Among those with severe pruning, the Knights began, two really important to us. The first of these is the so called:

It 's so called because it looks really takes the lives of a small tree that is self-sustaining, mostly without any help. It may be more or less rich, the sun has two branches (as is the sapling from Puglia), have many, (as it is in the sapling pot), not present at all (as some are very low and saplings of some Italian regions foreign). Let's see how you could get a tree in a vase. In the first year the vines, planted in square or quincunx, mostly at a distance of one meter, are pruned to a bud, leaving the vegetation to grow freely.
In Year 2 the only branch to be pruned again bud, by supporting the shoot vertically with a cane. At the 3rd year, the branch is pruned to five buds, the buds in the bud by removing the two lower and vertically supporting the barrel of the three highest ones. At the 4th year, the three branches are pruned to spurs of two or three buds, suppressing any support, and by merely bundling together the buds during the summer. At the 5th year in each of the three branches originated with the spurs last year, they leave the spurs of two or three gems in number more or less, depending on the vigor of the plant. Henceforth, the pruning will be to allow more new spurs, pruning two or three buds on the lowest branch of the old spur, and eliminating the highest.

Another important system of pruning is to say:
horizontal spurred cordon

Vines are planted in rows at a distance not less than two meters, and in the row are placed in m.1.50 or 2 l 'from each other. At 1 year, prune to a bud, by supporting the bud with a cane. The 2nd year, pruning is the only branch with two gems, helping the vegetation in order to get two strong buds. At the 3rd years, mounting the scaffold with three rows of barbed wire: the first distance 50cm from the ground, the second from the first 30 cm, 60 cm from the third second. Of the two branches obtained, deletes the less beautiful, and the other curving arc, set in the first wire, and making it possible to get close up to the strain. 4th year all the branches are pruned to spurs of two buds and shoots are tied to wires above. At year 5, each of the two branches of the highest spur is suppressed, and the other is ramming in turn to two buds.


as I say famous, because in fact there was a long time when it seemed that it could be nothing better, so that the name was even "rational system." Now, no doubt it is a great system, but is not the case considered the best systems. Guyot system feature is to present a typical leader in wood, consisting of a spur, and a leader in the fruit is made from a branch with several buds. The vines, planted in rows, usually one meter apart in rows, at 1 year are pruned to a bud, and the seedling breeding along a rod placed vertically. In the second year the only branch is pruned to two buds and shoots are raised still a long vertical support.
the 3rd year we put in place the framework of the rows, in the original system consists of a single horizontal wire supported by posts, but today more often two or three wires overlap. The most beautiful stretches horizontally potandolo branches in 6 / 8 gems, the other two buds are spurs. While growing, the seeds of the spur are raised vertically on the pole or on the barrel, and those you check the result again on the last thread.
the 4th year we start pruning ordinary feature of the system Guyot is removed the old fruiting from the base, suitably shortened the highest branches of the old spur, and ramming Two gems on the lower branch.

But sometimes on the spur is not quite a branch that will serve as head of the fruit: in this case, we use the branch head of the base of the old fruit. After a number of years, but the screw is to rise too. Then we will try to back down, using a suckers that cues from the bottom of the log. After two years, the shoots will bring a fruit cane, and then cut across the top of the screw. The Guyot system is therefore a good system for those who love the long pruning vines, but not very rich, and those for land of average fertility, and not too fresh.
For screws very vigorous or very fertile land, the Guyot system would, however, a bit 'too poor, then hath been thought of editing it, enhanced by gems: I have no time to talk to you about these changes numerevolissime: I will only tell you that many of them, instead of one head to good use, I carry two, others will take more than two. Among the latter, I remember a nice system, which in some cases may also find useful applications for us. E 'on: Cazenave. But the hour is late, we'll talk next time. Good night.
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