First the attack on the Web with a brand new website. The people invited to the slogan to become the president of Puglia, the candidate of the center of Matthew Pucciarelli
ROME - It 's officially broken the electoral machine that allowed Nichi Vendola to win twice in Puglia, the primary center and then to the local tradition. Although this time is much higher ambition: to become the premier candidate of the center and then, perhaps, beat Berlusconi. The campaign for "Vendola president" started officially on Monday: a completely new website, posters and billboards ceunitaliamigliore.it 1 in Italian cities.
Internet First - The web has always been and will be even more of the battlefield for the beloved president of Left Ecology and Freedom. From Facebook, where Vendola is the most popular Italian political leader with over 350 thousand fans. And where on time, four or five times a day, Vendola writes his impressions of politics and surroundings ("I think ..."), attached newspaper articles and post photos. One way to intercept and especially the young - not a small thing - at no cost.
The watchwords - The slogan that is setting the pace in the campaign is "There is a better Italy." The other leitmotif will be just users of the internet and then present them to choose on nichivendola.it 2. "Is there anyone - it is written on the website of Liberty and the Left - who believes in the magic wand, is there anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough know how to find, just give her confidence, just help raise the head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. There is an Italy on the roofs of the best universities in the classrooms of public schools, next to a cradle, queue at a supermarket, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in makeshift houses, in libraries, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. "Well," there is a better Italy made up of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty to the comfort of cleverness. The themes of the campaign will be: more work and less precarious, no to nuclear power and yes to renewable energy, public water, more money for research and culture. The rise of
Sel - The political moment to officially launch a campaign in semi-election is not chosen at random. Polls give Sel growing between 6 and 8%, according to the center-left party after the Democratic Party. With IDV just bypassed. A month ago there was the victory of the candidate in the primaries Milanese "blessed" by Vendola, Giuliano Pisapia. The other primary
- In Meanwhile the Left and Freedom has been set in motion to win two more challenges within the center, as the candidate for mayor of Bologna and Naples. In Bologna is the Catholic left Frascaroli Amelia, and very active participation in prodiana doc. While in that field on the former President of Puglia tip magistrate Libero Mancuso. In both cases - as it did the same and then Vendola Pisapia - choices that have caught off guard the local leaders of the Democratic Party, unable to find a name that would put all agree.
December 15, 2010 The Republic