Since our founding in 1831, Assicurazioni Generali are committed to manage in the most effective and productive entrepreneurial activity to ensure all risks to people and things, in order to create value for its shareholders through optimum customer satisfaction .
after all these decades, the Generali Group has established itself as a major player in the world, developing and consolidating not only in various industrial sectors, but also in the economic, cultural and social development of many nations in different continents.
At all stages of this growth, the Group has pursued the goal of social, considered a real investment that is taking the business world, convinced that competitiveness is inextricably must accompany not only the ethical sensitivity, but also to social involvement and environmental responsibility.
In the recent context of growing attention to corporate governance, it was considered necessary, first, to formalize and, secondly, to disseminate a document endorsing the most salient principles of ethics which Always inspired by the Group's business, and that is also means that exerted through its subsidiaries, to which this Code applies, taking into account the specific cultural and social rights of the individual countries of operation.
The Group intends to maintain relationships with all stakeholders based on respect for the principles of this Code and, to refer to an ideal of cooperation, hopes that these, in turn, make them their own and follow them.
the basis of this document there is a long-term commitment, which supports and gives ethical foundation to the economic strategy and industrial development of the Group.
This Code of Ethics ("The Code ") consists of: •
by the general principles that characterize the ethos of the Group;
• the guidelines that govern all transactions with counterparties;
• by implementing rules that describe the control system for ' compliance with the code of ethics and its continuous improvement.
European Social Charter of the Generali Group
Following the path outlined by the Code of Ethics and Sustainability in the field of corporate social responsibility, the Parent Company has adopted on 28 November 2006 the "European Social Charter Generali Group.
The Social Charter is confirmation of the attention that has always aimed at the Generali Group issues relating to their human resources and constructive dialogue with employee representatives .
To summarize some of the aspects that characterize the content of the European Social Charter:
• full compliance with the basic minimum rights of employees
• the promotion of social dialogue between management and worker representatives
• the search of the best strategies in the management, protection and enhancement of human resources
• respect for union rights and representation of workers and the exercise of their functions.
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