Fausto Bertinotti, Luciano Gallino, Sergio Cofferati and others: SIGNATURE
We decided to form an association, "Work and Freedom," because sharing a common civil outrage . The first reason is the absence of our indignation, in the struggle of Italian politics, an interest on the democratic rights of working men and women. As in the electoral mechanisms citizens were denied the right to choose who to elect, in the same way but much more seriously still a worker and a worker have the right to decide, with its vote on various options to decide which union agreements of their income, their working conditions and their rights in the workplace.
Think of agreements that do not call into question rights unavailable. We speak, in the case of union agreements, an individual right exercised in collective forms. A right of a person who works can not be replaced by the dynamics within and between unions and employers, while necessary and indispensable. Of all this there is a faint trace in the political debate, we believe that this should be one of discriminating choices that structure the field in political and civic life.
The growing importance in the life of every citizen of the choices made in the economic field should lead to a strengthening of public control and balance of economic power, without such mechanisms, in fact, the higher the probability, as we are experiencing, to suffer serious consequences individual and collective. The second reason for our outrage, then, is the continued effort of a large part of Italian politics to resize the full exercise of freedom of social conflict. Democratic societies consider the social conflict is that between capital and labor movements and civil society on issues relating to the commons and the public interest, as the very essence of their democratic character.
Only through a full unfolding, in the context of constitutional rights, such conflicts will outweigh the economic powers, it feeds the public discussion, to ensure the exercise of political power. There can be, in a democratic society, a personal interest, that of business, more than any interest and any other reason, rights, therefore, both individual and collective ones, can not be subordinate to the individual undertaking or enterprise system or best interests of the state. The alleged rationality of
than purely economic choice of management techniques and is evaporated in the great crisis. The idea, dear to the government, together with Confindustria and Fiat, a company based on the replacement of social conflict with the attribution to a corporate system of balances between unions and employers under the auspices of governmental authority to take, only forms consensus, any decision on major issues of work, including the actual performance of the welfare state is itself an authoritarian nightmare. We are amazed, even before outraged by the fact that in these scenarios, which take concrete decisions already taken or being implemented through laws and union agreements, do not exercise, with notable exceptions such as the October 16 event, an assumption of responsibility involving the highest possible number of social, political and cultural fight, stop and reverse this authoritarian drift. We finally outraged the continued reduction in the work, in all its forms, a condition that denies the possibility of expression and self-realization.
The insecurity, the individualisation of the employment relationship, the corporatization of social regulation of work in a nation where the vast majority are in firms with fewer than ten employees, the dismantling of the legislation of environmental protection work, increasingly difficult as a result of the "related work" approved by the chambers, to be able to access to justice by the ordinary worker are the pieces of material this process of dispossession of the dignity of the worker.
Finally we want to replace the Articles of Association of employees' rights status of work, the transformation language itself is self explanatory and it corresponds to the content. The change from the rights holders, workers who may require, places, works, outlines a process of abstraction / where alienation is less than the affections of their rights. How is it possible that, given the systematic destruction of a century of achievements of civilization on the themes of work there is an answer to the challenge? We must restore the centrality of politics to work. Return the work, the world of work, on the political agenda: in government, parties' programs in the battle of ideas. This is now the main way for the regeneration of the policy itself and for a project of liberation from the drift of public life, from decay, from the popularization and dall'autoreferenzialità currently seriously mark. The dignity of the person working to become the cynosure of orientation for each individual decision and collective action.
For these reasons we decided to establish an association that seeks to stir in society, politics, culture, reflection and appropriate action with the intent to support all the forces that are able to move with consistency in this area.
We decided to form an association, "Work and Freedom," because sharing a common civil outrage . The first reason is the absence of our indignation, in the struggle of Italian politics, an interest on the democratic rights of working men and women. As in the electoral mechanisms citizens were denied the right to choose who to elect, in the same way but much more seriously still a worker and a worker have the right to decide, with its vote on various options to decide which union agreements of their income, their working conditions and their rights in the workplace.
Think of agreements that do not call into question rights unavailable. We speak, in the case of union agreements, an individual right exercised in collective forms. A right of a person who works can not be replaced by the dynamics within and between unions and employers, while necessary and indispensable. Of all this there is a faint trace in the political debate, we believe that this should be one of discriminating choices that structure the field in political and civic life.
The growing importance in the life of every citizen of the choices made in the economic field should lead to a strengthening of public control and balance of economic power, without such mechanisms, in fact, the higher the probability, as we are experiencing, to suffer serious consequences individual and collective. The second reason for our outrage, then, is the continued effort of a large part of Italian politics to resize the full exercise of freedom of social conflict. Democratic societies consider the social conflict is that between capital and labor movements and civil society on issues relating to the commons and the public interest, as the very essence of their democratic character.
Only through a full unfolding, in the context of constitutional rights, such conflicts will outweigh the economic powers, it feeds the public discussion, to ensure the exercise of political power. There can be, in a democratic society, a personal interest, that of business, more than any interest and any other reason, rights, therefore, both individual and collective ones, can not be subordinate to the individual undertaking or enterprise system or best interests of the state. The alleged rationality of
than purely economic choice of management techniques and is evaporated in the great crisis. The idea, dear to the government, together with Confindustria and Fiat, a company based on the replacement of social conflict with the attribution to a corporate system of balances between unions and employers under the auspices of governmental authority to take, only forms consensus, any decision on major issues of work, including the actual performance of the welfare state is itself an authoritarian nightmare. We are amazed, even before outraged by the fact that in these scenarios, which take concrete decisions already taken or being implemented through laws and union agreements, do not exercise, with notable exceptions such as the October 16 event, an assumption of responsibility involving the highest possible number of social, political and cultural fight, stop and reverse this authoritarian drift. We finally outraged the continued reduction in the work, in all its forms, a condition that denies the possibility of expression and self-realization.
The insecurity, the individualisation of the employment relationship, the corporatization of social regulation of work in a nation where the vast majority are in firms with fewer than ten employees, the dismantling of the legislation of environmental protection work, increasingly difficult as a result of the "related work" approved by the chambers, to be able to access to justice by the ordinary worker are the pieces of material this process of dispossession of the dignity of the worker.
Finally we want to replace the Articles of Association of employees' rights status of work, the transformation language itself is self explanatory and it corresponds to the content. The change from the rights holders, workers who may require, places, works, outlines a process of abstraction / where alienation is less than the affections of their rights. How is it possible that, given the systematic destruction of a century of achievements of civilization on the themes of work there is an answer to the challenge? We must restore the centrality of politics to work. Return the work, the world of work, on the political agenda: in government, parties' programs in the battle of ideas. This is now the main way for the regeneration of the policy itself and for a project of liberation from the drift of public life, from decay, from the popularization and dall'autoreferenzialità currently seriously mark. The dignity of the person working to become the cynosure of orientation for each individual decision and collective action.
For these reasons we decided to establish an association that seeks to stir in society, politics, culture, reflection and appropriate action with the intent to support all the forces that are able to move with consistency in this area.
Fausto Bertinotti, Sergio Cofferati, Gianni Ferrara, Luciano Gallino, Garibaldo Francesco Paolo Nerozzi, Stefano Rodota, Rossanda Ross, Aldo Tortorella, Mario Tronti ............
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