Our group found itself around the table of the Knight two nights later. Quite appropriately, he ruled that their meetings were always vines alternating with a rest day: the first for his convenience, he also had a group of friends to meet at the club, and secondly because he imagined that in this day of 'interval his listeners could better "assimilate" its teachings, and thirdly, because of these improvised his pupils there was some young man of twenty, who also had other duties .... ... as a youth, and Knight was determined to remain in good harmony with the village girls.
Ritrovatisi therefore all the usual time, and touched once with the glasses, the Knight began: Tonight, my friends, we must take a step forward. We know the lives and now there is to know the environment in which this plant is grown. I want to say tonight that we need to address the climate and soil suited to the vine.

climate. What is that? So the good we can define the whole combination of temperature, light, moisture and various weather phenomena of a given location. Studying the climate of our country, for example, is to study what is the temperature which it is found throughout the year, how many sunny days or cloudy, such as when it rains or snows, what are the winds dominating, etc.. I explained? The climate, therefore, has the greatest importance for the vine: This plant is very demanding especially in terms of heat and light. And in fact, while you find that many herbaceous plants, fodder and cereals, are grown from Africa up to the polar lands, from the shores of the sea to great heights in the mountains, but found that the busy lives of well-defined regions, also outside the which, outside, can not be cultivated, or, what we do not mind, can not give a good product.

I said, it is demanding in terms of heat. I will not be here to fill your head with numbers: I just let you understand a few words. In places where winter cold is too intense, the screw can be killed by frost. Where is terribly hot summer, the vine can be killed by sunstroke. But, without going to these extremes, where the climate does not present a sufficient amount of heat and not excessive in the year, the vine does not mature its fruit, or this is not some 'take no commercial value. Especially during the summer months the heat has importance for the quality of the product. This practice is well known to you. But no less than heat the screw needs light. In places where the sky remains a long covered by clouds during the warmer months, the vine growing evil and gives shoddy products.
In shady places to any reason, s'ottengono very acidic and very sweet grapes: the wines can sour and light. In years when the months of July, August and September they run very relaxed, with many sunny days, you know that you are generous and powerful wine: those that are preserved for special occasions and are a credit to our store! Even if it is table grapes, the light is very important: you have all seen that color difference is there between the ve gained in a sunny position and keep the ones always in the shadow, hidden from sunlight. So: give light to the screw. We do not give too much moisture to the vine instead: while it Vole lot of heat and plenty of light, prefer to starve to wallow ... ... humidity.

are very suited to screw those places where it rains often and with abundance, where mists are frequent where the water falling from the sky, instead of disposing quickly, still, humid air from leaving the soil. Under these conditions, the screws are clothed in lush vines, but grapes or poor, or if little is plenty flavorful, slightly sweet, it seems ..... watered down. For more on these conditions triumph diseases on roots, shoots, leaves on the grapes, and the poor grower does not know which way to rebuild.
Injurious are still persistent rain at the time of flowering and harvest: and you know better than me. Here is why I said the best that life has little moisture available to it. But mind you: not much does not mean "too little", because then if moisture is deficient for the needs of the screw, then this test other disorders: it can dissect all of a sudden, as if struck by an accident, may harvest bunches of shriveled so mercilessly, and detestable taste, because in them he has not been able to accumulate sugar as in normal conditions.
So we say: we need a screw to the right degree of humidity, rather than anything less than something more. It should, however, and this must be added that these three climate factors: heat, light and humidity, we are in balance with each other, because in those places or during those years in which this balance is not there, bad things PEL van viticulture, which in harvest over, we location with little or harvest, or a product of poor quality. There is now talk of further details concerning the weather, because, if anything, they say something in another time, when we attend to the adversities of life.

And step to the ground instead. That this has importance for the vine is unnecessary to demonstrate to you that you are familiar with this plant. Not for nothing pops Cecco is so saddened by the phylloxera that they found him in his vineyard in Altavilla: just because this land is famous all over the country for the wonderful wines he produces. (Here appears Cecco could not help by repeatedly shaking his head in approval, with a half smile and half a tear over one eye). Depends on what you tell this goodness of the land for the screw would not be easy: it would be easier to say what are the grounds for the bad lives. They are bad land unsuitable for this plant, those that are too compact, too rich in that substance blackish, very fertile, the professors say, organic matter, and those too humid ......
In general, keep in mind that good land to grass land are bad vineyard. In them the vine produces little or a lot of stuff that makes you dishonor in the cellar. And because these soils are more common in the valley and plains, not on the slopes of the hills, so in general, the screw, as the ancients said, is the best hill in the plan, or at least, the pass gives products that much better plan. Of course, when speaking of the packages do not have to think of the mountains, which, above a certain altitude of which varies from place to place, the screw is no longer at ease, and may not mature more fruits.

It is needless to add that finally, in soils of the hill, the vines thrive to varying degrees, depending on exposure of these soils. You all know that the vineyards with Southern exposure you get, in general, the best wines from those set out at midnight, you know that after those exposures are exposed to the south west, and then those of the east. And it's still always good to remember that these are more to be feared that other damage from spring frosts. This should be taken into account in the choice of grapes to grow, avoid planting in those conditions, the vines that sprout very early. If the quality and soil conditions have always looked after the best growers in the past also, how much more reason and for reasons much more serious than we badarvi us today. The nature of the terrain is essential heed today where the majority of new vineyards became implanted with American vines.
At this point, the auditorium of the Knight, who had always maintained the most respectful silence, he showed a certain restlessness. You could hear distinctly the voice appears Cecco, who, though quietly, he consulted with the teacher, his neighbor. Al Knight did not escape this attempt to interview. And promptly intervened to Cecco asking politely the reason for its discontinuation. You must apologize, said Ben a bit 'embarrassed, but that the American vines I can not swallow. And if m'inquieto, because it was right in my farm Altavilla of those gentlemen, that you have found the phylloxera, now want to uproot my old screws to put in place of these, the American vines.
This, to me, is a monkey business! And I do not ever resign the excellent bottles that I got so far from my vineyard, for that shameful American wine grape, with the horrible smell of strawberries, which I detest. Calm down, calm down, my good friend, "replied the knight, smiling, no one wants to give up your wines miraculous, we all envy you. Indeed, it is precisely that it may continue to produce them that you should put American vines. Actually, I did not want to talk now about this. But you, sorry, you want to put the cart before the horse. Well, as we understand it is good now at this point, everything we say then, let's also blessed by these American grapes. But not tonight, because I want to remain faithful to the promise not to bore you or weaken you. Until next time, then.
Then we'll talk about that terrible of American vines and phylloxera. A good bye.
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