Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hindu Swastika Bracelet

'a better Italy. RACCONTACELA TU.


First the attack on the Web with a brand new website. The people invited to the slogan to become the president of Puglia, the candidate of the center of Matthew Pucciarelli

ROME - It 's officially broken the electoral machine that allowed Nichi Vendola to win twice in Puglia, the primary center and then to the local tradition. Although this time is much higher ambition: to become the premier candidate of the center and then, perhaps, beat Berlusconi. The campaign for "Vendola president" started officially on Monday: a completely new website, posters and billboards 1 in Italian cities.
Internet First - The web has always been and will be even more of the battlefield for the beloved president of Left Ecology and Freedom. From Facebook, where Vendola is the most popular Italian political leader with over 350 thousand fans. And where on time, four or five times a day, Vendola writes his impressions of politics and surroundings ("I think ..."), attached newspaper articles and post photos. One way to intercept and especially the young - not a small thing - at no cost.
The watchwords - The slogan that is setting the pace in the campaign is "There is a better Italy." The other leitmotif will be just users of the internet and then present them to choose on 2. "Is there anyone - it is written on the website of Liberty and the Left - who believes in the magic wand, is there anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough know how to find, just give her confidence, just help raise the head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. There is an Italy on the roofs of the best universities in the classrooms of public schools, next to a cradle, queue at a supermarket, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in makeshift houses, in libraries, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. "Well," there is a better Italy made up of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty to the comfort of cleverness. The themes of the campaign will be: more work and less precarious, no to nuclear power and yes to renewable energy, public water, more money for research and culture. The rise of
Sel - The political moment to officially launch a campaign in semi-election is not chosen at random. Polls give Sel growing between 6 and 8%, according to the center-left party after the Democratic Party. With IDV just bypassed. A month ago there was the victory of the candidate in the primaries Milanese "blessed" by Vendola, Giuliano Pisapia. The other primary
- In Meanwhile the Left and Freedom has been set in motion to win two more challenges within the center, as the candidate for mayor of Bologna and Naples. In Bologna is the Catholic left Frascaroli Amelia, and very active participation in prodiana doc. While in that field on the former President of Puglia tip magistrate Libero Mancuso. In both cases - as it did the same and then Vendola Pisapia - choices that have caught off guard the local leaders of the Democratic Party, unable to find a name that would put all agree.

December 15, 2010 The Republic

Kates Playground Heel


I'm afraid that, translated into Italian, a bit confused this reformulation strategy Bersani mean annexation of Pd in \u200b\u200bthe third pole. " For Nichi Vendola, leader of Sel, the turning of the Secretary of the Democratic Party is "the triumph of pure abstraction. We are on the metaphysics of tactics. " "I have no opposition to expanding the center - Vendola said in an interview with Corriere della Sera - but it's hard to imagine that we continue to repeat an intention or a statement of principle, when the point is the availability of others." "I want to discuss with the moderates - he continues - but I also want prevent the left hand over his hands up, like a final surrender. " "I can not believe that our freedom and ecology of the Left and the Democratic Party do not go together, I hope that we will meet all of the ribbon cutting of the alternative site," hopes the governor of Puglia. The dissolution of the Pd Sel, advocated by the former coordinator of the Democrats Bettini, "I prefer to taste a carrot that take a beating in the head, however - he said - is a little difficult for me to be from time to time for some food left the Count Ugolino or the subject of a fast recruitment to Pd. In the interview Vendola back to criticize the position of the primary Bersani. "They have become bulbs as Christmas is on and off AC because they make a little afraid, they contain a power antioligarchica "he says. "The primaries are a vital element of the center. If they do not cancel are insulting me, breaking a crucial link with the people, and I do not think that is the majority sentiment among voters. " The left, complains, "it's already cracked a thousand times for having bartered the horizon of the alternative with the stools of alternation." Vendola expresses esteem for Casini. However, he adds, "the DC was different. A minimum of secular pride is not a lack of respect for the Church. "

BERSANI: "DO NOT chase CASINI" "Who is tracking against Vendola Casini and other such convoluted political nature did not understand a pipe." It points out the Secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani in an interview with 'The Unit'. "The policy applies to all emergency-adds-the forces of the center-left and center forces that are placed in opposition, the social forces. We appeal to all these forces, then each will. We want to close accounts with Berlusconi and with that plebiscite democracy and populist Berlusconi or replace with something that maybe looks like him? "As the primaries," there is a program that you form a coalition and then the coalition to decide on the primary . It is not that the coalition parties agree in advance the primaries. Accepted the program, it is logical that is. Then there is-well-separate the question of how the Democratic Party as such deals with the primaries in different administrative situations. There are things corregere salvagurdare just for the primaries and not lost. But Bersani-end-this is an issue for the Democratic Party ".

VENDOLA: BERLUSCONI TO STOP EVEN LEFT "" We should not get rid of Berlusconi needs to be liberated by Berlusconi who is right, is at the center and is also on the left. " This was stated today in Venice Nichi Vendola, invited by Left Ecology and Freedom. For the Vendola Berlusconi is "a disease that runs veins of Italian society. " "If we're unable to field a great political and cultural innovation - said Vendola - I do not think we will be able to live the transition period that is before our eyes with the strength to build a real victory." "Winning does not mean make a stool, a chair: it means turn the page in the country of insecurity and fear - he concluded - I do not think that this is only possible, but it is also necessary." Coordinator for the Environment and Freedom Venetian Left Giampietro Pizzo, who called Vendola in Venice "We must change course because the policy that governs us today is very far from the lives of citizens." A young precarious, who spoke at the beginning of the work, however, proposed that "the weaker categories will change this country"

"NO TO ALCHEMY OF BUILDING" "No, the alchemy of the Palace", in essence Nichi Vendola responds to the demands of its people speaking Venice . "We have to get out in the open: it is cold, and it is an icy chill to the young generation, to the world of work and insecurity," he replies to those who ask in particular what you think of the proposed Di Pietro to run together Bersani. "We have to worry about heat this country - continues - I believe that alliances, coalitions, programs should be a big hug with Italy suffering, which fight and hopes: all the rest seems to me alchemy of the Palace ". When asked how would you rate the alliance equivalent Finian, Vendola replied that "the social subject that has long expected the change sooner or later take the collar this center so afraid of God and men, and cry out loud, very loud , do not be afraid to trust the people of the left and not to field a small modest program for survival, but a great story of change. " "I do not believe in the annexation third prong - added in response to a specific question - I think we need to discuss with the centrists from the breakdown of those social actors who relate the moderates." More explicit: "The third prong of the center over the formula, I have the impression that it is a simple annexation in the third cluster: I frankly - concluded Vendola - I would like to 'attach'. (

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Italian businesses and the crisis

During a conference organized by Fondazione Corriere della Sera, held December 16 and having as its argument, the "re-specialization of firms", valuations have expressed nothing short of staggering.

According to Roberto Colaninno, for example, in this country "we have become too rich, and perhaps we no longer want to work, because we think more rights than duties." The "divestment from work, photographed by Censis, can be cured only with more work, according to the present. "We have to work harder," said Colaninno. But a little 'all interventions have countered those who have become weary "verbal rituals" of an entrepreneurial class, the Italian, who has amply demonstrated that it no longer an innovative vision, and what is worse, not to have more ideas on the future of this country, the dynamics that should lead us out of this terrible recession.

Who, in fact, should work harder? Perhaps the Italian workers who already work more than anyone else?

Yes, because it is known, or at least should be, that the hours worked in a year by the Italian worker amounted to 1773, then a figure very high, well above the European average (an average German worker works 1390 hours per year), and even higher than that of the "celebrated "American workers and Japanese still reach the figures of 1768 and 1714 hours worked annually (source: OECD - 2009). Or maybe

entrepreneurs to become competitive, they think they further reduce the already skinny wages?

Because this is the troubling reality: despite a very high number of hours worked, Italy recorded an average wage that places us with $ 30,794 per capita, the last places in Europe, followed only by Portugal and several Eastern European countries.

Where is then the "dark evil" of this Italy, its low productivity and even more of its poor market penetration?

It lies, of course, the chronic lack of infrastructure, the lack of direct investment in research and innovation, in the dis-investment that this government has worked towards the school. But also, and perhaps most importantly, the inability of our entrepreneurial class to confront the challenges that globalization has placed them in front.

What is emerging is the inability to cope with the global market only niches by relying on the so-called "made in Italy" is not selling any "Ferrari" or some designer clothes to the new rich of the world that we can hope to revitalize our economy. It is not blindly trusting in the virtues of an entrepreneurial class, like ours, brought up in "bread and state aid" which we hope to redefine a manufacturing facility that is able to take us out of the "dry" production of a hopelessly burdened by the inability to renew itself.

What is needed is to have an industrial policy worthy of the name, what is needed is a design that can only come from driving (if far-sighted, of course) state institution. This is needed is, above all, escape from dogmatic ideology Mercat, which has always preached the exclusion of the state from the dynamics that rule the market.

"recovery state" functions who naively believed they could delegate to the market. Reappropriation of the "public good", and ensure that the public good (usually expressed in the "Service") works well. Regain, more generally, of his own humanity, all too often forgotten in favor of a "science", the economic, that science can not be considered.

it is only "humanizing" the market that we hope to see those inherent limitations that ideology does not allow us to see, we can hope to make us aware that in practice the Italian worker works more than anyone else, and who earns less than anyone else!

Because, after all this discourse, there is our having exchanged for one that science is only one ideology: the economics of "free market". The alternative to this awareness are the talk of a bar by Roberto Colaninno all, a man who one day someone called "captain courageous".

Mauro Rossi (Ecology and Liberty spokesman Left Upper Tiber Umbria)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Compatibility Of People Of The Same Birthday


Social centers were the focus of the meeting on Friday Left of the circle of Ecology Freedom 'Sandro Pertini'. During the debate showed a substantial agreement with the decisions taken by the administration, but also some concerns regarding the closure of the center Mezzomiglio.

"was held Friday, December 10, as a weekly appointment, the circle of SEL Bastia Umbra, which saw the participation of new people sympathetic to our movement.
Among other issues addressed, what was most important was to focus on the social centers.
It was found that these, in recent years have been losing part of their primary place of group and cultural purposes: This is due in part to the lack of initiatives is the company that has changed.
I want to highlight and take into account the role and importance that clubs have in our community, especially in some località.L 'municipal government should pay more attention to their work, encouraging those who seek to organize more events and activities for which they are originally born.
We agree on the order of the mayor regarding the case of the "new slot" which is not relevant to the purposes for which created the social centers: These, and others, are becoming a plague on our comunità.Purtroppo our government has "legalized" these "games" that bring a dowry of positive effects for the state budget (estimated at nearly 7 billion in the first nine months of 2010), but also very negative for the family budget (has finally begun to discuss "ludopatie"). We believe it would be very interesting to assess specifically the economic impact that this cash flow escapes the traditional economies (such as those of production).
The case of the closure of the center of Mezzomiglio, we agree to pay the rent for a facility that will hopefully benefit future periods as has been the case hitherto, it is a huge waste of money, but makes us think about its closure, set within a very short time, we believe that it was a sort of act of force, which should be evaluated as to the way in which it was made.
would be taken inspiration from this last argument to know all the cases where the municipality plays the role of the tenant and assess its cost-effectively that this choice leads to the community. "

by Stefano PaffariniPortavoce SEL Bastia Umbra

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Compaq R3240us Card Reader Update

"There is a better Italy." The campaign for President Nichi Vendola.

Is there anyone who believes in magic wands, anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough to know how to find, just give her confidence, just to help you raise your head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. Is there a better Italy
on the roofs of universities, public school classrooms, next to a cot, in a supermarket queue, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in homes luck, in bookstores, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. Is there a better Italy
made of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty the comfort of cleverness.

With this assurance comes the national campaign for President Nichi Vendola, starting with five key issues, however, that alone will not suffice to describe the idea of \u200b\u200bcountry, society, the development model we want. We invite you to a competition of creativity and participation: a few days on each may propose his idea and create your slogan to help, with so many and so many, with passion and courage to build an Italy better.

======================= ===============


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home Remedies Withdrawal Cold Sweats

Vendola: "The primaries are a volcano, can not be stopped"

"The era of Berlusconi ends with the popular vote,
first, the better for all"

Nichi Vendola was not square with the Democratic Party yesterday in Rome, but in the discourses between demonstrators and leaders he spoke more often, a sort of stone guest.

Why not go to the march?
"Do not overdo it with the guests ... I was not there because I would have introduced an element of political theater, my presence could be seen as a contrast to the leadership of the Democratic Party. But that square is a fundamental democratic garrison for the future of the country. It 's the heart of the popular demand for an alternative to Berlusconi. And do not say this as some form of political etiquette, but because I believe deeply. "

But in the end has not been an event like many, with no results?
"To the forces of the center to find the right people is crucial, even the physicality of an event is an emergency exit from the temptations of the devil ritual in close in politicistici the Palace. "

are alluding to any technical or government of national responsibility in the event of a fall of Berlusconi?
"Exactly. I think that if it falls Berlusconi could, at best, create a government that quell'obbrobrio redo the election law. But certainly not an alliance between right and left to take care of economic and social reforms, given the damage on this front led to Berlusconi. And Berlusconi is the enemy to beat, even without Berlusconi. "

Therefore, early elections in 2011?
"Today we are on the brink of a precipice, it is urgent to put in place the prospect of salvation for the country. Italy needs a radical change, a change that needs to be legitimized by a democratic test. The sooner you through by Berlusconi dismisses the people, the better for all Italians. "

Before the elections should take place, however, the primary center to which she is a candidate well in advance: you know that the Democratic Party are getting stronger pressures to avoid this ordeal by fire, also seen the results of Puglia and Milan ?
"I feel too many around bellyache and worries, but I do not think this political season may be managed with the weapon of cunning. Even today's demonstration has a scent of primaries. It seems to me obvious that the primaries are now regarded by millions of people a way to regain the political, many feel encouraged to come to the center thanks to this instrument. I speak of the workers who do not want to go back to nineteenth-century type of industrial relations and protesting on cranes, those who claim that the research and teaching are not sold in supermarkets like toothpaste and potato and climb on the roofs, women and young people who claim more freedom, immigrants applying for citizenship. The primaries are the encounter between politics and the country better. "

Yet multiply the pressure to avoid them, perhaps they are afraid of her.
"I am very interested to take up all the rumors of politics. But I think that stopping the primaries, which also have been a foundation for the life of the PD, it would be like trying to stop the eruption of a volcano. "

one metaphor to another, she said that his party, Sel, is a seed destined to die to give birth to something bigger. The Democratic Party is a seed that must die with you?
"I will not conjure up images of death but of life. The center of life for everyone. And then I say that the prospect of all of us should be to build the party of the future. "

you think the draft of the Democratic Party is failed?
"Do not tell me but they say some leaders of that party. I believe that the political community is proud of its lifeblood provided they do not degenerate into the arrogance of the party. And this teaching of Gramsci is for large and small. "

Moral of the story?
"The moral is that we need to discuss whether and how to remake the Democratic Party, but how and when to rebuild the Italian center. The theme, again, is the party of the future. "

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Men Masterbation Demonstrattion


Bastia Umbra - Many people - members, supporters and ordinary citizens, attended the meeting weekly circulation of the Left, ecology and freedom bastiolo.Nell 'opportunity arose mainly discussed the agenda of the municipal council on November 30 last year. During the council, in fact, during the settling private general budget 2010, there was a remaining availability of 300 000 €. Of that amount, the administration has decided to devote the majority of 200 thousand euro) to the viability of the city by identifying two strands of work: the construction of two roundabouts which will allow direct connection between Via Roma and Via Firenze and reopening the traffic on the north side of Piazza Mazzini. Sel they say: "As regards the first point, Administration meets with our full agreement, because we think it is a source of streamlining traffic cittadino.Invece - Sel by state - in relation to the second point we express our total opposition: we do not find acceptable the link between the re-opening to traffic of the square the possibility of increasing trade in this place, as stated by Mayor Ansideri. Considering that this reopening and the subsequent creation of new parking charges (remember that there is about 100 meters to free the Post hardly used) is called a 'test' and that involves a financial investment rather than second order, we wonder whether it is I use this availability in much more concrete actions, especially in this time of economic crisis. In our opinion, the reasons for the closure of these 7 years, must be sought in the opposite direction, far from the one indicated by the administration. The fact that Piazza Mazzini is no longer a place frequented by people and families is a fact . It would be perhaps more appropriate to raise some public functions at the primary site, restore the benches, Offir games for kids, bring municipal services such as municipal police, the library, the registry office. Our city needs places where you can meet and socialize, where to take their kids to go for walks, not only for shopping "

Il Corriere Umbria

Thursday December 9, 2010

Names For A Cultural Group


the evening of Friday, December 3 was held weekly meeting of the Circle of Left Ecology and Freedom of Bastia Umbra, which saw a large participation of members, sympathizers and citizenship, the re-opening to traffic in Piazza Mazzini at the center of the debate.

"On this occasion it was mainly discussed the agenda of the City Council held on 30 bovembre. In that Council, during the general disquisition bedding to the budget 2010, there was a availability of remaining € 300,000.
Of that amount, the administration has decided to devote the majority (€ 200,000) to the viability of the city, identifying two strands of work:
- the construction of two roundabouts which will allow direct connection between Via Roma and Via Firenze - reopened to traffic on the north side of Piazza Mazzini.
Regarding the first point, the administration meets with our full agreement, because we think it is a source of streamlining the traffic (you avoid unnecessary speed of vehicles around the Old City with its decrease pollution and travel times).
Instead, in relation to the second point, we have to say our total contrarietà.Premettendo that for decades all the cities tend to preserve and expand its pedestrian zones in city centers, we do not find acceptable the link between the re-opening to traffic of the square with the possibility of increasing trade in this place, as stated Mayor Ansideri.
Considering that this reopening and the subsequent creation of new parking charges (remember that there is about 100 meters to the Post Office free of charge, hardly used) is called a "trial" and that this involves a financial investment rather than second order, we ask whether it is better to use this availability in far more concrete actions, especially in this time of crisis economy.
We believe the causes of the closure of these 7 exercises to be found in the other direction, far from the one indicated by the current administration. Piazza Mazzini
The fact that it is no longer a place frequented by people and families is a fact. It would be perhaps more appropriate to raise some public functions at the primary site, restore the benches, Offir games for kids? In this sense it is also suggested to the mayor and the administration to think about the relocation, in this place, municipal services such as municipal police, the library, the registry office.
Our city needs places where you can meet and socialize, where to take their kids to go for walks, not only for shopping. "

by Stefano Paffarini
Spokesman SEL Bastia Umbra

Thursday, December 9, 2010