straight track too"
In short, the technical office of the Province of Grosseto is a danger to motorists lies now in the curves on the straight hours, depending on the needs of dialectical and works in progress.
In conclusion, we believe that an intervention like the establishment of a security on the rail-garde and straight-lined sections would, with modest expense and without cutting down trees, results in safety, far superior to those obtained from rectification of the curved path of the hill.
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