I'm afraid that, translated into Italian, a bit confused this reformulation strategy Bersani mean annexation of Pd in \u200b\u200bthe third pole. " For Nichi Vendola, leader of Sel, the turning of the Secretary of the Democratic Party is "the triumph of pure abstraction. We are on the metaphysics of tactics. " "I have no opposition to expanding the center - Vendola said in an interview with Corriere della Sera - but it's hard to imagine that we continue to repeat an intention or a statement of principle, when the point is the availability of others." "I want to discuss with the moderates - he continues - but I also want prevent the left hand over his hands up, like a final surrender. " "I can not believe that our freedom and ecology of the Left and the Democratic Party do not go together, I hope that we will meet all of the ribbon cutting of the alternative site," hopes the governor of Puglia. The dissolution of the Pd Sel, advocated by the former coordinator of the Democrats Bettini, "I prefer to taste a carrot that take a beating in the head, however - he said - is a little difficult for me to be from time to time for some food left the Count Ugolino or the subject of a fast recruitment to Pd. In the interview Vendola back to criticize the position of the primary Bersani. "They have become bulbs as Christmas is on and off AC because they make a little afraid, they contain a power antioligarchica "he says. "The primaries are a vital element of the center. If they do not cancel are insulting me, breaking a crucial link with the people, and I do not think that is the majority sentiment among voters. " The left, complains, "it's already cracked a thousand times for having bartered the horizon of the alternative with the stools of alternation." Vendola expresses esteem for Casini. However, he adds, "the DC was different. A minimum of secular pride is not a lack of respect for the Church. "
BERSANI: "DO NOT chase CASINI" "Who is tracking against Vendola Casini and other such convoluted political nature did not understand a pipe." It points out the Secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani in an interview with 'The Unit'. "The policy applies to all emergency-adds-the forces of the center-left and center forces that are placed in opposition, the social forces. We appeal to all these forces, then each will. We want to close accounts with Berlusconi and with that plebiscite democracy and populist Berlusconi or replace with something that maybe looks like him? "As the primaries," there is a program that you form a coalition and then the coalition to decide on the primary . It is not that the coalition parties agree in advance the primaries. Accepted the program, it is logical that is. Then there is-well-separate the question of how the Democratic Party as such deals with the primaries in different administrative situations. There are things corregere salvagurdare just for the primaries and not lost. But Bersani-end-this is an issue for the Democratic Party ".
VENDOLA: BERLUSCONI TO STOP EVEN LEFT "" We should not get rid of Berlusconi needs to be liberated by Berlusconi who is right, is at the center and is also on the left. " This was stated today in Venice Nichi Vendola, invited by Left Ecology and Freedom. For the Vendola Berlusconi is "a disease that runs veins of Italian society. " "If we're unable to field a great political and cultural innovation - said Vendola - I do not think we will be able to live the transition period that is before our eyes with the strength to build a real victory." "Winning does not mean make a stool, a chair: it means turn the page in the country of insecurity and fear - he concluded - I do not think that this is only possible, but it is also necessary." Coordinator for the Environment and Freedom Venetian Left Giampietro Pizzo, who called Vendola in Venice "We must change course because the policy that governs us today is very far from the lives of citizens." A young precarious, who spoke at the beginning of the work, however, proposed that "the weaker categories will change this country"
"NO TO ALCHEMY OF BUILDING" "No, the alchemy of the Palace", in essence Nichi Vendola responds to the demands of its people speaking Venice . "We have to get out in the open: it is cold, and it is an icy chill to the young generation, to the world of work and insecurity," he replies to those who ask in particular what you think of the proposed Di Pietro to run together Bersani. "We have to worry about heat this country - continues - I believe that alliances, coalitions, programs should be a big hug with Italy suffering, which fight and hopes: all the rest seems to me alchemy of the Palace ". When asked how would you rate the alliance equivalent Finian, Vendola replied that "the social subject that has long expected the change sooner or later take the collar this center so afraid of God and men, and cry out loud, very loud , do not be afraid to trust the people of the left and not to field a small modest program for survival, but a great story of change. " "I do not believe in the annexation third prong - added in response to a specific question - I think we need to discuss with the centrists from the breakdown of those social actors who relate the moderates." More explicit: "The third prong of the center over the formula, I have the impression that it is a simple annexation in the third cluster: I frankly - concluded Vendola - I would like to 'attach'. (
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