Two nights later our friends were at home even before the time of the Knight. Without wanting to appear, each had a certain impatience in secret, a little 'ill-concealed anxiety, finally know that perfidious enemy of their vines, they knew called phylloxera. And the Knight would not keep them long in abeyance; just saw them begin to complete:
tonight then we will talk first of phylloxera: this tiny but yet so terrible animal, which has shocked the entire winemaking in Europe, and that forces us to change its practices many of this crop. In 1868, in the south of France, three professors, charged with studying some screws that decay and also died from a mysterious unknown and evil, discovering the roots of these screws a small insect, a species of tiny louse, which was attached to those roots , and caused serious damage to the lives, death. Studied this insect was named Phylloxera vastatrix, and was found identical to another, which had already been observed and described by another name, in North America. Indeed, it could be shown later so irrefutable that the phylloxera found in Europe just came from America, imported from there along with the American vines. Let 's see how he lives this phylloxera. To explain word for word his way to introduce themselves and to develop is not easy, nor could he pretend to understand me well by you. I limit myself to tell you that phylloxera has not always the same shape it the same habits.

fillossere fact that we live in the leaves of the vine, the other living on the roots of what we have wings, and other without it, we have fillossere male and female ones, and those .... I say? What I am not one o'clock neither one thing nor the other (scientists call them partenogeniche). As you can see, there is something for all tastes, then you know how to Import phylloxera grow and multiply with frightening rapidity, so that in one year can be counted several generations of this insect unfortunate. If you had to describe the typical way of development of phylloxera (which can be found on American vines), I should start from an egg, which was to be laid in autumn and winter have passed, it says precisely the winter egg.

It opens in the spring, creates a phylloxera that leads to leaves of lives and that is the starting point of a whole series of generations, it is often called the founder. From this and other fillossere born, most of which goes on the leaves, stems and some hand on the roots. The first are called gallecole, because the leaves produce certain growths known as the "gall". These fillossere has a round shape, a light yellow, and have no wings. Their size slightly over one millimeter. Within days, they suffer four suits (comparable to those of a silkworm), become mature, and begin to multiply. Imagine that each of them can lay from 500 to 600 eggs, and that in a year of these gallecole you can have up to 8 generations! The eggs of gallecole but do not give any new gallecole.
Among gallecole also develop the radicicole, fillossere ie those that go on the roots of the vine. These differ from radicicole gallicole not only due to their different lifestyle, but also the shape of the body, which is somewhat elongated and contains a number of typical file warts on the back. The dimensions are roughly the same as the gallecole. Even though they lack wings. Even radicicole lay many eggs but less that gallecole; also follow one another for several generations a year. And 'interesting to note, however, from the beginning of summer, some of these differ from other radiculo for certain peculiarities. Without going into detail, I say that now, after some silent, some radicicole fillossere become winged, unlike the forms I've seen so far, all of which were wingless. These winged
have a characteristic shape viewed with a magnifying glass they look like tiny cicadas. But beware! I say tiny, because not all superan much the length of two millimeters. They lay eggs on the trunk of the vine a few (usually no more than 7 or 8). Born from the eggs of fillossere sexed, that of males and females. The gendered, which are wingless, in turn lay an egg, which remains attached to the bark of logs, and spends the winter in the rest: It 's that so-called winter egg from which we started. As you can see the development of phylloxera is very complicated. It, however, the European vines in particular, suffers from the simplifications. Missing, for example, usually in the form gallecola, often lacking even the sexual form. In this case without even the egg and then in the winter. But do not believe that the egg is essential in the winter because the phylloxera can be passed down from year to year.
the contrary, in most cases, we phylloxera radiculo winters in the form of non-adult, that by next spring continue their development, and begin to multiply. Known, so the best the enemy with whom we deal, we know also the damage it produces to our vines. We said that phylloxera can live on leaves and can live on the roots. Apparently, the alterations that it will saran different in the two cases. On leaves, as we mentioned earlier, the phylloxera, as a result of bites that practice with his beak, he developed some swelling characteristic, known as phylloxera galls. These galls are not to be confused with others, which may be produced on the leaves of vines and other causes.
The phylloxera galls are clearly distinguishable because they are like bags or pockets of bulging on the lower and the opening of the upper surface of leaves: incrociantisi opening fringed with hairs. I must, however now feel that these changes in the leaves do not have severe consequences for the plant. And if it were limited to these, the phylloxera has not become so notorious. I would add that, as I mentioned before, these galls are very rare on the screws homegrown. But the real damage that the deadly phylloxera produces are above the roots.

If you examine the root of our local vine phylloxera, you can find two different types of alterations. The younger and more slender roots, you can see some unusual swelling terminals, mostly somewhat curved, so as to have a distant resemblance to a bird's head. Are these so-called knots, originated as a result of bites on the roots of phylloxera radicicola. In fact, if you have good eyesight and a little 'patience, it'll soon see some of these bulges yellowish minute speck, moving in various ways: they are the fillossere who walk on the roots, and occasionally stopping to suck moods through their sting.
If phylloxera simply come to suck the little 'moods that are needed, the evil is not even that bad. But the problem is greater if that soon, those bulges dry up, or worse, rot, late summer and fall. Of course, the sprouts that have lost in this way the bit will not grow, and thus remain arrested in their development. Now if you suppose that ruined so many rootlets, you understand how the plant should hear a noise is not negligible. But the most serious changes and really fatal to the lives are those that produce no phylloxera on the roots but thinner sprouts mature. Are these the so-called tuberosity phylloxera.

They are as many warts rounded, less than a large grain of pepper. During the winter these tuberosity van subject to rot, which does not stop all'escrescenza, but penetrates the tissues of the root, so this ends up dying. You understand that, since the mature roots, thus causing a large number of those sprouts important for the nutrition of the vine, the damage becomes very serious, because all the plant's root system can thus be destroyed. And 'what happens in the phylloxera vines a few years. And with that, of course, leads to the death of the plant.

This mode of operation of phylloxera, it also explains how to report infections phylloxera. In fact, they look so characteristic that a practical eye, leaves no doubt. A vineyard phylloxera has a kind of large wildfire, whose center is represented by screws death, killed dall'insetto now, because the first to be attached, leave the center, we find fewer and fewer screws emaciated as we bring the edge of the stain. The screws are more affected strongly yellowed leaves, the other less, until you get to the screws still healthy, with all their green leaves perfectly. An examination of the roots, then, and the presence of tubercle, leave no doubt. And so we have known phylloxera and the damage it produces. We will now speak of remedies ....
But now the Knight stopped because he realized that someone in his audience had fallen asleep! This was precisely Mr. Pasquale, good slider City. Accortisene his neighbors, he was short and not very kindly awakened. The poor man shook, threw open a pair of sleepy eyes, and said all mortified: Oh excuse me the Knight! But for today I just had to whirl around the territory of the Municipality to carry certain warnings ...... And now, with this warmth, I had dozed off. Believe me I'm really sorry! Do nothing, does nothing, the Knight said, smiling. This, however, advises me to stay for tonight. Especially since have I had to fill my head with this stuff that there is certainly familiar. So forgive the other night for remedies against phylloxera. Good night!
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