Is there anyone who believes in magic wands, anyone who thinks the revolution, there are those who, disheartened, you have already given up long ago. But we know enough to know how to find, just give her confidence, just to help you raise your head, but fortunately, there is a better Italy. Is there a better Italy
on the roofs of universities, public school classrooms, next to a cot, in a supermarket queue, in a dimly lit laboratory research, in a square full of people and hope, in homes luck, in bookstores, in the daily work of many organizations, even in bars. Is there a better Italy
made of citizens who preferred the hard work of honesty the comfort of cleverness.
With this assurance comes the national campaign for President Nichi Vendola, starting with five key issues, however, that alone will not suffice to describe the idea of \u200b\u200bcountry, society, the development model we want. We invite you to a competition of creativity and participation: a few days on each nichivendola.it may propose his idea and create your slogan to help, with so many and so many, with passion and courage to build an Italy better.
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