after-hours: is the market where securities are exchanged at different times from those of the official exchange (usually the evening hours).
Calculation Agent: in the case of index-linked contracts where the underlying investment is structured bond, is the company which determines, in accordance with Regulation structured debt, the redemption value of the debt itself. As the person responsible for the secondary market determines the value of listed debt throughout the life of the obligation under normal market conditions.
rate of regression (or participation): the percentage yield achieved by the separate management of the investments that the company recognizes the insured.
technical analysis: set of techniques for evaluation of qualifications is based on the study of the shape of the graph of prices (minimum, maximum, openings and closures) and volumes in the past.
ania: is the National Association of Insurance Companies, the private entity class which has among its aims also to carry out all appropriate action to launch a broader and deeper knowledge of the function, of the problems and conditions of the insurance industry in ways that may seem more 'effective against various sectors of public opinion.
policy year: period calculated in full years from the commencement.
anticipation of the capital in case of serious illness: liquidation in whole or in part, in the event of an outbreak of illness among those defined in the contractual terms of the sum insured payable in the event of death of the insured.
Appendix: document which forms part of the contract and that is issued together with or after this to change certain aspects in each case agreed between the company and the contractor.
asset allocation: term used for the allocation of assets across multiple asset classes. For example, the asset allocation of a fund indicates its assets are distributed according to certain criteria such as market sectors, geographies and so on.
insured: person on whose life has been a contract of insurance and whose premature death leads to survival or the provision of benefits guaranteed by the bill.
insurer person taking the risk of the event described in the policy.
life insurance if: guarantees payment of principal or payment of a pension if the insured is alive at the end of the deferral in the event of premature death of the insured some forms require the repayment of net premiums paid and re-evaluated (counterinsurance).
endowment insurance: combines the features of the tariff for life and that the case for the case of death.
life insurance: Coverage risk of occurrence of a specific event tied to the life insured. It consists in the obligation of the insurance company to recognize a particular benefit to the beneficiary upon the occurrence of the event identified in the policy.
Term life insurance in case of death: guarantees payment of a lump sum to beneficiaries in case of death of the insured within a specified period of time (but before the expiry of the contract). May provide counterinsurance.
actions: securities representing participation in the venture capital company. With ownership of the shares are acquired rights such as voting and participation in the profits of the company. Under Italian law could be as ordinary shares, preference shares and savings shares, diversified according to various rights embedded.
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