Here we go again, with the arrival of spring vegetation wakes up and the grass starts to grow dimples road vigorous, hiding bollards and road signs, as every year, often meet their tractors with flail, to contain its growth.
But for some years now there's a novelty, ANAS has begun to use the weed.
The used product is definitely a desiccant-based herbicide "glyphosate", there are many commercial formulations on the market, but the most common is the "Roundup" of Monsanto.
works in about 20 days and is easily recognizable by the distinctive orange color that gives the treated vegetation before its total desiccation. (Derives from the infamous "agent orange" of the war in Vietnam)
The use of this product to prevent the growth of grass along the roads has been on several occasions denounced by public health authorities, and a ban issued last year by 'Environment City Council of the City of Viterbo, outraged by the massive use the ANAS had made on the Via Cassia. But this year
ANAS repeated this practice has the obvious advantage of reducing the cost of road maintenance.
In our area we have found use on 'Aurelia bis in its 54 km from Civitavecchia to Aurelia and Montalto di Castro, see attached pictures.
And it is these days a lively controversy among some elderly gardeners Siena and the company on that contract ANAS, the highway to Siena, he made a reckless use, resulting in the presence of suction, contaminating their produce. (And unaware that they have eaten for several days) in the photo
the article in the Corriere di Siena May 6, 2009

please read the Material Safety Data Sheet, issued by Monsanto's Roundup, (but referred to any commercial compound containing glyphosate) with attention both to paragraph 2, which lists the health risks, both on page 3 paragraph 6 in relation to accidental loss, particularly
Environmental precautions:
-Minimize the spread.
-Keep away from drains, sewers, ditches and streams.
-Notify authorities.
fact Glyphosate is especially harmful to aquatic organisms: fish, crustaceans and molluscs, and after the scattering the molecule remains active for several months, especially on inert surfaces such as asphalt and concrete. So
dimples on its use is expressly prohibited by the road safety data sheets that accompany all this class of products, and ignore such claims constitute a crime.
Then we find that absurd, in the face of a growing number of unemployed in the country, ANAS, in one shot, choose to send home labor and poison our vegetables and our waterways
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