During a conference organized by Fondazione Corriere della Sera, held December 16 and having as its argument, the "re-specialization of firms", valuations have expressed nothing short of staggering.
According to Roberto Colaninno, for example, in this country "we have become too rich, and perhaps we no longer want to work, because we think more rights than duties." The "divestment from work, photographed by Censis, can be cured only with more work, according to the present. "We have to work harder," said Colaninno. But a little 'all interventions have countered those who have become weary "verbal rituals" of an entrepreneurial class, the Italian, who has amply demonstrated that it no longer an innovative vision, and what is worse, not to have more ideas on the future of this country, the dynamics that should lead us out of this terrible recession.
Who, in fact, should work harder? Perhaps the Italian workers who already work more than anyone else?
Yes, because it is known, or at least should be, that the hours worked in a year by the Italian worker amounted to 1773, then a figure very high, well above the European average (an average German worker works 1390 hours per year), and even higher than that of the "celebrated "American workers and Japanese still reach the figures of 1768 and 1714 hours worked annually (source: OECD - 2009). Or maybe
entrepreneurs to become competitive, they think they further reduce the already skinny wages?
Because this is the troubling reality: despite a very high number of hours worked, Italy recorded an average wage that places us with $ 30,794 per capita, the last places in Europe, followed only by Portugal and several Eastern European countries.
Where is then the "dark evil" of this Italy, its low productivity and even more of its poor market penetration?
It lies, of course, the chronic lack of infrastructure, the lack of direct investment in research and innovation, in the dis-investment that this government has worked towards the school. But also, and perhaps most importantly, the inability of our entrepreneurial class to confront the challenges that globalization has placed them in front.
What is emerging is the inability to cope with the global market only niches by relying on the so-called "made in Italy" is not selling any "Ferrari" or some designer clothes to the new rich of the world that we can hope to revitalize our economy. It is not blindly trusting in the virtues of an entrepreneurial class, like ours, brought up in "bread and state aid" which we hope to redefine a manufacturing facility that is able to take us out of the "dry" production of a hopelessly burdened by the inability to renew itself.
What is needed is to have an industrial policy worthy of the name, what is needed is a design that can only come from driving (if far-sighted, of course) state institution. This is needed is, above all, escape from dogmatic ideology Mercat, which has always preached the exclusion of the state from the dynamics that rule the market.
"recovery state" functions who naively believed they could delegate to the market. Reappropriation of the "public good", and ensure that the public good (usually expressed in the "Service") works well. Regain, more generally, of his own humanity, all too often forgotten in favor of a "science", the economic, that science can not be considered.
it is only "humanizing" the market that we hope to see those inherent limitations that ideology does not allow us to see, we can hope to make us aware that in practice the Italian worker works more than anyone else, and who earns less than anyone else!
Because, after all this discourse, there is our having exchanged for one that science is only one ideology: the economics of "free market". The alternative to this awareness are the talk of a bar by Roberto Colaninno all, a man who one day someone called "captain courageous".
Mauro Rossi (Ecology and Liberty spokesman Left Upper Tiber Umbria)
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