Pachauri on Climate Change ...
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, economist and environmental scientist is Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC).
In 2007, he accepted on behalf of the IPCC, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S Vice-President Al Gore Jr.
Dr Pachauri will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa and deliver the 2008 Wallace Wurth Memorial Lecture entitled: "Our Vulnerable Earth - Climate Change, the IPCC and the role of Generation Green".
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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Welcome to Covenant Retirement Savings
Alliance Insurance is a leading company in Italy in the life insurance market and one of the largest in Europe.
Founded in Genoa in 1898, has a name and a clear symbol that characterizes the company since its inception. It refers to a group of synergistic companies operating in insurance, financial and real estate.
The uniqueness of the "Alliance Model" lies in the ubiquity of its structure: 1,300 outlets in 352 agencies, evenly distributed throughout the country and managed by employees of the Company.
Alliance is a subsidiary of the Generali Group.
Our Mission
Meeting the needs of individuals and of Italian families through a full range of insurance products, investment and pension.
We offer our customers solutions that enable:
• to ensure over time the value of savings entrusted
• to protect them from risks arising from the onset of events that could alter the quality of their lives and the lives of their loved ones .
Alliance offers four product lines:
• • Supplementary Pension Savings + Security
• Protection • Investments
It is also possible to meet asset management products through the Alliance of Funds.
Alliance offers: •
strong guarantees of solidity and historical identity in the family savings
• extensive experience in long-term investments
• Family Safety •
traditional and consistent customer service.
Our values \u200b\u200b
• Transparency • Professionalism • Fairness
• Simplicity • Clarity
Our numbers
• Over 100 years of history •
listed companies among the top 40 market (S & P / MIB)
• 2 million customers
• 44 billion * invested in the protection of policyholders (* consolidated figure)
• 1,300 points of sale throughout Italy
• 14,500 Employees

Alliance Insurance is a leading company in Italy in the life insurance market and one of the largest in Europe.
Founded in Genoa in 1898, has a name and a clear symbol that characterizes the company since its inception. It refers to a group of synergistic companies operating in insurance, financial and real estate.
The uniqueness of the "Alliance Model" lies in the ubiquity of its structure: 1,300 outlets in 352 agencies, evenly distributed throughout the country and managed by employees of the Company.
Alliance is a subsidiary of the Generali Group.
Our Mission
Meeting the needs of individuals and of Italian families through a full range of insurance products, investment and pension.
We offer our customers solutions that enable:
• to ensure over time the value of savings entrusted
• to protect them from risks arising from the onset of events that could alter the quality of their lives and the lives of their loved ones .
Alliance offers four product lines:
• • Supplementary Pension Savings + Security
• Protection • Investments
It is also possible to meet asset management products through the Alliance of Funds.
Alliance offers: •
strong guarantees of solidity and historical identity in the family savings
• extensive experience in long-term investments
• Family Safety •
traditional and consistent customer service.
Our values \u200b\u200b
• Transparency • Professionalism • Fairness
• Simplicity • Clarity
Our numbers
• Over 100 years of history •
listed companies among the top 40 market (S & P / MIB)
• 2 million customers
• 44 billion * invested in the protection of policyholders (* consolidated figure)
• 1,300 points of sale throughout Italy
• 14,500 Employees
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
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Alliance Insurance
Reggio Emilia
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Alliance Insurance
Reggio Emilia
tel. 0522/541242
Manager: ANTONIO Ferraguti
antonio.ferraguti @
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map with directions (close view):

Map satellite view:

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Human resources
Alliance considers human resources a real capital for the company.
The company invests in research and selection of new employees who are placed in a preparatory training course registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries Act. Leveraging its network of sales process through comprehensive training and structured Alliance accompanies and supports its employees in professional growth.
Every employee of Alliance adheres to the Code of Ethics, a commitment to strong and precise, a guarantee of mutual trust that protects our relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, public institutions, press, and generally with all outside agencies that come into contact with our company.
The Company's commitment is to periodically collect instances of employees to monitor the business climate and maintain a motivating work environment where everyone can contribute effectively to the growth of the Company.
In 2008, Alliance has also established a Commission for Equal Opportunities with the aim to promote conditions for continuous professional growth. through listening to the needs of the staff, the Commission intends to promote initiatives aimed at improving the quality of business life and private life.
Related links:
Click here for the video "Working Alliance".
Click here to see our offer.
Click here to send us your CV.

Alliance considers human resources a real capital for the company.
The company invests in research and selection of new employees who are placed in a preparatory training course registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries Act. Leveraging its network of sales process through comprehensive training and structured Alliance accompanies and supports its employees in professional growth.
Every employee of Alliance adheres to the Code of Ethics, a commitment to strong and precise, a guarantee of mutual trust that protects our relationships with customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, public institutions, press, and generally with all outside agencies that come into contact with our company.
The Company's commitment is to periodically collect instances of employees to monitor the business climate and maintain a motivating work environment where everyone can contribute effectively to the growth of the Company.
In 2008, Alliance has also established a Commission for Equal Opportunities with the aim to promote conditions for continuous professional growth. through listening to the needs of the staff, the Commission intends to promote initiatives aimed at improving the quality of business life and private life.
Related links:
Click here for the video "Working Alliance".
Click here to see our offer.
Click here to send us your CV.
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Glossary FAQ
E 'can get loans and / or advances?
The Contractor, if the contract is current with the payment of awards and has gained the right to redeem (paid at least three year), may ask:
- get a loan to the conditions set by the Company in the act of granting for an amount not greater than 75% of surrender value. The loan requires the payment of annual interest of which the first installment is deducted at the time of grant. The customer has the option to pay interest that will accrue annually, or let themselves go and add up the amount paid. The repayment of the loan and interest accrued but not yet paid will be made in only solution and may occur at any time before the expiry of the contract, or both of the amounts due shall be deducted when the bill becomes liquidated for any reason. The Company reserves the right in any case to accept the request for loan
- to obtain interest-free advances to the amount guaranteed on death where the insurer has had to undergo surgery to a high. This anticipation can easily exceed the surrender value, but not the reduced value of the insured benefits in the event of premature death and will in no case exceed the amount of expenses actually incurred in operating the Act. What is a product
Unit Linked?
unit-linked products are contracts whose performance is attached (linked) to share (unit) of funds are important characteristics are:
- direct dependence of performance on the value of an investment fund inside of which were purchased some shares whose value is reported by major newspapers cheapest
- the financial risk is borne by the customer, not being provided any guarantee of performance;
- an investment in the medium to long term.
What is a index-linked policies?
E 'a contract whose performance is attached (linked) to the value of one or more benchmarks, consisting of from financial instruments or indices (Index): for example the S & P / MIB index, the Nikkei index, the index of consumer prices ...
index-linked policies offer the investor the opportunity to seize the opportunities offered by the performance of financial markets with a low risk profile.
What is a mixed bill?
The mixed bill is a contract that is based on two distinct and important benefits:
- investment, with the liquidation of the capital sum at maturity;
- hedge the risk of death, with the liquidation of the sum insured in the event of premature death Insured.
regard to coverage in case of premature death, the occurrence of the death of the Insured, the Company will liquidate the insured sum to the designated beneficiaries.
They can also be specified in the contract guarantees:
- the case of death from accidents, premature death if the insured is due to accidental causes, will double the capital to be paid to the beneficiaries;
- the case of death resulting in injury resulting from road traffic, tripled the insured sum will be paid to designated beneficiaries.
In essence, the life insurance in the form of "mixed" is a good form of saving and simultaneously meets the needs of protection. What
a "PIP"?
The PIP, Individual Pension Plan is a pension product aimed at constructing an annuity additional to that provided by the compulsory pension system. The PIP has these characteristics:
- Member of the fuels the PIP paid its contribution and / or flows of TFR in ripening;
- the services are activated in conjunction with the right to receive a pension under the rules of the compulsory
- the member is entitled to request the disbursement of the pension in the form of capital
limited to 50% of the matured.

E 'can get loans and / or advances?
The Contractor, if the contract is current with the payment of awards and has gained the right to redeem (paid at least three year), may ask:
- get a loan to the conditions set by the Company in the act of granting for an amount not greater than 75% of surrender value. The loan requires the payment of annual interest of which the first installment is deducted at the time of grant. The customer has the option to pay interest that will accrue annually, or let themselves go and add up the amount paid. The repayment of the loan and interest accrued but not yet paid will be made in only solution and may occur at any time before the expiry of the contract, or both of the amounts due shall be deducted when the bill becomes liquidated for any reason. The Company reserves the right in any case to accept the request for loan
- to obtain interest-free advances to the amount guaranteed on death where the insurer has had to undergo surgery to a high. This anticipation can easily exceed the surrender value, but not the reduced value of the insured benefits in the event of premature death and will in no case exceed the amount of expenses actually incurred in operating the Act. What is a product
Unit Linked?
unit-linked products are contracts whose performance is attached (linked) to share (unit) of funds are important characteristics are:
- direct dependence of performance on the value of an investment fund inside of which were purchased some shares whose value is reported by major newspapers cheapest
- the financial risk is borne by the customer, not being provided any guarantee of performance;
- an investment in the medium to long term.
What is a index-linked policies?
E 'a contract whose performance is attached (linked) to the value of one or more benchmarks, consisting of from financial instruments or indices (Index): for example the S & P / MIB index, the Nikkei index, the index of consumer prices ...
index-linked policies offer the investor the opportunity to seize the opportunities offered by the performance of financial markets with a low risk profile.
What is a mixed bill?
The mixed bill is a contract that is based on two distinct and important benefits:
- investment, with the liquidation of the capital sum at maturity;
- hedge the risk of death, with the liquidation of the sum insured in the event of premature death Insured.
regard to coverage in case of premature death, the occurrence of the death of the Insured, the Company will liquidate the insured sum to the designated beneficiaries.
They can also be specified in the contract guarantees:
- the case of death from accidents, premature death if the insured is due to accidental causes, will double the capital to be paid to the beneficiaries;
- the case of death resulting in injury resulting from road traffic, tripled the insured sum will be paid to designated beneficiaries.
In essence, the life insurance in the form of "mixed" is a good form of saving and simultaneously meets the needs of protection. What
a "PIP"?
The PIP, Individual Pension Plan is a pension product aimed at constructing an annuity additional to that provided by the compulsory pension system. The PIP has these characteristics:
- Member of the fuels the PIP paid its contribution and / or flows of TFR in ripening;
- the services are activated in conjunction with the right to receive a pension under the rules of the compulsory
- the member is entitled to request the disbursement of the pension in the form of capital
limited to 50% of the matured.
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after-hours: is the market where securities are exchanged at different times from those of the official exchange (usually the evening hours).
Calculation Agent: in the case of index-linked contracts where the underlying investment is structured bond, is the company which determines, in accordance with Regulation structured debt, the redemption value of the debt itself. As the person responsible for the secondary market determines the value of listed debt throughout the life of the obligation under normal market conditions.
rate of regression (or participation): the percentage yield achieved by the separate management of the investments that the company recognizes the insured.
technical analysis: set of techniques for evaluation of qualifications is based on the study of the shape of the graph of prices (minimum, maximum, openings and closures) and volumes in the past.
ania: is the National Association of Insurance Companies, the private entity class which has among its aims also to carry out all appropriate action to launch a broader and deeper knowledge of the function, of the problems and conditions of the insurance industry in ways that may seem more 'effective against various sectors of public opinion.
policy year: period calculated in full years from the commencement.
anticipation of the capital in case of serious illness: liquidation in whole or in part, in the event of an outbreak of illness among those defined in the contractual terms of the sum insured payable in the event of death of the insured.
Appendix: document which forms part of the contract and that is issued together with or after this to change certain aspects in each case agreed between the company and the contractor.
asset allocation: term used for the allocation of assets across multiple asset classes. For example, the asset allocation of a fund indicates its assets are distributed according to certain criteria such as market sectors, geographies and so on.
insured: person on whose life has been a contract of insurance and whose premature death leads to survival or the provision of benefits guaranteed by the bill.
insurer person taking the risk of the event described in the policy.
life insurance if: guarantees payment of principal or payment of a pension if the insured is alive at the end of the deferral in the event of premature death of the insured some forms require the repayment of net premiums paid and re-evaluated (counterinsurance).
endowment insurance: combines the features of the tariff for life and that the case for the case of death.
life insurance: Coverage risk of occurrence of a specific event tied to the life insured. It consists in the obligation of the insurance company to recognize a particular benefit to the beneficiary upon the occurrence of the event identified in the policy.
Term life insurance in case of death: guarantees payment of a lump sum to beneficiaries in case of death of the insured within a specified period of time (but before the expiry of the contract). May provide counterinsurance.
actions: securities representing participation in the venture capital company. With ownership of the shares are acquired rights such as voting and participation in the profits of the company. Under Italian law could be as ordinary shares, preference shares and savings shares, diversified according to various rights embedded.
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Fund Euro San Giorgio
Euro San Giorgio The Fund was established May 1, 2002.
Its management is carried out based on guidelines such as:
• minimization of the risk arising from the mismatch between the commitments made by the Company against the Insured and the characteristics of assets, while considering the volatility and financial market developments ;
• allocation of investments carried out mostly in bonds, selected to minimize the credit risk in the portfolio;
• given the nature of portfolio management, stock selection favoring broadcasters will be the reward ' investors with high dividends. The
Euro San Giorgio Fund invests in a large proportion of government securities and bonds: are favored fixed-income securities such as BTP, CCT, and other high credit quality bonds quoted in Euro.
products linked to the Euro San Giorgio:
• D ® ORO di Alleanza
• • • Then
• Capitalize Alliance
• TFM Executive
The observation period to determine the efficiency runs from November 1 to October 31 each year thereafter: in 2008, the Fund has received Euro San Giorgio a financial rate of return equal to 5.07% * (See table)
* The results are not guarantees of future performance of
** D ® ORO di Alleanza, Farpiù, Laurel, AlProfit, TFM Executive
Download here Annual Report of the Separate
Download the Prospectus Quarterly the composition of the Separate
09/01/2009 h. 11:30
The separate management of Alleanza Assicurazioni confirm the positive trend of recent years: Euro San Giorgio Fund recorded a return of 5.07% in 2008 .
Download 2008 Earnings Fund - Euro San Giorgio

Euro San Giorgio The Fund was established May 1, 2002.
Its management is carried out based on guidelines such as:
• minimization of the risk arising from the mismatch between the commitments made by the Company against the Insured and the characteristics of assets, while considering the volatility and financial market developments ;
• allocation of investments carried out mostly in bonds, selected to minimize the credit risk in the portfolio;
• given the nature of portfolio management, stock selection favoring broadcasters will be the reward ' investors with high dividends. The
Euro San Giorgio Fund invests in a large proportion of government securities and bonds: are favored fixed-income securities such as BTP, CCT, and other high credit quality bonds quoted in Euro.
products linked to the Euro San Giorgio:
• D ® ORO di Alleanza
• • • Then
• Capitalize Alliance
• TFM Executive
The observation period to determine the efficiency runs from November 1 to October 31 each year thereafter: in 2008, the Fund has received Euro San Giorgio a financial rate of return equal to 5.07% * (See table)

* The results are not guarantees of future performance of
** D ® ORO di Alleanza, Farpiù, Laurel, AlProfit, TFM Executive
Download here Annual Report of the Separate
Download the Prospectus Quarterly the composition of the Separate
Latest News
09/01/2009 h. 11:30
The separate management of Alleanza Assicurazioni confirm the positive trend of recent years: Euro San Giorgio Fund recorded a return of 5.07% in 2008 .
Download 2008 Earnings Fund - Euro San Giorgio
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from Junior to Professional Sales Agent
Become an insurance agent in the Alliance to undertake a career and educational that allows you to acquire knowledge and develop the skills necessary to perform this activities.
The role of entry to the Alliance team is to Junior Professional Sales, a role which is reserved for a career path that offers exciting opportunities for economic and professional with a realistic chance of becoming addicted.
The Junior Sales Professional are women and men with a aged between 25 and 35 years, graduates , who want to pursue a path of professional development. Autonomous and dynamic people, focused on achieving the goals and have good interpersonal skills. Any previous experience of a commercial nature are a factor desirable but not essential.
This new partnership will be immediately placed on a course that alternates with days of classroom training, on-the-Job "alongside a fellow senior. The first part of this process is the basis for registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries (*) , mandatory 1 February 2007 in order to accomplish this task.
• Coverage: You will quote him / her as a team lead by a trainer, you will manage a portfolio according to specific customers to develop qualitative and quantitative criteria. You will be accompanied by a more experienced colleague who will accompany you towards full autonomy in research and acquiring new customers and in the care and management of the portfolio. • Offer
Alliance. now collaborates with the title of Manufacturer Direct, with compensation commensurate with your skills and your results with a realistic chance of becoming addicted. If you're interested in growing in the asset management you have also the opportunity to take the exam to become financial advisors, with the mandate Simgenia (the Sim distribution of the Generali Group) Alliance advantage of the training program that relies on specialist external trainers. • From
Junior Professional Sales Agent: You aspire to management positions, with the task of forming and managing your own team: the JSP through a career of success comes in roles of increasing responsibility. All our managers have agency, in fact, started their career as a manufacturer directly.
(*) On 1 January 2006 entered into force the Code of Private Insurance that, among other things, has delegated ISVAP (Institute for Supervision of Private Insurance) to regulate and supervise the work done by insurance agents.
The new legislation is based on mandatory membership (as of February 1, 2007) in the registry of all those who wish to carry out the activities of insurance. This discipline recognizes professionalism to insurance, defining characteristics and specific skills through the professional category, and indicate the requirements necessary to accomplish this task.
Alliance seeks the inclusion of persons likely to become insurance agents, and offers a training whose first part is preparatory to entry in the registry ISVAP.
Collaborators are all Alliance members to the "C" of this register under the name of manufacturer directly. For direct producers include those that "even in the alternative to the business carried on primarily, engaged in the activity of insurance mediation on life and accident and sickness branches in behalf of and under the full responsibility of an insurance company and operating time without obligation or undertaking is the result only for

Become an insurance agent in the Alliance to undertake a career and educational that allows you to acquire knowledge and develop the skills necessary to perform this activities.
The role of entry to the Alliance team is to Junior Professional Sales, a role which is reserved for a career path that offers exciting opportunities for economic and professional with a realistic chance of becoming addicted.
The Junior Sales Professional are women and men with a aged between 25 and 35 years, graduates , who want to pursue a path of professional development. Autonomous and dynamic people, focused on achieving the goals and have good interpersonal skills. Any previous experience of a commercial nature are a factor desirable but not essential.
This new partnership will be immediately placed on a course that alternates with days of classroom training, on-the-Job "alongside a fellow senior. The first part of this process is the basis for registration in the Register of Insurance Intermediaries (*) , mandatory 1 February 2007 in order to accomplish this task.
• Coverage: You will quote him / her as a team lead by a trainer, you will manage a portfolio according to specific customers to develop qualitative and quantitative criteria. You will be accompanied by a more experienced colleague who will accompany you towards full autonomy in research and acquiring new customers and in the care and management of the portfolio. • Offer
Alliance. now collaborates with the title of Manufacturer Direct, with compensation commensurate with your skills and your results with a realistic chance of becoming addicted. If you're interested in growing in the asset management you have also the opportunity to take the exam to become financial advisors, with the mandate Simgenia (the Sim distribution of the Generali Group) Alliance advantage of the training program that relies on specialist external trainers. • From
Junior Professional Sales Agent: You aspire to management positions, with the task of forming and managing your own team: the JSP through a career of success comes in roles of increasing responsibility. All our managers have agency, in fact, started their career as a manufacturer directly.
(*) On 1 January 2006 entered into force the Code of Private Insurance that, among other things, has delegated ISVAP (Institute for Supervision of Private Insurance) to regulate and supervise the work done by insurance agents.
The new legislation is based on mandatory membership (as of February 1, 2007) in the registry of all those who wish to carry out the activities of insurance. This discipline recognizes professionalism to insurance, defining characteristics and specific skills through the professional category, and indicate the requirements necessary to accomplish this task.
Alliance seeks the inclusion of persons likely to become insurance agents, and offers a training whose first part is preparatory to entry in the registry ISVAP.
Collaborators are all Alliance members to the "C" of this register under the name of manufacturer directly. For direct producers include those that "even in the alternative to the business carried on primarily, engaged in the activity of insurance mediation on life and accident and sickness branches in behalf of and under the full responsibility of an insurance company and operating time without obligation or undertaking is the result only for
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The history of the European Social Charter and Code of Ethics
Since our founding in 1831, Assicurazioni Generali are committed to manage in the most effective and productive entrepreneurial activity to ensure all risks to people and things, in order to create value for its shareholders through optimum customer satisfaction .
after all these decades, the Generali Group has established itself as a major player in the world, developing and consolidating not only in various industrial sectors, but also in the economic, cultural and social development of many nations in different continents.
At all stages of this growth, the Group has pursued the goal of social, considered a real investment that is taking the business world, convinced that competitiveness is inextricably must accompany not only the ethical sensitivity, but also to social involvement and environmental responsibility.
In the recent context of growing attention to corporate governance, it was considered necessary, first, to formalize and, secondly, to disseminate a document endorsing the most salient principles of ethics which Always inspired by the Group's business, and that is also means that exerted through its subsidiaries, to which this Code applies, taking into account the specific cultural and social rights of the individual countries of operation.
The Group intends to maintain relationships with all stakeholders based on respect for the principles of this Code and, to refer to an ideal of cooperation, hopes that these, in turn, make them their own and follow them.
the basis of this document there is a long-term commitment, which supports and gives ethical foundation to the economic strategy and industrial development of the Group.
This Code of Ethics ("The Code ") consists of: •
by the general principles that characterize the ethos of the Group;
• the guidelines that govern all transactions with counterparties;
• by implementing rules that describe the control system for ' compliance with the code of ethics and its continuous improvement.
Download the Code of Ethics Generali Group
European Social Charter of the Generali Group
Following the path outlined by the Code of Ethics and Sustainability in the field of corporate social responsibility, the Parent Company has adopted on 28 November 2006 the "European Social Charter Generali Group.
The Social Charter is confirmation of the attention that has always aimed at the Generali Group issues relating to their human resources and constructive dialogue with employee representatives .
To summarize some of the aspects that characterize the content of the European Social Charter:
• full compliance with the basic minimum rights of employees
• the promotion of social dialogue between management and worker representatives
• the search of the best strategies in the management, protection and enhancement of human resources
• respect for union rights and representation of workers and the exercise of their functions.
Download the European Social Charter of the Generali Group

Since our founding in 1831, Assicurazioni Generali are committed to manage in the most effective and productive entrepreneurial activity to ensure all risks to people and things, in order to create value for its shareholders through optimum customer satisfaction .
after all these decades, the Generali Group has established itself as a major player in the world, developing and consolidating not only in various industrial sectors, but also in the economic, cultural and social development of many nations in different continents.
At all stages of this growth, the Group has pursued the goal of social, considered a real investment that is taking the business world, convinced that competitiveness is inextricably must accompany not only the ethical sensitivity, but also to social involvement and environmental responsibility.
In the recent context of growing attention to corporate governance, it was considered necessary, first, to formalize and, secondly, to disseminate a document endorsing the most salient principles of ethics which Always inspired by the Group's business, and that is also means that exerted through its subsidiaries, to which this Code applies, taking into account the specific cultural and social rights of the individual countries of operation.
The Group intends to maintain relationships with all stakeholders based on respect for the principles of this Code and, to refer to an ideal of cooperation, hopes that these, in turn, make them their own and follow them.
the basis of this document there is a long-term commitment, which supports and gives ethical foundation to the economic strategy and industrial development of the Group.
This Code of Ethics ("The Code ") consists of: •
by the general principles that characterize the ethos of the Group;
• the guidelines that govern all transactions with counterparties;
• by implementing rules that describe the control system for ' compliance with the code of ethics and its continuous improvement.
European Social Charter of the Generali Group
Following the path outlined by the Code of Ethics and Sustainability in the field of corporate social responsibility, the Parent Company has adopted on 28 November 2006 the "European Social Charter Generali Group.
The Social Charter is confirmation of the attention that has always aimed at the Generali Group issues relating to their human resources and constructive dialogue with employee representatives .
To summarize some of the aspects that characterize the content of the European Social Charter:
• full compliance with the basic minimum rights of employees
• the promotion of social dialogue between management and worker representatives
• the search of the best strategies in the management, protection and enhancement of human resources
• respect for union rights and representation of workers and the exercise of their functions.
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The foundation
On October 12, 1898 was born in Genoa Alliance Insurance Company. The founders are
Evan Mackenzie, James Castelbolognese, Enrico Rava, and Giuseppe Corradi, all leaders of the World Bank and national and international finance. The
life insurance is now the most important activity of the Company in the early years, also operates in the branch in the Accidents and of maritime transport. At December 31, 1900 the company is already included, in respect of the portfolio value life, to the top of national ranking.
The years 1901 to 1906 are, after the initial impetus, those of the organizational consolidation of the Covenant. At this stage Mackenzie manages to make Alliance a reality already very reliable and solid, with a strong network of 345 agencies spread between representations and mostly in the Kingdom of Italy, but with a presence abroad (Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Tripoli, Malta and Spain).
The benefits of strong growth raising capital around to insurance generally, and particularly those in life, along with explanations of social, open at the beginning of the century, a debate about whether government intervention in the sector.
The decree of August 5, 1913 marks the birth of ' National Insurance Institute (INA) to which private companies, including Alliance, are obliged to sell the portfolio life.
As Italy entered the war, the Alliance is in the delicate phase of transition from full activity to the difficult period following the sale of the portfolio life wholesale, made compulsory by law in 1912 on the nationalization of private enterprises. The situation improves in the years immediately following the war when he returns to liven up the debate on whether the monopoly and function of the state "insurer".
The General Directorate was moved to Milan, via Senate No 28.
The advent of General
The new reality leads to results impressive: the 1926 and 1927 show an increase in premium income exceeding 36% per annum. Also, thanks to the reorganization is possible, at the end of 1925, the reactivation of 33 agencies.
Between 1931 and 1933, Assicurazioni Generali go directly into the field to capture and control of the Company.
in 1934 was acquired by Alliance Assicurazioni Generali of Trieste. Start a whole new page, a real organizational revolution headed by Mario Gasbarro. Under the direction Gasbarri start, in fact, the model-based "agencies in economics: agents and employees become part of the profits.
are also required to baptism the so-called "popular insurance" , products that provide a modest amount of monthly payments and cut fixed duration, to meet the need of saving even the less affluent.
The postwar
In 1946, consolidates the productivity growth: the company is experiencing an upswing and research of each form useful for the promotion of product sales. The number of policies and operations increases putting a strain on the operational structure. In 1948 a capital injected by the General gives new life to the company.
After the great work reorganization, the results in terms of production recorded a growth in the number of policies and the premium volume, which corresponds to the increase in technical reserves, improving trend in net income and assets.
1952 was a historic year for Alliance, not only inaugurated the Center of Chieti, but first there is the temporary passing of In regard to policies towards Popular.
unstoppable growth
In the period between the end of the war and the early seventies, the organizational structure of the Alliance grows so irresistible: it increases the number of policyholders and multiply throughout Italy real estate. With
Gasbarri autonomy becomes an element of accountability and incentive to optimize production and operational commitment of every employee and the Directorate-General of both the peripheral structures.
Alliance continues to place the popular policies: a product "socially useful" that has become accustomed to saving and pursued the aim of supporting the insured at critical moments, a product created for workers, laborers, artisans, and is mainly spread in areas poor.
Coinciding with the middle years of the economic miracle (1958 - 1963) in Alliance introduces the principle of profit sharing technical society by offering a gift of shares to employees.
It 's always in these years that the Research Alliance statement on international markets. In 1968 Gasbarri signed an agreement with the French in 1970 and is Eurilliance in Spain Covadonga SA de Seguros.
into the stock market
On March 22, 1971 under the Alliance is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.
Alliance, despite the oil crisis, continues its expansion: the growing number of insurance policies, the portfolio, employment in the company and the Company merged or buy shares in several real estate companies.
The center of Chieti in meccanocontabile is transformed by electronic and is transferred to a bigger site.
The most significant fact in the history of the company lies in the seventies in the inversion of the tendency of popular, their marketing is more difficult by the day and they are joined by a new range consists of policies "mixed super" and "mixed special. " In 1978 the mandate expires Gasbarri who remains Honorary President. The policy
In the '70s and '80s, which see the handover to the new president Mario Gasbarro slow release, Alliance lives in a dynamic process of computerization of production, knowing to benefit by the contribution of technological progress in the development and maintenance of an enormous amount of data relating to the many contacts arising from the millions of policyholders.
This transition is characterized by the research phase of an appropriate repositioning of the company in the market, made necessary by the effects of inflation of the seventies.
becomes necessary and urgent to consider a product "aligned to the new realities of financial markets." They launched the first insurance joint-type re-valued. The new policies are designed to keep both of the "historical" Alliance: the monthly installments of the premium and the receipt to the address of the insured.
The success of these policies is strengthened by the spread in 1982, the policy DR (Money revaluation). The first centenary
June 27, 1990 The Assembly appoints the CEO President Alfonso Desiata, the "father" of the profits policies, a deep knowledge of the insurance market and Alliance, as for many years in the Council of 'amministrazione.La sales network "invented" by Gasbarri continues to be recognized by all as one of the main strengths of the Alliance, "a structure - as reported 11 July 1996 in an article in Il Sole 24 Ore - distribution almost unique, "thanks to which the burden of costs is among the lowest in absolute than others, *.
are launched with the DR bonus, Farpiù, Allecapital and the DR / DRP Super.
separate Fund Management San Giorgio, in 1992 and administered 2.587 billion in 1995, 7809, record yields certificates stable at around 13% per year, with clear benefit of society and insured.
Acquisitions and Heritage
In 1993, Alliance acquired a 12% Stake in Banco Ambrosiano Veneto and in 1994 bought control released by the General on the company's Venice Fincral and Venice for financial products, was founded in 1995 together with the new company Assicurazioni Generali Group Generali Real Estate (GGI) was founded in 1996 and Alliance Funds, an asset management company active in the financial markets, characterized by strong specialization in sector mutual funds. Established at the initiative of Alliance, to develop modern financial products for private and institutional investors.
Total Assets grew, the network has changed, the company founded by Mackenzie has changed radically: it presents itself today as a company able to maintain and surpass the complex dynamics of current insurance and financial markets and celebrates successful first hundred years of history .
Tommaso Fanfani
Alliance Insurance 100 years of history ", Milano 1998, pg. 317
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Client Contact Assistant and Training Alliance
For those who want to commit some of their time in a cost-effective to work at the same time vocational. Alliance can offer the role of Client Assistant : an insurance agent, registered with the Register ISVAP.
If you are a student, a homemaker, a retiree or worker availability leisure and personal with a good entry into the territory, we can offer you an interesting job opportunities.
Alliance will take care of your education through the "Working Alliance in successfully" (*) : a training prerequisite to entry in the "Register of Insurance Intermediaries .
We offer: you'll be placed with the title of Manufacturer Direct, you'll be placed in a team and you will be paid based on commissions gained through the intermediary activity conducted exclusively by Alliance. Your input will be monitored by a senior colleague who will follow progress up to your full autonomy.
(*) The initial training program, "Working successfully Alliance" is an intense program, divided into 6 modules, which guarantees a solid technical and sales and enhance your skills through theoretical lessons and tutoring the field.
On 1 objective of the training input is the Register of insurance agents, professional qualification which will allow you to work autonomously second planned trade routes with the trainer. I embrace the themes touched on insurance products (and standards), with emphasis on confidential details to the Security Market Notes. In parallel alongside the trainer will experience the most common mode of relationship with the customer.
The skills acquired will allow you to: •
know the context and the rules of the insurance market
• better manage the range of products and the phases of the sales negotiations
• relate to and interact effectively with customers •
work objectives
Your training will continue with the improvement of soft skills to be a reference point needs security, saving and protection of the customer. If you want to grow in asset management is also an opportunity to take the exam CONSOB to become financial advisors with mandate Simgenia (the Sim distribution of the Generali Group) Alliance advantage of the training that relies on specialist external trainers.

For those who want to commit some of their time in a cost-effective to work at the same time vocational. Alliance can offer the role of Client Assistant : an insurance agent, registered with the Register ISVAP.
If you are a student, a homemaker, a retiree or worker availability leisure and personal with a good entry into the territory, we can offer you an interesting job opportunities.
Alliance will take care of your education through the "Working Alliance in successfully" (*) : a training prerequisite to entry in the "Register of Insurance Intermediaries .
We offer: you'll be placed with the title of Manufacturer Direct, you'll be placed in a team and you will be paid based on commissions gained through the intermediary activity conducted exclusively by Alliance. Your input will be monitored by a senior colleague who will follow progress up to your full autonomy.
(*) The initial training program, "Working successfully Alliance" is an intense program, divided into 6 modules, which guarantees a solid technical and sales and enhance your skills through theoretical lessons and tutoring the field.
On 1 objective of the training input is the Register of insurance agents, professional qualification which will allow you to work autonomously second planned trade routes with the trainer. I embrace the themes touched on insurance products (and standards), with emphasis on confidential details to the Security Market Notes. In parallel alongside the trainer will experience the most common mode of relationship with the customer.
The skills acquired will allow you to: •
know the context and the rules of the insurance market
• better manage the range of products and the phases of the sales negotiations
• relate to and interact effectively with customers •
work objectives
Your training will continue with the improvement of soft skills to be a reference point needs security, saving and protection of the customer. If you want to grow in asset management is also an opportunity to take the exam CONSOB to become financial advisors with mandate Simgenia (the Sim distribution of the Generali Group) Alliance advantage of the training that relies on specialist external trainers.
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Alliance opens a dialog box for you permanent at home or in your office, by phone or e-mail. Choose the type of contact you prefer and to save time, the one most suited to your needs.
Reggio Emilia
tel. 0522/541242
Manager: ANTONIO Ferraguti
antonio.ferraguti @
Alleanza Assicurazioni SpA Viale Luigi
Sturzo, 35 - 20154 Milano (MI)
tel. +39 02/6296.1 - fax +39 02/6296602
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Our agency
Alliance Insurance is a Reggio Emilia
Outlying agency
• Castelnuovo Monti
Via Roma 43, 42035 C. MONTI (RE) Tel 0522/611262
Via Roma 4, 42017 NOVELLARA (RE) Tel 0522/654537
VIA ROSENBERG 4, 42022 Bible (RE) Tel 0522 / 873370

Alliance Insurance is a Reggio Emilia
Tel: 0522/541242
Manager: ANTONIO Ferraguti
antonio.ferraguti @
Outlying agency
• Castelnuovo Monti
Via Roma 43, 42035 C. MONTI (RE) Tel 0522/611262
Via Roma 4, 42017 NOVELLARA (RE) Tel 0522/654537
VIA ROSENBERG 4, 42022 Bible (RE) Tel 0522 / 873370
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Submit your CV
Submit your CV Submit your application:
antonio.ferraguti @ (general agent Reggio E.)
useful info for you:
Click here to see our offer.
Click here for the video "Working Alliance".

Submit your CV Submit your application:
antonio.ferraguti @ (general agent Reggio E.)
useful info for you:
Click here to see our offer.
Click here for the video "Working Alliance".
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We are looking for people who can stand who want to join a large company can to provide a customer portfolio and the continued support of its professionals to undertake a profitable occupation.
We are committed to investing in your education and professional development, to provide exciting career opportunities with different gains.
The professionals Alliance Search
(click on name for more information)
• Junior Sales Professional
• Client Assistant
Submit your CV to:
antonio.ferraguti @ (general agent Reggio E.)

We are looking for people who can stand who want to join a large company can to provide a customer portfolio and the continued support of its professionals to undertake a profitable occupation.
We are committed to investing in your education and professional development, to provide exciting career opportunities with different gains.
The professionals Alliance Search
(click on name for more information)
• Junior Sales Professional
• Client Assistant
Submit your CV to:
antonio.ferraguti @ (general agent Reggio E.)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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ANAS, Herbicide
Here we go again, with the arrival of spring vegetation wakes up and the grass starts to grow dimples road vigorous, hiding bollards and road signs, as every year, often meet their tractors with flail, to contain its growth.
But for some years now there's a novelty, ANAS has begun to use the weed.
The used product is definitely a desiccant-based herbicide "glyphosate", there are many commercial formulations on the market, but the most common is the "Roundup" of Monsanto.
works in about 20 days and is easily recognizable by the distinctive orange color that gives the treated vegetation before its total desiccation. (Derives from the infamous "agent orange" of the war in Vietnam)
The use of this product to prevent the growth of grass along the roads has been on several occasions denounced by public health authorities, and a ban issued last year by 'Environment City Council of the City of Viterbo, outraged by the massive use the ANAS had made on the Via Cassia. But this year
ANAS repeated this practice has the obvious advantage of reducing the cost of road maintenance.
In our area we have found use on 'Aurelia bis in its 54 km from Civitavecchia to Aurelia and Montalto di Castro, see attached pictures.
And it is these days a lively controversy among some elderly gardeners Siena and the company on that contract ANAS, the highway to Siena, he made a reckless use, resulting in the presence of suction, contaminating their produce. (And unaware that they have eaten for several days) in the photo
the article in the Corriere di Siena May 6, 2009
please read the Material Safety Data Sheet, issued by Monsanto's Roundup, (but referred to any commercial compound containing glyphosate) with attention both to paragraph 2, which lists the health risks, both on page 3 paragraph 6 in relation to accidental loss, particularly
Environmental precautions:
-Minimize the spread.
-Keep away from drains, sewers, ditches and streams.
-Notify authorities.
fact Glyphosate is especially harmful to aquatic organisms: fish, crustaceans and molluscs, and after the scattering the molecule remains active for several months, especially on inert surfaces such as asphalt and concrete. So
dimples on its use is expressly prohibited by the road safety data sheets that accompany all this class of products, and ignore such claims constitute a crime.
Then we find that absurd, in the face of a growing number of unemployed in the country, ANAS, in one shot, choose to send home labor and poison our vegetables and our waterways
Here we go again, with the arrival of spring vegetation wakes up and the grass starts to grow dimples road vigorous, hiding bollards and road signs, as every year, often meet their tractors with flail, to contain its growth.
But for some years now there's a novelty, ANAS has begun to use the weed.
The used product is definitely a desiccant-based herbicide "glyphosate", there are many commercial formulations on the market, but the most common is the "Roundup" of Monsanto.
works in about 20 days and is easily recognizable by the distinctive orange color that gives the treated vegetation before its total desiccation. (Derives from the infamous "agent orange" of the war in Vietnam)
The use of this product to prevent the growth of grass along the roads has been on several occasions denounced by public health authorities, and a ban issued last year by 'Environment City Council of the City of Viterbo, outraged by the massive use the ANAS had made on the Via Cassia. But this year
ANAS repeated this practice has the obvious advantage of reducing the cost of road maintenance.
In our area we have found use on 'Aurelia bis in its 54 km from Civitavecchia to Aurelia and Montalto di Castro, see attached pictures.
And it is these days a lively controversy among some elderly gardeners Siena and the company on that contract ANAS, the highway to Siena, he made a reckless use, resulting in the presence of suction, contaminating their produce. (And unaware that they have eaten for several days) in the photo
the article in the Corriere di Siena May 6, 2009

please read the Material Safety Data Sheet, issued by Monsanto's Roundup, (but referred to any commercial compound containing glyphosate) with attention both to paragraph 2, which lists the health risks, both on page 3 paragraph 6 in relation to accidental loss, particularly
Environmental precautions:
-Minimize the spread.
-Keep away from drains, sewers, ditches and streams.
-Notify authorities.
fact Glyphosate is especially harmful to aquatic organisms: fish, crustaceans and molluscs, and after the scattering the molecule remains active for several months, especially on inert surfaces such as asphalt and concrete. So
dimples on its use is expressly prohibited by the road safety data sheets that accompany all this class of products, and ignore such claims constitute a crime.
Then we find that absurd, in the face of a growing number of unemployed in the country, ANAS, in one shot, choose to send home labor and poison our vegetables and our waterways
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