We begin by distinguishing two pruning: the dry or winter, which is done while the screw is at rest, and the green or summer, which is done while the screw is in growth. The first is certainly more important. And there is no need to prove this importance, as you all know that only a good pruning can give us an abundant production, and constant valuable, while retaining the plant in good condition, not so shortening the life of the vineyard.
But to do a good pruning should first bear in mind certain principles. And, first, that the vegetative vigor of a screw, to a certain point, contrary to the inclination of this vine to bear fruit; that vegetative vigor of the plant is proportional to the number of leaves that the plant has, that the development of organs screw (branches, leaves and fruits (is greater the lower the number of individual organs (so if we leave a few branches to a vine, they will develop more if they let that many, that root development is proportionate to that of bodies standard above ground: that the vertical position of a branch is more favorable to a vigorous development of a good fruiting vice versa in a horizontal or curved, bottlenecks, engravings, are all conducive to fruiting, the fruit of the vine normally is located on shoots that sprout from the branches of a year, led by the wood of two years.

As we have said, we can therefore make a distinction between:
heads to wood, those who by their upright position, because of their small number of gems, are most likely to give vigorous shoots;
and head to fruit, those who through their horizontal or curved, for the always rather significant number of stones that lead, are most likely to bear fruit of good and plentiful. The leaders in wood usually consist of croissants or spurs of two or three buds. I head to fruit from shoots of 5 / 6 or more gems.
But we have cases where spurs run by leaders such as wood from fruit heads: the case of vines, which have bearing only the buds of the base of branches. Then these vines with pruning will not let that spurs: will that is the pruning. To all others, that you leave the branches bearing more gems, will be a long pruning.
You could also distinguish the name of the pruning that leaves mixed with a screw on both spurs As interest-bearing branches. But do not confuse the poor pruning with pruning. It is said that poor pruning on the system of pruning adopted vine leaves on a small number of buds, pruning that rich, always respect, it leaves a large number. We understand that this can conveniently be taken only with vigorous vines, grown in fertile soils. Before we talk about some good system of pruning, I must add, however, some other general concept. Sometimes you will hear talk about pruning away gem. It consists in cutting the branches, not half an internode, for the most part you do, but through the top node to the last gem you need to leave.

In this way, you do not put into the open the pith of the shoot, but the hard tissue, which I mentioned is called the diaphragm. And the gem below it will be better preserved from moisture damage, insect, or whatever.
any of you an admirer of another way of pruning: pruning the Dézeimeris. It is to cut branches or branches, not just skimming the party must remain, but in order to leave kind of stump of wood, that only with time that will then be removed and disseccherà hill pruning of the following years. It 's a good system for cold and wet, which often produce cuts of pruning wounds, the frost makes it more serious.
And by the way you cut, we also say a word about the tools you need. Even here, few but good. Do not do too much in the economy by pruning shears. Be of good steel, good size, with a good spring, and is always sharp and without teeth: a good saw to cut large branches will complement your arsenal of pruning.

Another tip on the age of pruning. It 'best to prune early in the autumn or winter pruning, and pruning in early spring? The most appropriate time varies depending on the circumstances. What I say now in the South and you have more freedom to prune when you have time. But in northern climates without pruning too early can be fatal. The vines pruned in autumn, in fact, come first in growth in spring. Now, this early appearance of the buds can be dangerous where spring frosts are frequent. You know what damage it can cause a frost that hit the tender shoots: it is because where are these brines to fear (especially in the vineyards exposed to the east), it is best to wait to prune in late winter or early spring.
also for other reasons, today we tend to prefer the later pruning. However, they have the disadvantage that they coincide with periods of great work in the country. Wanting so avoid over-consuming, you may, during the autumn and winter, begin pruning by removing unnecessary parts of the vine, the branches that have already borne fruit and that it should die.
So in the spring will soon to complete pruning, which will simply remain on the vine to the branches
light of those few general news, I should now speak of the best pruning systems. But here there is plenty of choice. In the short time we have at our disposal principalissimi means applying only to systems that can have an interest in Italian viticulture. We'll do it next time, now the hour is late, goodnight all
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