So he went to the Cavalier Prosdocimo .... A bad day is a story around the country, from the first whispered in a low voice, almost secretly, but then divulgatasi mercilessly, when the most influential people of the village were confirmed. Here's the news: in the vineyard of phylloxera appears Cecco had discovered. A team of workers coming from the capital, with a kind of teacher to visit the vineyards of the town, having heard of some lives in the dilapidated farm Cecco, some research was conducted at the foot of the screws, and had thus made the sad discovery. The news produced a great impression.
On Sundays especially, the farmers, as they waited for the hour of Mass, commented with plenty of words and gestures, the unexpected event. It did not conceal a serious concern. It is clear: now also, although not hang themselves with newspapers and books, knew it was a beast around, because even a bestiuzza smaller than a flea, which implants itself in the roots of the vine, and soon the 'killed.

So far this scourge, which was called phylloxera, had not appeared in the vineyards of the town. But now, suddenly, the evil had been found. Very bad thing for their country, who lived, one might say, the product of the vineyards, because very little could make the other plants. So the concern of those good farmers could no longer be justified. Be added that, until then, deep down they believed relatively little of this terrible phylloxera.
Deep down, each of them had a secret hope that it was a bit of a bogey, agitated by those professors who go around, so, maybe more important. Now that the enemy was at home, felt a dismay that is betrayed by the frightened eyes and furrowed brow. Meanwhile, however, was the harvest, which was good, and the feverish activity on the one hand, the consolation of the grace of God brought to safety on the other hand, made some forget the danger, and did almost stop the chatter around it. However, not everyone will calm down so soon.
There was a good owner in the country, that young man had studied agriculture in schools, then was out for many years I do not know what to use, and one day he returned to his village, determined not to leave it and to devote more the last years of his life entirely to his land. And had done great new, old scaldolezzando first farmers in the country, making them laugh a little young, but in the end, then earning the esteem and respect for all.
He was on good terms with those who go around these teachers, often went to town to consult with or with this or that. trip and it was even several days to go and see what others on the spot, which he considered more advanced than he did. No country, therefore, our Prosdocimo Knight (so called our landlord) was considered for someone who knows a lot. This does not mean that the peasants did like him, they said often. "Eh! You, you are right, but she can do so because? A Mr. and why? to study, but what it can do us poor blockheads? ".

meant that, after the bad news that day we talked, the Knight Prosdocimo not stood with his hands in his belt . It was learned that he had been out of town a few days, he was seen returning with a gentleman from gold-rimmed spectacles, and was surprised to memorize some of the bags of earth removed from his estates here and there, and you could also find that those bags were shipped to a train station .... what? Mah! no one remembered it, but certainly not train or tram.
One day later, at harvest over, the source Pasquale, town bailiff and good grower, whistling as he went with his famous dog in search of truffles, past a field of the knight, he found a team of workers with shovels and picks that seemed to want to mess around the bottom. On the brink of the field, Prosdocimo reading the paper, blissfully smoking his beautiful meerschaum. What the hell does
, Knight? Pasquale said that, in terms of marketing, was more curious about a girl. I prepare, "said phlegmatically Prosdocimo. It is prepared? and that if I may ask? The war. You're joking Knight. You do not want or dig trenches, set guns? No, no do not worry: I'm preparing to defend against the enemy of my vines: Ah against phylloxera. I wanted to say! Mah! Lucky you, who knows everything and he gets around. Instead, we poor devils ..... ... Ignorant blockheads; already have the same story.

But blessed you with a little good will you find more than enough for your needs. Good will! Presto said: but if we begin to take some libroni that she has, which seem to the missal of the parish priest, we do not understand an academic. And then it would take much more time than we have. You see, we should have, for these things, a good teacher, patient and hand, which teaches the Abich of this stuff, like Sor Lorenzo teaches the ABC's to our kids. Do not you think?
.. Mah said the rider, running a hand over his forehead and throwing his hat back. It was silent thinking. The pipe had gone out and he had noticed. You see, after shooting a bit of silence, I'd be happy to help you, but I would not hear from me, then I want to do the wise, that I want to climb into the chair. If it were to make some conversation, good friends, what is the viticulture of today, I'd always quite willing, but, mind you, do not think that I want to make the professor, oibò!
Sometimes our good will up here to give conferences itinerant professor, and he will tell you what you do not tell you. So I do not want steal the job to anyone. Not at all, Knight? You would do a good deed, she would make the benefactor of all of us .... And then we'll do, okay? Think Lei As for us, we have only to accept and give thanks. And, if she decides, she can tell me a word. I think the rest: I am not at all cursor.
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