Friday, December 25, 2009
Sample Prayer For Tournament
To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide Concentrations Since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, is working on ambitious carbon capture and sequestration strategies. “Our goal is to take a process that takes 100,000 years and compress it into 30 minutes,” says Lackner.
Lackner and his team are developing a device they have dubbed an air extractor, modeled after one of the most abundant but most complicated devices in nature: the leaf of a tree. Leaves are significant absorbers of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but planting enough of trees to absorb the current overabundance of carbon dioxide in the world would leave no fertile land left for other uses.
Surprisingly, the basic idea for Lackner’s carbon dioxide air extraction device was the consequence of an eighth grade science fair project. His daughter, Claire, was able to successfully demonstrate that carbon dioxide (an acid) can be captured from the air in an acid/base reaction using a fish pump and sodium hydroxide (a very strong base). The father-daughter pair discovered that the rudimentary device captured half of the carbon dioxide that ran through the test tube. This simple demonstration won Claire first prize in the science fair and pushed her father onto a research path that could revolutionize the way we approach combating climate change and global warming.
“I was surprised that [Claire] pulled this off as well as she did, which made me feel that it could be easier than I thought,” said Lackner during a PBS NOVA ScienceNow interview in 2007. Though Claire had demonstrated that carbon dioxide capture was possible, there were energy balance issues that needed to be considered. Since the system consumes electricity, the issue of net carbon emissions must, of course, be addressed. “We needed to come up with a shape where you don't have to have an aquarium fish pump driving all the air through the system,” said Lackner, “but to have the wind just deliver the air and pass it through the collector.”
“The first sketch I made ended up looking like a tuning fork, or a goal post, with Venetian blinds,” Lackner recalled. He later began testing different materials in order to replicate the function of a leaf on a tree. He enlisted two engineers to collaborate with him and formed Global Research Technologies (GRT). After a year of testing, GRT was able to design a new material, flat and smooth, that would pull CO2 out of the air in a process called engineered chemical sinkage.
As an engineer and the director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, Lackner has pioneered approaches for dealing with energy issues of the future. In addition to figuring out what to do with the byproducts of energy use, he works on environmentally acceptable technologies for the use of fossil fuels, and he has published numerous papers and articles on clean fossil fuel technology.
In addition to developing the air extraction device in cooperation with GRT, Lackner also played a pivotal role in forming the Zero Emission Coal Alliance, an industry-led effort to develop coal power with zero emissions to the atmosphere. His vision in self-replicating machine systems was recognized by Discover Magazine as one of seven ideas that could change the world.
Relating the basics of carbon sequestration to the familiar territory of Columbia University, Lackner uses the “Alma Mater” statue in the center of the New York City campus as a prime example of nature’s solution to global warming. “She is sitting on a pedestal of serpentine rock…. This serpentine has absorbed CO2, probably out of rain water. If you wait long enough, that’s what will happen to all the CO2 we make.” This carbon capture process normally takes 100,000 years. To make it a more useful strategy in reducing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, we need to find ways to accelerate this process.
“I believe that it is impossible to stop people from using fossil fuels, so we have to develop technologies which allow us to use them without creating environmental havoc to the planet,” Lackner says.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Benzoic Acid And Quinine
Seeing the forest through the cloud
Thursday 12/10/2009 04:59:00 AM
Today, at the International Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, we demonstrated a new technology prototype that enables online, global-scale observation and measurement of changes in the earth's forests. We hope this technology will help stop the destruction of the world's rapidly-disappearing forests. Emissions from tropical deforestation are comparable to the emissions of all of the European Union, and are greater than those of all cars, trucks, planes, ships and trains worldwide. According to the Stern Review, protecting the world's standing forests is a highly cost-effective way to cut carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. The United Nations has proposed a framework known as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) that would provide financial incentives to rainforest nations to protect their forests, in an effort to make forests worth "more alive than dead." Implementing a global REDD system will require that each nation have the ability to accurately monitor and report the state of their forests over time, in a manner that is independently verifiable. However, many of these tropical nations of the world lack the technological resources to do this, so we're working with scientists, governments and non-profits to change this. Here's what we've done with this prototype to help nations monitor their forests:
Start with satellite imagery
Satellite imagery data can provide the foundation for measurement and monitoring of the world's forests. For example, in Google Earth today, you can fly to Rondonia, Brazil and easily observe the advancement of deforestation over time, from 1975 to 2001:
(Landsat images courtesy USGS)
This type of imagery data — past, present and future — is available all over the globe. Even so, while today you can view deforestation in Google Earth, until now there hasn't been a way to measure it.
Then add science
With this technology, it's now possible for scientists to analyze raw satellite imagery data and extract meaningful information about the world's forests, such as locations and measurements of deforestation or even regeneration of a forest. In developing this prototype, we've collaborated with Greg Asner of Carnegie Institution for Science, and Carlos Souza of Imazon. Greg and Carlos are both at the cutting edge of forest science and have developed software that creates forest cover and deforestation maps from satellite imagery. Organizations across Latin America use Greg's program, Carnegie Landsat Analysis System (CLASlite), and Carlos' program, Sistema de Alerta de Deforestation (SAD), to analyze forest cover change. However, widespread use of this analysis has been hampered by lack of access to satellite imagery data and computational resources for processing.
Handle computation in the cloud
What if we could offer scientists and tropical nations access to a high-performance satellite imagery-processing engine running online, in the “Google cloud”? And what if we could gather together all of the earth’s raw satellite imagery data — petabytes of historical, present and future data — and make it easily available on this platform? We decided to find out, by working with Greg and Carlos to re-implement their software online, on top of a prototype platform we've built that gives them easy access to terabytes of satellite imagery and thousands of computers in our data centers.
Here are the results of running CLASlite on the satellite imagery sequence shown above:
CLASlite online - This shows deforestation and degradation in Rondonia, Brazil from 1986-2008, with the red indicating recent activity
Here's the result of running SAD in a region of recent deforestation pressure in Mato Grosso, Brazil:
SAD online - The red "hotspots" indicate deforestation that has happened within the last 30 days
Combining science with massive data and technology resources in this way offers the following advantages:
* Unprecedented speed: On a top-of-the-line desktop computer, it can take days or weeks to analyze deforestation over the Amazon. Using our cloud-based computing power, we can reduce that time to seconds. Being able to detect illegal logging activities faster can help support local law enforcement and prevent further deforestation from happening.
* Ease of use and lower costs: An online platform that offers easy access to data, scientific algorithms and computation horsepower from any web browser can dramatically lower the cost and complexity for tropical nations to monitor their forests.
* Security, privacy and transparency: Governments and researchers don't want to share sensitive data and results before they are ready. Our cloud-based platform allows users to control access to their data and results. At the same time, because the data, analysis and results reside online, they can also be easily shared, made available for collaboration, presented to the public and independently verified — when appropriate.
* Climate change impact: We think that a suitably scaled-up and enhanced version of this platform could be a promising as a tool for forest monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) in support of efforts such as REDD.
As a product, this technology will be provided to the world as a not-for-profit service. This technology prototype is currently available to a small set of partners for testing purposes — it's not yet available to the general public but we expect to make it more broadly available over the next year. We are grateful to a host of individuals and organizations (find full list here) who have advised us on developing this technology. In particular, we would like to thank the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their close partnership since the initial inception of this project. We're also working with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), a consortium of national government bodies, inter-governmental organizations, space agencies and research institutions through GEO's Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) task force. Last month Together We Launched the FCT GEO portal and are now exploring how we can together bring Also the power of this new technology to tropical nations.
're excited to be Able to share this early prototype and look forward to seeing what's possible.
Posted by Rebecca Moore, Engineering Manager, and Dr. Amy Luers, Environment Manager,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Can You Take Superpump With Creatine
Former Beatles launched "Meat Free Monday" to the European Parliament. "Factory farms pollute more than transport '
BRUSSELS - no meat on Monday. For non-personal health, but of the planet. Paul McCartney, believes a vegetarian for years, has launched a new and unique environmental battles called 'Meat Free Monday. " The goal? Help reduce pollution levels by reducing the consumption of meat, because the farms are among the major greenhouse gas. And today brought before the European Parliament, with government intervention in the classroom, asking for support from the EU.
SPEECH AND SONG - "Do not eat meat on Monday, will help the planet not to die," said the former Beatles. The slogan is: "Less Meat: Less heat," or "less meat, less heat." Between the start of his tour (the way from Hamburg, concluded in London before Christmas) the former Beatles liked to say that Europe will not only be the actions of governments to save the earth from overheating. Even the behavior of individuals rely heavily. Reduce a bit 'consumption of meat (it was for him should stop everybody, but that's another story). "I'm not transport the bad guys - McCartney said - but the meat industry," The livestock industry, he said, produces more greenhouse gases than the entire transport sector. "Every six seconds disappear soccer fields and forests. For a piece of meat you use an equal amount of water to a shower for four hours. Not to mention that farming is a major source of water pollution, "he added. Therefore, for the good of all and also of Health ("Many studies say that red meat is bad '), it would be good without meat at least one day a week. "Let's say on Monday - claims the former Beatle - even after the excesses of the wekend. It would cut emissions by a 1500 km trip by car. " And to support his campaign, McCartney also composed a song, Meat Free Monday ", downloadable software (a gift) from a web page linked to your site that also contains messages to supporters and vegetarian recipes that can replace meat. At least on Monday. Corriere Della Sera 04/11/2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Front Diagram Of Ship
Por Fábio de Castro, Agência de Atibaia
Fapesp - Reduce as emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (EGE) que causam or aquecimento global and one of the main reasons for the current international effort that aims to replace fossil fuels for clean energy sources like ethanol from sugar cane. But the fertilizers needed for biofuel production may have a role in their own GHG emissions. This paper
fertilizer use in the emissions need to be carefully studied so that you can understand the environmental balance of sugarcane crop, according to Heitor Cantarella, a researcher at the Agronomy Institute (IAC), Campinas (SP) and an expert on fertility soil and fertilizer. Cantarella
participated on Tuesday (11 / 8) of Workshop Biofuel Technologies and its implications in the use of water and land, which is being held in Atibaia (SP) to the 12th of August. The event is sponsored by FAPESP Research Program on Bioenergy (BIOEN) and the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) Biotechnology for bioethanol. According
Cantarella, who is one of the coordinators of BIOEN, nitrogen contained in fertilizers used in farming of cane sugar has a significant role in relation to GHG emissions.
"When we use sugar cane for biofuel production need to evaluate the impact of culture on the GHG balance. Nitrogen enters into the equation because it penetrates into the soil through microbiological reactions, it causes the release of small quantities of nitrous oxide, an important greenhouse gas, "said Cantarella Agency FAPESP.
The intensity of the greenhouse effect caused by each molecule of nitrous oxide is almost 300 times greater than that caused by a molecule of carbon dioxide, according to Cantarella. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests that about 1% of nitrogen fertilizer used on crops ends up being sent to the atmosphere as nitrous oxide.
"But it is important to note that the IPCC numbers are general. There are few evaluations on the production of nitrous oxide used for growing sugar cane. It is necessary to measure the conditions of production of sugarcane, which is the real contribution of nitrogen, "he said.
According to him, in the case of cane sugar, the fact that nitrogen be done in relatively dry season theoretically create conditions unfavorable for the production of nitrous oxide in soil. But the lack of studies prevents an accurate assessment. "That number needs to be evaluated in practice," he said. The
continues to expand sugarcane cultivation in São Paulo and this trend will proceed. "Despite the expansion, the environmental point of view the problem of emission of nitrous oxide is not so great. On the other hand, he acquires a crucial importance when we make an environmental review of a culture that has the mitigation of GHG emissions from their goals, "he said.
The use of fertilizers in the cultivation of sugar cane, also according to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Support of Agricultural Research, is in general quite efficient. With the same amount of fertilizer applied to other crops, the cane has a much higher production of biomass.
"Still, the growing of sugar cane, for its extension, accounts for a share of 13% to 17% of all fertilizer used in Brazilian agriculture, "he said. New challenges
The main obstacle to the efficiency of fertilization in sugarcane cultivation in the state with regard to recent technological changes. "With increases in the area with mechanized harvesting, we have a lot of straw on the soil surface. This complicates the incorporation of fertilizers, which are often left exposed. And one of the main nitrogen fertilizer used on this crop, urea is subject to large losses by volatilization, "Cantarella said. A
possible solutions to the problem, he said, would use any other source than urea. "But this kind of alternative is more expensive and less abundant," he said. Other
viable solutions would be to incorporate a mechanical device or use of additives to reduce losses. "We are not yet a practical and economic well-established. It is a challenge we have to solve, "he said.
Another issue that needs further study, points out, is the role of certain bacteria associated with sugarcane crop to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. This alternative of biological nitrogen fixation could reduce the need fertilizer - which would have major environmental and economic impacts.
"But the magnitude of this setting is not well established. The numbers in the literature are quite variable. Our challenge is to establish such a contribution and find out if we can improve it - with the inoculation of microorganisms or by more efficient selection of varieties of cane sugar that respond better to the process, "he said.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
How To Cover Ugly Pipes
Seeing REDD in the Amazon
Jun 11th 2009 From The Economist print
Saving rainforests needs BOTH property rights and payments
Still Pictures
FORESTS lock up a lot of carbon. Cutting them down accounts for around 20% of the world’s emissions of greenhouse gases. On paper, halting deforestation should be the simplest way to cut emissions. Achieving a similar reduction by building wind turbines or nuclear-power stations, or by mandating more fuel-efficient cars and buildings, would take years and cost billions. In practice, however, halting deforestation is hard: much of the world’s rainforest has already succumbed to loggers and farmers. That is because it is difficult to align the interests of people who live in forests (now 20m in the Brazilian Amazon) with those of the rest of humanity.
The best way of doing so involves a mixture of two ideas: establishing clear property rights over land and paying its owners not to cut down trees. If these policies are to work anywhere, it will be in Brazil, which possesses 60% of the world’s greatest tropical forest. Brazil has powerful motives for preserving the Amazon. Deforestation does terrible damage to the reputation of a country that is a pioneer in renewable energy. It also puts at risk the Amazon rain factory that enables Brazil to be one of the world’s biggest agricultural exporters.
Brazil now has a sophisticated system for monitoring deforestation from satellites and aeroplanes. It has set aside some 40% of the Amazon as national parks or Indian reserves. It has laws that restrict deforestation in the rest. The problem is enforcing those laws over a vast area where many of the inhabitants dislike the rules (see article). The first step is a proper land registry to confirm who owns what. Some 15-25% of the Amazon is private property, which is supposed to be kept 80% forested (though often is not). Most of the rest is nominally federal land, but in practice is up for grabs: title deeds are forged, people are killed and deforestation accelerates because of competing claims. Some farmers even clear trees as a way to solidify land claims: fines from Brazil’s environmental agency can create a paper trail that acts as proof of ownership.
A law approved this month by Brazil’s Congress aspires to end this mess—but at a price. It would grant title to all landholdings up to 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) occupied before 2005 in the Amazon, comprising an area the size of France, and ban further land claims. The law entrenches injustice: it risks rewarding people who used violence to obtain land, including large landholders who occupy almost 90% of the area under discussion. Brazilian greens want to limit the measure to smaller plots, and to ban their resale for ten years.
Yet that risks defeating the object. Better for the government to complement this attempt to end battles over privately owned land with a decision to take the rest of the Amazon into public ownership, as parks or reserves. Countries with rainforests also need to have due regard for their preservation and for the Indians who live in them when allowing mining and oil exploration. The lack of such procedures was behind a bloody clash in Peru this month (see article).
Lay down that axe and you will get cash
At the moment it makes economic sense to cut down trees: those who do so can sell the timber and turn the land into farms or ranches. So the second idea for saving forests lies in changing economic incentives by paying people not to chop down trees—an idea known in the ghastly jargon of climate-change diplomacy as “reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation” (REDD). Since many rich countries felled their forests as they developed it seems fair that they should pay some of the cost of this.
There are difficulties, though. One is that “avoided deforestation” is hard to define and quantify. Another, raised by officials in Europe who have chosen not to include REDD in the European carbon-trading scheme, is that the carbon market would be flooded with deforestation credits that will push down the price. Companies would then buy cheap credits and continue doing business as usual rather than cutting their own emissions. Further tricky issues abound: who should have the right to sell credits? How should the money be split between central governments, local governments and indigenous people? And should the money be paid in perpetuity?
REDD schemes will require careful monitoring to ensure that forests really are left intact and that carbon credits for an area are not claimed more than once. Murky goings-on in Papua New Guinea, one of the leading advocates of REDD, highlight such worries (see article).
Even so, it is worth trying, simply because avoiding deforestation is so effective in slowing carbon emissions. So REDD deserves a place in the world climate treaty to be negotiated in Copenhagen in December, to replace the Kyoto treaty when it expires in 2012. As with other forms of carbon credit, today’s voluntary and experimental REDD schemes will need to be replaced by more rigorously accredited and monitored schemes. But they have a chance of working only if the countries in which they operate define forest land rights clearly. Brazil’s flawed attempt to do this is a step forward.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Without Clothes In Fashoin Tv
Originario di Ascoli Piceno, padre Bartolini è da trent' anni jungle
An Italian priest against deforestation, "In Peru we were the first to move 'The world' s found now, with the massacre, but our rivers are already polluted by oil, our children have blood lead and animals die every day
RIO DE JANEIRO - In the week will appear in court. Incitement to revolt, perhaps even terrorism. Hours to ascend the river to Yurimaguas, accompanied as usual by friends campesinos. May even, he says, to be expelled from Peru, after 31 years of missionary work and social, because here's residence, but is an Italian citizen. Father Mario Bartolini, 70, Ascoli Piceno, is a charismatic figure of the movement of Indians and peasants, who is challenging the government in Lima. The reach to Tarapoto, where he attends a convention: in the village of a thousand souls, of which he is pastor, Barranquita, there 'is just a radio telephone and electric light for all. Prefer to speak English, 'Italy is a distant memory. "There have been the 'last time to hug my mother before she died." And then, "even the 'Europe is responsible for the crime of colonialism, the tragedy of these people." Don Mario, the Passionist Congregation, is a priest in the trenches in the forest. His pulpit is a small radio station, Voz de Cainarachi Barranquita and started the first battle resistance to the decrees of exploiting the 'Amazon of the government of Lima, which resulted in the massacre of Indians and policemen Cagua. It has been repeatedly denounced and threatened with death. But it has no intention of stopping. His enemy is the group Romero, of giant 'agribusinesses in Peru, he managed to get himself assigned by the government 30,000 acres of virgin forest in the territory of his parish to clear and then replace the trees with oil plants for the production of biodiesel. "A sort of dress rehearsal to the destruction of 'the Peruvian Amazon, so we were the first to move." "The world has discovered in Peru these days, with the massacre, but our rivers are already polluted by oil, our children have lead and cadmium in blood and every day I see animals die and flee from the forest to destruction. " Father Mario does not believe a word of what the government said the massacre Cagua. "They control all the media and the conscience. The Indians are a peaceful movement, have no firearms and were only defended by the police. They say that Alberto Pizango (leader of the revolt, ed) and fled to Bolivia, just throw everything in politics, to say that the Indians are behind Morales and Chávez. " And the policemen had their throats slit by the protesters? "It's not true at all. Our only defended themselves. All nonsense, an excuse to impose 'Peruvian Amazon state of emergency and curfew. " To history of development of jobs in the forest that was created with the new investment does not believe his father Mario, "Do not you ever seen. The regions where there are the multinational oil and wood are the ones with the highest rates of poverty, disease and marginalization. The government is working 's agreement with the United States to change our laws, clear rules of the Constitution that speak of forest protection and indigenous peoples. " Throw the breath, says he has to go, it expects a group of farmers from a nearby region, have a serious problem as Barranquita. "The Catholic Church? It is with me, here in our region also hierarchies are close to the poor. Indeed, we are the 'only force that is opposing the lies and corruption. The money is buying everything, I open the newspapers and they describe me as a man possessed criminal, and they sent someone to write death threats on the walls of the parish. But I will not move from here, they can arrest me or kick me from Peru, I know, but it is a risk that I face. " "My people do not have any - continues -. The white elites of the coast, the same fellow of the Indians and campesinos, call them perros, dogs, second-class citizens, unnecessary obstacles to their ambitions. " You truce at this time, the roadblocks were removed, the movement of the Indians want to sit at a table, discuss. "But the government will stay there? I have my doubts. The fight must continue tutti i fine when the decree sull 'Amazzonia verranno ritirati. Terre degli Indian Queste sleep, dall 'inizio della Storia and it devono per restare ever. " Rocco Cotronei Nella foresta
Cotronei Rocco
Pagina 23 (8 giugno 2009) - Corriere della Sera
Monday, June 22, 2009
Bird Aviaries Birmingham
Islanders, in May 2009
The Government of Bahia, so obscure, announces the installation of an intermodal complex (port, retroport, railway, airport) in the region of Ponta da Granary, north coast of Ilhéus, since January 2008. More recently, news that steel and nuclear power plant in southern Bahia, in the shadows of the Port South
all started with the Bamin, transnational company that acquired the license to exploit the deposit of iron in Caetité, and thus want to sell the ore to China. Other minerals business emerged in recent years, stimulated by the international market before the crisis.
In fact, there is the project of a deep sea port in front of the observatory of Sierra Grande, with a huge patio for ore deposit, adjacent to the beach and nearby the tip of the Granary. This patio would occupy more than twice the area of \u200b\u200bthe village (the area ceded to Bamin is 200 hectares and 80 hectares of yard deposit of iron ore in the open stacks, or 80 football fields just for this purpose).
To enable the business private, the Government of Bahia declared a public utility area of \u200b\u200b1,780 hectares in the EPA's Enchanted Lake, passed on to Bamin at no cost to the company. The Port and the backyard would use mostly imported equipment, and very little manpower. According to Bamin, they will hire up to 300 employees to operate the machines, and most of these people should come out. Moreover, the government says, without presenting any concrete fact that this project will generate 10 thousand jobs and changing the face of the region. In fact, the face South of Bahia can change for the worse. Similar projects such as the extraction of iron ore for export, in Minas Gerais, Amapá and Pará (Carajás), resulted in little or no improvement in quality of life. Who profits from this are the companies. For Brazil and its people are pollution, social and environmental degradation, and misery for a growing share of its population.
Experts hired by the government of Bahia state that this project will forever affect the region, damaging tourism between Islanders, Uruçuca (Serra Grande), Itacare, Maraú Camamu and eliminating jobs. Fishermen jangadeiros and will lose their relationship with the sea and the current job opportunities. The iron ore pollution fills the air, rivers and the sea, harming the health of residents across the region, with skin and lung diseases, in addition to noise, which will affect towns and natural environments. The fish production will decrease, affecting the cost of living and security in the region. To make matters worse, the government has said it wants to install a steel mill and also a nuclear power plant. If the iron goes to China, and the deposit has Caetité expected to last only 15 to 25 years, because making a steel? Or is it just a motto for new grants, promising new jobs and investment? If the region has tourist and locals throughout the cacao zone, because a nuclear plant, which we know to have high cost and high risk of health and safety for the population? Why not revitalize the São Francisco River and re-empower the turbines of the hydroelectric plants that already exist?
Bamin's project, the APA's Enchanted Lake, affects the flora and fauna of the ecological corridor between the Park City of Hope and the State Park of Serra do Conduru between Ilheus and Itacare, with risks to endangered species that live that location, such as laziness collar, otter, the capuchin yellow breast and many other species of the Atlantic. The Enchanted Lake, on the other hand, is an important body of water with about 24 km2, and an outpost of the Biosphere Reserve of the Atlantic Forest, a national organization that represents the UNESCO. Even small and highly fragmented, the Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia has a direct influence on the people living life in their area by maintaining the flow of water sources, soil fertility, climate regulation and protection of slopes and mountain slopes, while preserving an immense historical and cultural heritage. After
16 months of the first notice, the Government of Bahia has not done any consultation or public hearing, ignoring municipal autonomy, over the heads of civil society, the Master Plan of the city of Ilheus, the APA's Enchanted Lake, communities and condos and tourism projects recommended by the same government to come to the region. Communities in the region are also unhappy Caetité and countered with the iron mining that will destroy their livelihoods and their environmental resources, without generating benefits for the majority.
We will not accept a bad project and has been tax down our throats while ignoring society of islets and throughout the region. We have an economy that needs relief and recovery, and South Port is to help bury something good that we still have in southern Bahia.
Indigenous Missionary Council, CIMI - Team Itabuna
CPT-CPT - Team sulsudoeste
Federation of Organizations for Social and Educational Assistance - PHASE - Itabuna
Islanders Action Association - (Islanders)
Youth Ministry - Diocese of Itabuna
Association for social redemption - ARES - (Camacan)
Neighborhood Association Aritaguá and Retreat - (Islanders) Indigenous People
Pataxo-Uh-Hãe - (Pau Brazil, Itaju of Cologne and Camacan)
Tupinambá of Indigenous People - (Buerarema, Una and Ilhéus)
Citizenship Council Parish - (Itabuna)
Ceta Southern Bahia - Southern region of Bahia
Unified Black Movement-MNU - (Itabuna)
Brazilian Union of Women-UBM - (Itabuna)
Living Forest - (Islanders)
Basic Ecclesial Communities, BEC's - (Itabuna and Islanders)
Agricultural School Community Margarida Alves - (Islanders)
Residents Association Fonseca - (Itabuna)
Union of Neighborhood Associations of Itabuna - (Itabuna)
Movement Quilombo - (Itacaré)
Village Residents 'Association Juerana (Islanders)
Association of Residents of Laguna Encantada (Islanders)
Village Residents' Association Juerana - AMORVIJU
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Birthday In Letters
Itabuna Itajuípe and lost all
Atlantic Forest and are among the most devastated cities in southern Bahia. Data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and Fundação SOS Mata Atlantica show that the cocoa region has been experiencing an accelerated process of deforestation.
The illegal logging and fires occur in areas in full swing. There are places where there are more remnants of the original Atlantic Forest.
Among the municipalities that are totally "naked" are Itabuna Itajuípe, Barro Preto, Arataca, St. Joseph's Victoria and Buerarema. With 210 000 inhabitants, almost all in urban areas, Itabuna has 443 km of territory and 0% forest and dunes.
Other cities that suffer from deforestation and are close to losing what's left are Firmino Alves, Coaraci, Ibicaraí, Ubaitaba, Itapé, Forest Blue, and Jussari Aurelino Leal. In Firmino Alves left only 3% remaining, a total of 408 hectares of forest. In
Coaraci the damage was even greater. The city has only 1% remaining, which corresponds to approximately 261 hectares of native forest. For the residents of Ibicaraí remaining 123 hectares without deforestation. The volume corresponds to 1% of the municipality.
One percent is also the rate of kills in Ubaitaba untouchable, which has 314 acres remaining. Other municipalities have fewer than 10% of Atlantic Forest are Santa Cruz da Vitória (9%), Itororó (8%), Itapé (3%) Alma (6%) and Itapitanga (5%).
For the director of Knowledge Management and coordinator of the SOS Mata Atlantica Atlas, Marcia Hirota, data show that there is an urgent need for more effective performance of public power. "We must make people understand that life depends on the forest."
She says we must all join in the effort towards the protection of this biome. "It's a matter of survival of the 112 million people, to protect all that remains of the original forest, so it will publish the data every two years ".
Marcia Hirota explains that "the increasing fragmentation in the Brazilian cities and pressure on the forest reinforce the importance of people's awareness and efforts in forest restoration." She looks
that due to the extreme fragmentation of some passages, especially in the interior regions, the interplay between native forests becomes paramount to ensure biodiversity protection, water and climate in these regions.
INPE data and the SOS Mata Atlantica show that Bahia was the third Brazilian state where most deforested between 2005 and 2008.
were eliminated 24,148 acres of forest, and in Bom Jesus da Lapa 1797 were destroyed, lost Cândido Sales 1580 and cleared in Vitoria da Conquista 1418 hectares.
Una Itacaré and have the largest forest area
Atlantic in southern Bahia, considering the extent of the municipalities. Data from the National Institute for Space Research showed that 35% of Una preserves remnants of Atlantic Forest in the county, followed by Itacare, which saves 31%.
The first municipality has an area of \u200b\u200b39,967 hectares with no deforestation. Moreover, it has 167 acres of shoal and 575 hectares of mangroves. In Itacare are 22,375 hectares of native forest 573 acre salt marsh and 939 hectares of mangroves. Islanders
comes next, with 23% of its area covered by Atlantic Forest. She also has 39,538 hectares of remaining forest, 1,916 hectares of sandbanks and 722 hectares of mangroves. In
Canavieiras there are still 20% of native forest, which represents 21,435 acres of remaining. The city also has 1,408 hectares of sandbanks and 4,358 hectares of mangroves.
In Santa Luzia the Atlantic Forest is 15,063 hectares, or 19% of the municipality. In Uruçuca are 5,686 hectares, which represents 17% of the total area. The information contained in the Atlas Cities of the Atlantic.
He reveals the identity, location and situation of the major remaining forests in the municipalities covered by the Atlantic. Index by Atlantic Forest Preservation (IPMA) becomes possible rank the counties by native coverage.
Data and maps can be accessed through the internet, on sites and free. Below is the deforestation rate in some municipalities in southern Bahia.
Remnants of Atlantic Forest in hectares:
Alma | 1417 |
Aurelino Leal | 888 |
Itapé | 1245 |
Itapitanga | 2216 |
Itororó | 2699 |
Blue Forest | 1614 |
Jussari | 824 |
Sta Cruz Victory | 2.354 |
Ubaitaba | 3.148 |
Sunday, June 14, 2009
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Dr Rajendra Pachauri, economist and environmental scientist is Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC).
In 2007, he accepted on behalf of the IPCC, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S Vice-President Al Gore Jr.
Dr Pachauri will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa and deliver the 2008 Wallace Wurth Memorial Lecture entitled: "Our Vulnerable Earth - Climate Change, the IPCC and the role of Generation Green".
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Alliance Insurance is a leading company in Italy in the life insurance market and one of the largest in Europe.
Founded in Genoa in 1898, has a name and a clear symbol that characterizes the company since its inception. It refers to a group of synergistic companies operating in insurance, financial and real estate.
The uniqueness of the "Alliance Model" lies in the ubiquity of its structure: 1,300 outlets in 352 agencies, evenly distributed throughout the country and managed by employees of the Company.
Alliance is a subsidiary of the Generali Group.
Our Mission
Meeting the needs of individuals and of Italian families through a full range of insurance products, investment and pension.
We offer our customers solutions that enable:
• to ensure over time the value of savings entrusted
• to protect them from risks arising from the onset of events that could alter the quality of their lives and the lives of their loved ones .
Alliance offers four product lines:
• • Supplementary Pension Savings + Security
• Protection • Investments
It is also possible to meet asset management products through the Alliance of Funds.
Alliance offers: •
strong guarantees of solidity and historical identity in the family savings
• extensive experience in long-term investments
• Family Safety •
traditional and consistent customer service.
Our values \u200b\u200b
• Transparency • Professionalism • Fairness
• Simplicity • Clarity
Our numbers
• Over 100 years of history •
listed companies among the top 40 market (S & P / MIB)
• 2 million customers
• 44 billion * invested in the protection of policyholders (* consolidated figure)
• 1,300 points of sale throughout Italy
• 14,500 Employees
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
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Alliance Insurance
Reggio Emilia
tel. 0522/541242
Manager: ANTONIO Ferraguti
antonio.ferraguti @
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Alliance considers human resources a real capital for the company.
The company invests in research and selection of new employees who are placed in a preparatory training course registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries Act. Leveraging its network of sales process through comprehensive training and structured Alliance accompanies and supports its employees in professional growth.
Every employee of Alliance adheres to the Code of Ethics, a commitment to strong and precise, a guarantee of mutual trust that protects our relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, public institutions, press, and generally with all outside agencies that come into contact with our company.
The Company's commitment is to periodically collect instances of employees to monitor the business climate and maintain a motivating work environment where everyone can contribute effectively to the growth of the Company.
In 2008, Alliance has also established a Commission for Equal Opportunities with the aim to promote conditions for continuous professional growth. through listening to the needs of the staff, the Commission intends to promote initiatives aimed at improving the quality of business life and private life.
Related links:
Click here for the video "Working Alliance".
Click here to see our offer.
Click here to send us your CV.
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E 'can get loans and / or advances?
The Contractor, if the contract is current with the payment of awards and has gained the right to redeem (paid at least three year), may ask:
- get a loan to the conditions set by the Company in the act of granting for an amount not greater than 75% of surrender value. The loan requires the payment of annual interest of which the first installment is deducted at the time of grant. The customer has the option to pay interest that will accrue annually, or let themselves go and add up the amount paid. The repayment of the loan and interest accrued but not yet paid will be made in only solution and may occur at any time before the expiry of the contract, or both of the amounts due shall be deducted when the bill becomes liquidated for any reason. The Company reserves the right in any case to accept the request for loan
- to obtain interest-free advances to the amount guaranteed on death where the insurer has had to undergo surgery to a high. This anticipation can easily exceed the surrender value, but not the reduced value of the insured benefits in the event of premature death and will in no case exceed the amount of expenses actually incurred in operating the Act. What is a product
Unit Linked?
unit-linked products are contracts whose performance is attached (linked) to share (unit) of funds are important characteristics are:
- direct dependence of performance on the value of an investment fund inside of which were purchased some shares whose value is reported by major newspapers cheapest
- the financial risk is borne by the customer, not being provided any guarantee of performance;
- an investment in the medium to long term.
What is a index-linked policies?
E 'a contract whose performance is attached (linked) to the value of one or more benchmarks, consisting of from financial instruments or indices (Index): for example the S & P / MIB index, the Nikkei index, the index of consumer prices ...
index-linked policies offer the investor the opportunity to seize the opportunities offered by the performance of financial markets with a low risk profile.
What is a mixed bill?
The mixed bill is a contract that is based on two distinct and important benefits:
- investment, with the liquidation of the capital sum at maturity;
- hedge the risk of death, with the liquidation of the sum insured in the event of premature death Insured.
regard to coverage in case of premature death, the occurrence of the death of the Insured, the Company will liquidate the insured sum to the designated beneficiaries.
They can also be specified in the contract guarantees:
- the case of death from accidents, premature death if the insured is due to accidental causes, will double the capital to be paid to the beneficiaries;
- the case of death resulting in injury resulting from road traffic, tripled the insured sum will be paid to designated beneficiaries.
In essence, the life insurance in the form of "mixed" is a good form of saving and simultaneously meets the needs of protection. What
a "PIP"?
The PIP, Individual Pension Plan is a pension product aimed at constructing an annuity additional to that provided by the compulsory pension system. The PIP has these characteristics:
- Member of the fuels the PIP paid its contribution and / or flows of TFR in ripening;
- the services are activated in conjunction with the right to receive a pension under the rules of the compulsory
- the member is entitled to request the disbursement of the pension in the form of capital
limited to 50% of the matured.
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after-hours: is the market where securities are exchanged at different times from those of the official exchange (usually the evening hours).
Calculation Agent: in the case of index-linked contracts where the underlying investment is structured bond, is the company which determines, in accordance with Regulation structured debt, the redemption value of the debt itself. As the person responsible for the secondary market determines the value of listed debt throughout the life of the obligation under normal market conditions.
rate of regression (or participation): the percentage yield achieved by the separate management of the investments that the company recognizes the insured.
technical analysis: set of techniques for evaluation of qualifications is based on the study of the shape of the graph of prices (minimum, maximum, openings and closures) and volumes in the past.
ania: is the National Association of Insurance Companies, the private entity class which has among its aims also to carry out all appropriate action to launch a broader and deeper knowledge of the function, of the problems and conditions of the insurance industry in ways that may seem more 'effective against various sectors of public opinion.
policy year: period calculated in full years from the commencement.
anticipation of the capital in case of serious illness: liquidation in whole or in part, in the event of an outbreak of illness among those defined in the contractual terms of the sum insured payable in the event of death of the insured.
Appendix: document which forms part of the contract and that is issued together with or after this to change certain aspects in each case agreed between the company and the contractor.
asset allocation: term used for the allocation of assets across multiple asset classes. For example, the asset allocation of a fund indicates its assets are distributed according to certain criteria such as market sectors, geographies and so on.
insured: person on whose life has been a contract of insurance and whose premature death leads to survival or the provision of benefits guaranteed by the bill.
insurer person taking the risk of the event described in the policy.
life insurance if: guarantees payment of principal or payment of a pension if the insured is alive at the end of the deferral in the event of premature death of the insured some forms require the repayment of net premiums paid and re-evaluated (counterinsurance).
endowment insurance: combines the features of the tariff for life and that the case for the case of death.
life insurance: Coverage risk of occurrence of a specific event tied to the life insured. It consists in the obligation of the insurance company to recognize a particular benefit to the beneficiary upon the occurrence of the event identified in the policy.
Term life insurance in case of death: guarantees payment of a lump sum to beneficiaries in case of death of the insured within a specified period of time (but before the expiry of the contract). May provide counterinsurance.
actions: securities representing participation in the venture capital company. With ownership of the shares are acquired rights such as voting and participation in the profits of the company. Under Italian law could be as ordinary shares, preference shares and savings shares, diversified according to various rights embedded.
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Euro San Giorgio The Fund was established May 1, 2002.
Its management is carried out based on guidelines such as:
• minimization of the risk arising from the mismatch between the commitments made by the Company against the Insured and the characteristics of assets, while considering the volatility and financial market developments ;
• allocation of investments carried out mostly in bonds, selected to minimize the credit risk in the portfolio;
• given the nature of portfolio management, stock selection favoring broadcasters will be the reward ' investors with high dividends. The
Euro San Giorgio Fund invests in a large proportion of government securities and bonds: are favored fixed-income securities such as BTP, CCT, and other high credit quality bonds quoted in Euro.
products linked to the Euro San Giorgio:
• D ® ORO di Alleanza
• • • Then
• Capitalize Alliance
• TFM Executive
The observation period to determine the efficiency runs from November 1 to October 31 each year thereafter: in 2008, the Fund has received Euro San Giorgio a financial rate of return equal to 5.07% * (See table)

* The results are not guarantees of future performance of
** D ® ORO di Alleanza, Farpiù, Laurel, AlProfit, TFM Executive
Download here Annual Report of the Separate
Download the Prospectus Quarterly the composition of the Separate
Latest News
09/01/2009 h. 11:30
The separate management of Alleanza Assicurazioni confirm the positive trend of recent years: Euro San Giorgio Fund recorded a return of 5.07% in 2008 .
Download 2008 Earnings Fund - Euro San Giorgio
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Become an insurance agent in the Alliance to undertake a career and educational that allows you to acquire knowledge and develop the skills necessary to perform this activities.
The role of entry to the Alliance team is to Junior Professional Sales, a role which is reserved for a career path that offers exciting opportunities for economic and professional with a realistic chance of becoming addicted.
The Junior Sales Professional are women and men with a aged between 25 and 35 years, graduates , who want to pursue a path of professional development. Autonomous and dynamic people, focused on achieving the goals and have good interpersonal skills. Any previous experience of a commercial nature are a factor desirable but not essential.
This new partnership will be immediately placed on a course that alternates with days of classroom training, on-the-Job "alongside a fellow senior. The first part of this process is the basis for registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries (*) , mandatory 1 February 2007 in order to accomplish this task.
• Coverage: You will quote him / her as a team lead by a trainer, you will manage a portfolio according to specific customers to develop qualitative and quantitative criteria. You will be accompanied by a more experienced colleague who will accompany you towards full autonomy in research and acquiring new customers and in the care and management of the portfolio. • Offer
Alliance. now collaborates with the title of Manufacturer Direct, with compensation commensurate with your skills and your results with a realistic chance of becoming addicted. If you're interested in growing in the asset management you have also the opportunity to take the exam to become financial advisors, with the mandate Simgenia (the Sim distribution of the Generali Group) Alliance advantage of the training program that relies on specialist external trainers. • From
Junior Professional Sales Agent: You aspire to management positions, with the task of forming and managing your own team: the JSP through a career of success comes in roles of increasing responsibility. All our managers have agency, in fact, started their career as a manufacturer directly.
(*) On 1 January 2006 entered into force the Code of Private Insurance that, among other things, has delegated ISVAP (Institute for Supervision of Private Insurance) to regulate and supervise the work done by insurance agents.
The new legislation is based on mandatory membership (as of February 1, 2007) in the registry of all those who wish to carry out the activities of insurance. This discipline recognizes professionalism to insurance, defining characteristics and specific skills through the professional category, and indicate the requirements necessary to accomplish this task.
Alliance seeks the inclusion of persons likely to become insurance agents, and offers a training whose first part is preparatory to entry in the registry ISVAP.
Collaborators are all Alliance members to the "C" of this register under the name of manufacturer directly. For direct producers include those that "even in the alternative to the business carried on primarily, engaged in the activity of insurance mediation on life and accident and sickness branches in behalf of and under the full responsibility of an insurance company and operating time without obligation or undertaking is the result only for
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Since our founding in 1831, Assicurazioni Generali are committed to manage in the most effective and productive entrepreneurial activity to ensure all risks to people and things, in order to create value for its shareholders through optimum customer satisfaction .
after all these decades, the Generali Group has established itself as a major player in the world, developing and consolidating not only in various industrial sectors, but also in the economic, cultural and social development of many nations in different continents.
At all stages of this growth, the Group has pursued the goal of social, considered a real investment that is taking the business world, convinced that competitiveness is inextricably must accompany not only the ethical sensitivity, but also to social involvement and environmental responsibility.
In the recent context of growing attention to corporate governance, it was considered necessary, first, to formalize and, secondly, to disseminate a document endorsing the most salient principles of ethics which Always inspired by the Group's business, and that is also means that exerted through its subsidiaries, to which this Code applies, taking into account the specific cultural and social rights of the individual countries of operation.
The Group intends to maintain relationships with all stakeholders based on respect for the principles of this Code and, to refer to an ideal of cooperation, hopes that these, in turn, make them their own and follow them.
the basis of this document there is a long-term commitment, which supports and gives ethical foundation to the economic strategy and industrial development of the Group.
This Code of Ethics ("The Code ") consists of: •
by the general principles that characterize the ethos of the Group;
• the guidelines that govern all transactions with counterparties;
• by implementing rules that describe the control system for ' compliance with the code of ethics and its continuous improvement.
European Social Charter of the Generali Group
Following the path outlined by the Code of Ethics and Sustainability in the field of corporate social responsibility, the Parent Company has adopted on 28 November 2006 the "European Social Charter Generali Group.
The Social Charter is confirmation of the attention that has always aimed at the Generali Group issues relating to their human resources and constructive dialogue with employee representatives .
To summarize some of the aspects that characterize the content of the European Social Charter:
• full compliance with the basic minimum rights of employees
• the promotion of social dialogue between management and worker representatives
• the search of the best strategies in the management, protection and enhancement of human resources
• respect for union rights and representation of workers and the exercise of their functions.