Bastia Umbra - Many people - members, supporters and ordinary citizens, attended the meeting weekly circulation of the Left, ecology and freedom bastiolo.Nell 'opportunity arose mainly discussed the agenda of the municipal council on November 30 last year. During the council, in fact, during the settling private general budget 2010, there was a remaining availability of 300 000 €. Of that amount, the administration has decided to devote the majority of 200 thousand euro) to the viability of the city by identifying two strands of work: the construction of two roundabouts which will allow direct connection between Via Roma and Via Firenze and reopening the traffic on the north side of Piazza Mazzini. Sel they say: "As regards the first point, Administration meets with our full agreement, because we think it is a source of streamlining traffic cittadino.Invece - Sel by state - in relation to the second point we express our total opposition: we do not find acceptable the link between the re-opening to traffic of the square the possibility of increasing trade in this place, as stated by Mayor Ansideri. Considering that this reopening and the subsequent creation of new parking charges (remember that there is about 100 meters to free the Post hardly used) is called a 'test' and that involves a financial investment rather than second order, we wonder whether it is I use this availability in much more concrete actions, especially in this time of economic crisis. In our opinion, the reasons for the closure of these 7 years, must be sought in the opposite direction, far from the one indicated by the administration. The fact that Piazza Mazzini is no longer a place frequented by people and families is a fact . It would be perhaps more appropriate to raise some public functions at the primary site, restore the benches, Offir games for kids, bring municipal services such as municipal police, the library, the registry office. Our city needs places where you can meet and socialize, where to take their kids to go for walks, not only for shopping "
Il Corriere Umbria
Thursday December 9, 2010
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