last night, the Knights began, you saw how each of you can prepare the grafted needed to replant his vineyard: Tonight we have to say something about this plant new vineyards. But first of all I feel obliged to preface a debut. Before attempting to plant a vineyard, I want each of you did a kind of self-examination. And wondered: "I'm doing well or doing wrong?". And I would like first to respond, try to remember those sad years, which unfortunately are repeated so often in recent times, those years, I say, when it seemed that he meant to have pain vineyards and producing grapes, it seemed crazy stuff, to sell wine business from desperate. I would like you to think of all this, and reflected that the past can at any moment regaining this: I would like in a word, that each of you, before planting a vineyard, he wonders if he will make this work with a good deal for himself and a good deed for his country, or if by chance will not make quite the contrary. And how do you know this? Someone will ask of you. I'll tell you. If you want the land planted with vines may be good fodder for plenty of the grain barn, and planted vines, but you do not sow wheat or take a beautiful lawn. And if you get past your vineyard wine from bad, evil in the legs, which are hardly found to sell, and you do not replanted vines planted but any other stuff: maybe a forest, if you can not put better, and do good work. The vineyard, in a word must be reserved for those soils where it can give good products and where they could not grow other useful products. After quest'esordio, let me give you some advice on the installation of the vineyards.
you'll pick the ground, you think that a well-prepared. And first, if necessary, to accommodate the surface, because the rain water unable to give, but rather beneficial succeed. If the ground is level, you see enough to give him a slope towards a corner, and munirlo of numerous drainage ditches, which in a more sbocchino limiting the plot, so that water does not stagnate. If you are connected, do not let the water running wildly down the slope, removing earth and digging ruts in every sense, but guide them in Fossetti horizontal, which from time to time to communicate with the lower inclined by short stretches. And you do not have the rows according to the maximum slope of the land, but have them horizontal, ie perpendicular to this slope. System, but the surface is not enough.

need a good fundamental work on the ground. It should be a burglary. All the best growers even in ancient times have always attached great importance to this work of burglary. All the more reason you give him you, you have to use American vines, generally more demanding in terms of land. This work of tampering can be total or partial. When as soon as possible, the former is much better. It will be a must, each time you plant a vineyard intensive, that is where the screws need to be very close together. Do not do too much work in this economy. Do not less than two feet deep, and if need be, eighties, and maybe a meter. But if you intend to plant a vineyard with rows very distant from each other, can fail to break this total, and you can limit yourself to a break-in was. Open the words was wide from three feet to five feet deep and seventy or more inches. If possible, begin working with the plow and Finish him off with his arms: not just save the expense. What I recommend is to make this work soon.

not wait until the time of implantation, but, especially if the soil is compact, do it in August, so that the clods are to feel the beneficial effect of the sun, rain and frost. Good soil preparation, however, also an appropriate fertilizer. And the more it will be necessary to plant the vine, since this plant must remain in the soil for many years. But I reserve the fertilizer in the vineyard to speak to another night. Let's assume for now that you have properly fitted this as well. You'll be entrusted to the ground when the young plants of lives. Here, however, overlook other serious problems. And above all: which varieties, or what varieties of screws you have to choose? Obviously, you can not single answer for everyone. But what I can, in fact I recommend, is to put a lot of attention to this choice of grape variety or varieties.
First, in your vineyard ponetene few but good: I do not mean to limit yourself to just one, on the contrary, in most cases it will be more prudent to have two or three different ones. But not an army of grapes! Do not repeat the error, which unfortunately is so common in old plants, to the vineyards of the most colorful dress of Harlequin. A few vines, but I said good. The goodness of a vine is all relative. It will be a good vine that adapts to your region, the farming systems more affordable for you, which is capable of giving a good quality product and fairly abundant and constant. See that no accident I put the first good quality: Unfortunately in recent times the quality was often sacrificed to quantity, and this was a major cause of the terrible crisis of abundance that has become so notorious in Italy. In the selection of varieties, even if you think there convenisse rather produce table grapes instead of wine. How much should I talk about the cultivation of table grapes! And as I insist you understand all the importance it has for us today! But time forces me to limit myself to the board to think a little 'more seriously than in the past in this crop, as it will become increasingly profitable, as is always increasing the demand for table grapes in Italy and abroad .
In this regard, but I must warn you that you need to run so haphazardly in the cultivation of table grapes, first going to realize the possibility to be able to exercise at a profit. And this possibility depends, not only by favorable natural conditions, climate and soil, the town where you sit, but also its economic conditions, namely the possibility to well organize the sale of these grapes. This is a very delicate and mostly you have to sell as quickly as possible. Now, if this sale can not be done in place, you have to think about whether you can easily arrange transportation of the grapes up to the consumption centers. Which usually can not be done conveniently, if the quantity of grapes to be shipped does not reach a certain scale. Chosen the vine or vineyard vines future for your own sake, remain to be solve other problems. Which system of cultivation and pruning you want to be taken in that vineyard? And above all: you want to do with viticulture or viticulture specialist subsidiary?: Very interesting question, this: It is said that specializes in viticulture which the screw is the only plant cultivated in the vineyard, and any other plant, herbaceous or woody, is not included: Until recently, the best wine-makers were almost of the proponents of this course: It is no longer the case. Why? Because today the terms of viticulture are no longer those of the past.

Today the product of the vine hardly reaches very remunerative prices; vice versa tend to increase the prices of many other agricultural products, especially of herbaceous plants, and growing wages of the workforce that is so necessary for viticulture. Under these conditions, it becomes evident the convenience to place in our vineyards also to some other crop, especially grass. This second crop will force us to leave in the vineyard rows larger. Will decrease as the number of vines in our vineyard, but this will also give us other products, which will raise the income is not insignificant. Not only that, but with wider inter-row will make it possible to adopt for many jobs, especially in the land, animals, saving hand opera, and thus reducing considerably the annual costs.
Viticulture subsidiary in herbaceous plants occurs then today, in general, the most convenient: But we must choose these herbaceous plants. Some grow between the rows of maize and wheat: and nothing else. Poor system. You ruin the vineyard and you get the miserable harvests of cereals. Wheat can be successfully grown in the vineyards, but when it alternates with a good legume, for example, with red clover. You will have from your vineyard grapes, wheat and clover, three excellent products, and none of the three crops will suffer. Mind you, though: do not suffer, if you are not stingy with fertilizer, specialty chemicals, to the ground. This requires that a sowing of wheat given you five or six pounds of superphosphate per hectare, one to two tons of potassium sulphate and four or six tons of gypsum (Please note that we are approssimative1 figures). And it is also necessary that the wheat sown behind the screws, but that left, up and down the rows of vines, a strip of bare soil about two feet wide.

still used instead usefully figs and almonds. Chose the cheapest system of cultivation, you must choose a good system of pruning. Similarly, it was good before you decide to start the installation, for knowing how to adjust well in the distances at which lay the screws. We'll talk about another night of pruning. For now we say that this criterion of a good system of pruning should be done taking into account firstly the nature and needs of the grape, the soil type and climate, and economic conditions of the site (or less abundance of labor ; ease to have affordable support system suitable for pruning, getting the screws on most products, high prices, or consumer products, etc..) Anyway, take care always to choose a system which, while allowing you to obtain abundant products, the quality does not deteriorate too much, for the reasons outlined above. Solved this problem, you can really begin the operations of the plant. First, mark the spots where you put the screws. You will then decide the distance and the provision to be given to planting. The former mainly depends on the pruning system, the vigor of the variety and soil fertility.
However, not exaggerated in the denseness of plants, especially now that American vines will work. With regard to the provision of seedlings, they should be more regular as possible. The bulk of the old vine vineyards are incompatible with modern viticulture and economic. If the pruning system requires that the screws remain isolated (as many trees), adopted a provision in square or quincunx. However, if the vines must be trained in rows, evenly spaced rows taken, if the flat, direct from north to south, though the hill, following many horizontal lines, that is perpendicular to the maximum slope. A word also on the age of the vines to plant. Able, it is always best to plant in autumn. And in fact the good winemakers planted in autumn in warm climates and even in cold climates, except in its place where the stiff winter could cause concern for the death of the plants from freezing. Where you plant in autumn, and you want to be sure that the cold will not damage the cuttings, cover them with manure Pagliosa newly planted. O litter or dry leaves. I said, rooted.
Some of you might wonder if perhaps it is best to plant cuttings. I have already alluded to this point once more: I repeat now that, in most cases, it is more prudent planting rooted cuttings, nursery, preferably already grafted, that is rooted American grafted with European varieties that we want. Please note that we do not say, rooted Europe. This amounts to advise you of all stick to the American vines. Not that their place is now essential in every planting American vines. There is some cases where, for special reasons, there is reason to believe that phylloxera will not come for who knows how long, and in such cases would be useless to turn to American vines: But .... Are white flies, these cases of it is good you do not you factor. And here we finally come to the operation of the system. So everything will be ready: Your grafted saran already in place, and not rhetoric that plant them. It will not hurt them before you leave for a few hours immersed in water with dissolved a bit ' copper sulphate (one pound per hectolitre).

For each of them then you will cut the roots decayed or injured, and shorten the healthy ones. At the point where you should set the screw opens a dimple having a depth a bit 'larger than that must be set in the barbatella, and on the bottom of it you pay a bit' mature manure, which is covered with fine soil , arranged to form a sort of cone. About this is the adagerà barbatella, so that the roots rest on the fine soil, then they will pay on other good ground, that will compress slightly with your hands. See that the barbatella must be taken so that the point of engagement remain five or six inches above the general level of the ground. Filled the dimple is the thereat barbatella up over the coupling point. The best tralcetto rooted should be pruned to a few gems (one to four depending on the pruning system that you want to take) and must rely on a support that has been planted at the side rooted within the dimple. Cos' runs the plant, which will not be lavishing care on young vines those which we have already mentioned to the young vines in nurseries, especially not to overlook the treatment fungicides that are absolutely necessary; mantener clean, soft soil, remove the roots that tick above the graft and suckers sticking to the one below, to support the shoots that will grow from the scion.
will also be important in this first year to see whether some lives is false, if any evil grows or dies, in order to early autumn of the first annual perform the necessary substitutions. Of course, at the end of the first year the young vines should be pruned to a convenient, is to have as soon as the new vineyard development in full and in good production. At a next evening, therefore, the subject of pruning.
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