We called the general strike of metal workers for January 28, is a major step towards regaining the National Agreement and the Protection of Human Rights in the workplace.
The choice made by the body of the Fiat Mirafiori and Pomigliano D'Arco is an act unconstitutional, undemocratic and authoritarian unprecedented in the history of labor relations in our country since the war.
is an attack on the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Italian Constitution and democracy because it tramples on the freedom of working men and women to decide which union to join collectively to defend their rights and elect their own representatives in the company. Who does not sign disappears and becomes a signatory unions and corporate guardian of the choices imposed by Fiat. Cancel the Contract Labour and National worsen factory conditions, you increase the exploitation and working time, it affects every right to strike and reduces the pay for those who get sick only once in wiping out years of struggle and conquest.
's blackmail Marchionne is consistent with the destruction of labor legislation in place that wants to make all alone and insecure, it's the same logic regressive put into practice by the government with the attack on the right to study and research implemented through the approval DDL Gelmini and cutting funds for the information and culture. They put themselves in check so
democratic principles of civil coexistence principles.
Fiom considered a common good and work for this after October 16th blackmail / referendum illegitimate by Pomigliano Fiat has created a great event, open to all those involved in the defense of constitutional rights and liberties inviolable.
The general strike proclaimed January 28 of the class and the events after the blackmail / referendum Mirafiori have the same goal as demonstrated by the introduction of exceptions in the National Agreement signed by Federmeccanica Metal Workers and other unions, when affecting fundamental rights it is not circumscribed the wound but gradually overwhelms all the world of work.
Fiom is committed to supporting the National Collective Labour without exception, to defend the legality, Democracy and freedom of trade union representation, job security and to combat the domination of the market that devour people's lives and undermine social cohesion and the future of the country.
We ask all persons, associations and movements that share these reasons to support the struggle of the metalworkers and to sign our appeal.
To sign the petition click here or visit the website of the Fiom
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