The foundation
On October 12, 1898 was born in Genoa Alliance Insurance Company. The founders are
Evan Mackenzie, James Castelbolognese, Enrico Rava, and Giuseppe Corradi, all leaders of the World Bank and national and international finance. The
life insurance is now the most important activity of the Company in the early years, also operates in the branch in the Accidents and of maritime transport. At December 31, 1900 the company is already included, in respect of the portfolio value life, to the top of national ranking.
The years 1901 to 1906 are, after the initial impetus, those of the organizational consolidation of the Covenant. At this stage Mackenzie manages to make Alliance a reality already very reliable and solid, with a strong network of 345 agencies spread between representations and mostly in the Kingdom of Italy, but with a presence abroad (Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Tripoli, Malta and Spain).
The benefits of strong growth raising capital around to insurance generally, and particularly those in life, along with explanations of social, open at the beginning of the century, a debate about whether government intervention in the sector.
The decree of August 5, 1913 marks the birth of ' National Insurance Institute (INA) to which private companies, including Alliance, are obliged to sell the portfolio life.
As Italy entered the war, the Alliance is in the delicate phase of transition from full activity to the difficult period following the sale of the portfolio life wholesale, made compulsory by law in 1912 on the nationalization of private enterprises. The situation improves in the years immediately following the war when he returns to liven up the debate on whether the monopoly and function of the state "insurer".
The General Directorate was moved to Milan, via Senate No 28.
The advent of General
The new reality leads to results impressive: the 1926 and 1927 show an increase in premium income exceeding 36% per annum. Also, thanks to the reorganization is possible, at the end of 1925, the reactivation of 33 agencies.
Between 1931 and 1933, Assicurazioni Generali go directly into the field to capture and control of the Company.
in 1934 was acquired by Alliance Assicurazioni Generali of Trieste. Start a whole new page, a real organizational revolution headed by Mario Gasbarro. Under the direction Gasbarri start, in fact, the model-based "agencies in economics: agents and employees become part of the profits.
are also required to baptism the so-called "popular insurance" , products that provide a modest amount of monthly payments and cut fixed duration, to meet the need of saving even the less affluent.
The postwar
In 1946, consolidates the productivity growth: the company is experiencing an upswing and research of each form useful for the promotion of product sales. The number of policies and operations increases putting a strain on the operational structure. In 1948 a capital injected by the General gives new life to the company.
After the great work reorganization, the results in terms of production recorded a growth in the number of policies and the premium volume, which corresponds to the increase in technical reserves, improving trend in net income and assets.
1952 was a historic year for Alliance, not only inaugurated the Center of Chieti, but first there is the temporary passing of In regard to policies towards Popular.
unstoppable growth
In the period between the end of the war and the early seventies, the organizational structure of the Alliance grows so irresistible: it increases the number of policyholders and multiply throughout Italy real estate. With
Gasbarri autonomy becomes an element of accountability and incentive to optimize production and operational commitment of every employee and the Directorate-General of both the peripheral structures.
Alliance continues to place the popular policies: a product "socially useful" that has become accustomed to saving and pursued the aim of supporting the insured at critical moments, a product created for workers, laborers, artisans, and is mainly spread in areas poor.
Coinciding with the middle years of the economic miracle (1958 - 1963) in Alliance introduces the principle of profit sharing technical society by offering a gift of shares to employees.
It 's always in these years that the Research Alliance statement on international markets. In 1968 Gasbarri signed an agreement with the French in 1970 and is Eurilliance in Spain Covadonga SA de Seguros.
into the stock market
On March 22, 1971 under the Alliance is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange.
Alliance, despite the oil crisis, continues its expansion: the growing number of insurance policies, the portfolio, employment in the company and the Company merged or buy shares in several real estate companies.
The center of Chieti in meccanocontabile is transformed by electronic and is transferred to a bigger site.
The most significant fact in the history of the company lies in the seventies in the inversion of the tendency of popular, their marketing is more difficult by the day and they are joined by a new range consists of policies "mixed super" and "mixed special. " In 1978 the mandate expires Gasbarri who remains Honorary President. The policy
In the '70s and '80s, which see the handover to the new president Mario Gasbarro slow release, Alliance lives in a dynamic process of computerization of production, knowing to benefit by the contribution of technological progress in the development and maintenance of an enormous amount of data relating to the many contacts arising from the millions of policyholders.
This transition is characterized by the research phase of an appropriate repositioning of the company in the market, made necessary by the effects of inflation of the seventies.
becomes necessary and urgent to consider a product "aligned to the new realities of financial markets." They launched the first insurance joint-type re-valued. The new policies are designed to keep both of the "historical" Alliance: the monthly installments of the premium and the receipt to the address of the insured.
The success of these policies is strengthened by the spread in 1982, the policy DR (Money revaluation). The first centenary
June 27, 1990 The Assembly appoints the CEO President Alfonso Desiata, the "father" of the profits policies, a deep knowledge of the insurance market and Alliance, as for many years in the Council of 'amministrazione.La sales network "invented" by Gasbarri continues to be recognized by all as one of the main strengths of the Alliance, "a structure - as reported 11 July 1996 in an article in Il Sole 24 Ore - distribution almost unique, "thanks to which the burden of costs is among the lowest in absolute than others, *.
are launched with the DR bonus, Farpiù, Allecapital and the DR / DRP Super.
separate Fund Management San Giorgio, in 1992 and administered 2.587 billion in 1995, 7809, record yields certificates stable at around 13% per year, with clear benefit of society and insured.
Acquisitions and Heritage
In 1993, Alliance acquired a 12% Stake in Banco Ambrosiano Veneto and in 1994 bought control released by the General on the company's Venice Fincral and Venice for financial products, was founded in 1995 together with the new company Assicurazioni Generali Group Generali Real Estate (GGI) was founded in 1996 and Alliance Funds, an asset management company active in the financial markets, characterized by strong specialization in sector mutual funds. Established at the initiative of Alliance, to develop modern financial products for private and institutional investors.
Total Assets grew, the network has changed, the company founded by Mackenzie has changed radically: it presents itself today as a company able to maintain and surpass the complex dynamics of current insurance and financial markets and celebrates successful first hundred years of history .
Tommaso Fanfani
Alliance Insurance 100 years of history ", Milano 1998, pg. 317
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