grafting of the vine graft Here we are talking about the lives, began without many preambles Knight. Important topic today because it is the engagement of the screws on homegrown American who saved the European vineyards by phylloxera. What is the connection you know: is carried by a screw in a piece of branch with one or more gems of another screw up, so that it balances perfectly and develop as if he were still on mother plants. Ancient practice, this and that also often used in viticulture, especially to rejuvenate old vines or to change the quality of the grape, a practice that is sorely needed, to use American vines resistant to phylloxera, they continue to get those products that so far we have always received from our vineyards. Very
I speak first of the phenomena that occur in that wonderful operation of the graft, but the time available to us is short, and I must move on. But I can not help but mention it to the principal terms of success degl'innesti. First of all, we need the two plants to be grafted to each other can get along, what does not happen between them if there is a certain degree. Regarding our case, in general, all the screws can engage with each other, but, being American grapes with European vines, not all give equally good results and that is not engraftment in all is equally good. So, to be selected in each case the ivy which adapts itself more European than we grafted onto. Second, because the good engraftment occurs, care should be taken that the two parties unite by grafting match each other perfectly without leaving an empty space, which would soon dry out the graft.
In this regard, remember that should fit particularly well with each other living tissues of the shoots, and that is the part that is commonly said to the cortex, and right down to the wood (in fact, wood and bone tissues are dead, which can have no much smaller in relation to the graft). To achieve this perfect match, should be good to have good gear, and tools. Only in this way will cut the net well, without irregularities, without crushing. We must also ensure that the cut surfaces caschino foreign substances (dirt, sand, rust, knives, etc.).. It also promotes the grafting a good temperature: the ideal would be a temperature of 20 ° C. a25 because then the welding of the graft would be very quickly. And do not even missing a fair degree of humidity, air will moderate, because the graft can "breathe." This

Quest'innesti are made mostly in March-April, after the tears of the vine. But much more interesting now other woody grafts, in which the scion and subject are the same size, and mostly consist of two cuttings. I want to talk British grafts. We have three types of grafts English: plain English, English bone marrow needle, English double slit. In all three cases, and subject scion are cut at a node, slant, so that the two surfaces of section are exactly the same, so that, by presenting the scion to the subject, both match exactly. To perform these grafts using a special knife, Kunde said, presenting a flat blade on one side and slightly convex on the other, and ending with a kind of nail. Of course, the knife must always be kept sharp, and does not exhibit the slightest tooth. If the graft
plain English, there is nothing that approximate the two surfaces of section, and tie tightly coupling point. But this is little used, because they are not solid. Nell'innesto spinal needle, made the cuts as mentioned above, in the spinal s'infigge a piece of galvanized iron wire 6 cm long. In this way, the graft acquires greater stability. But even this form of widespread graft has run from us. Those that met the graft is widely favor English double slit, which is certainly the most widely used form of engagement after the phylloxera has invaded our vineyards. To run it, the two began to be cut such that devon serve, respectively, from March, subject, with the edge slant usual, then about one quarter of the upper surface of cutting a slit on the other work on the bass, about an inch long, and leveraging coll'innestatoio departs slightly the flap thus obtained. Raised so these tabs in March and in person, you penetrate one o'clock in the cleft of the other, so as to achieve a perfect mating between the two States.
If the graft is well done, it must appear strong enough to light impact, even without being connected. A word also on herbaceous grafts. They differ from previous ones, because instead of being executed between the parties already lignified, are still carried out between herbaceous shoots. I must say that in general, these grafts are most commonly used herb in the south than from us. However, some evidence that we have made, as we have seen would not be impossible to adopt even in northern countries. The most notable advantage is that they present is to allow re-engagement in the summer, when it failed woody grafting performed in the winter or early spring. One of the most used is the English herbaceous graft or graft behave. You run in the identical manner that is woody, but green shoots above. After it binds with untwisted wool. The time most suitable falls in the south in June. It 'very popular in Sicily. Also in Sicily, in Puglia, are now spreading herbaceous bud grafts: a shield, a whistle.

s'eseguiscono, too, in June and July, working in a similar manner to that used for fruit trees. I do not have time to talk at length about them: I would rather take our English woody grafts, which have much importance for us. When and where do these grafts? English Gl'innesti between two cuttings, gl'innesti-cutting as they are called, I can run comfortably seated before a table, even during the winter when the weather is less valuable for growers. It 'so they say grafted table. But usually it is best to wait to run just before the time of installation: ie from late February to mid April. Once executed, quest'innesti-cutting (which therefore are typically made of a subject and an American or European scion nostrana if you prefer) can be assigned to the ground as if they were mere cuttings. So you did at first, and so is even today by some.
In these cases, however, should first tie on the point of engagement. The binding is done with a special fiber called bast: very suitable because it is tough without damaging the graft, and why it is very economical. But with this plant immediately, you run the risk of having many failed areas, especially if the season just benign hinders the welding of the grafts. Has run then thought if it could not have done this before leaving Welding grafts to the ground. And here is the source and purpose of this practice, you've probably heard of: the forcing of the grafts. How do I? In various ways. Who has to prepare a large number of grafts, especially those who trade in grafted vines in northern Italy, often used in special forcing artificially heated greenhouses
I do not pause to describe this process, which is delicate and expensive. Everything here becomes big. Teams of workers and workers, often special machines to run gl'innesti (just good in general, except perhaps one that responds to the pretty name Feitzelmeyer), cases in which special-gl'innesti cuttings are layered, mostly with sawdust wood and then glazing greenhouses, heated stove or heater better ... .. There are things for you. For you there is a method much simpler and more economical: insabbiatura grafts. It can be done in two ways: either with special wooden boxes covered with glass, or, more simply, without bins. In the first case, are constructed of large wooden boxes and 3 meters long, with no bottom. The land on which should rely digs so he had an inclination that the north side is 10 cm deep, and from noon to about 1 meter.
The top of the box has a lid made from mobile un'invetriata, tilted, like the bottom, around noon. In this way, the sun's rays fall on the glass as if to lead. To fill the boxes, start by putting on a bottom layer of about 10 cm of sand on it then you have standing gl'innesti-cutting (without tie), filling the spaces between each other with sand clean, not too fine. Fill the tank, you pay an even higher stratarello of 5 or 6 cm of sand, then lightly s'innaffia; finally put in place the glazed. So do not just have to repeat from time to time, some light watering, if the sand tends to become too dry. And so, thanks to the sun's heat, in twenty days or a month, depending on the local climate, the bias is accomplished, and gl'innesti are ready to be planted. The other system is also more cost efficient without the use of caissons, with only a few vertical axes a piece of land in front of a wall facing south, and pour the sand on this ground where collocan grafts together in bundles of 50 each.
Again, after the grafts placed vertically, it pours on them the other way to cover them in sand for 5 or 6 cm. And it's all here. Only in cases of very violent rains can protect this with sand mats. The duration of the override in this case ranging from 30 to 40 days. However, we do, over the forcing, gl'innesti hereafter ready for planting. Again you can follow two routes. These grafts, cuttings or plant directly on land that has become a vineyard, without making them suffer more than any transplant (planting at home) or plant them first in a nursery, where they will stay one or two years, before being removed and transplanted to stay . I must say that in most cases it is preferable that second system: ie the plant tion in the nursery. Just in case you have vineyards in ground conditions are particularly favorable, ed'aver convenience of making these grafts to all those treatments that are appropriate treatments in a vineyard a little 'big becomes longer and more expensive, the plant chin dwelling may be preferred.

But in most cases the best results are obtained in the plant nursery. The nursery by grafting should be even better prepared than that chosen for it. Must have a rather light soil, if necessary irrigated, flat, well-fertilized with chemical fertilizers, manure or superphosphate corrected. Must of course be well worked at least 40 -50 inches deep. Prepared the ground PEL nursery, we proceed to the system of the grafts. This should be performed in equidistant lines or coupled lines, or two at a time close to each other. In a third case the file is 60 -65 cm from each other, in case 2 a couple other Dister 30 cm; the two rows of a pair of 15 cm. Gl'innesti the row away from each other 5 to 10 cm. To plant the grafts, as long as you dig a fossettina line, and deep as is necessary for the grafts, once planted, they point di'innesto of 5 to 6 cm higher than ground level.
Messi to place the grafts, closes the pit with earth excavation, this crowd is slightly around the grafts, which then ricanzano. After running the system, you should not believe him to be able to leave the nursery. On the contrary, it requires diligent and patient care. The soil should always be kept clean from weeds and well stirred to the surface to prevent side crust, if it seems too little moisture, you need to do some light to moderate watering, and if despite this, the plants seem to grow stunted, you should have some first-fertilization effect, for example by spreading on the ground of the cesspool. We must remove the suckers that come out from the subject; operation that you will have slightly displacing the grafts. At the same time will also sbarbettatura, cutting small roots that had left the scion, thus avoiding the liberation of the graft.

sbarbettatura The first is usually done in early July, a second in early August, and after this no longer tucked grafts. Of great importance are also the treatments against downy mildew. They should repeat as many times as is necessary to never let this disease develop, which would be fatal to young seedlings. S'arriverà so late autumn, the leaves fall. If the rooted will in this first year of nursery development assumed a discreet, be possible to retain the transplant to stay, then pulled up in case other than to wait another year, leaving them still in the nursery. When grubbing, it will also make a careful choice of rooted, discarding those that are defective or sick, or too mean, or which do not seal tightly against the graft. So you can be sure of having an excellent material for the planting of new vineyards. I have dwelt somewhat on the subject of the preparation of grafted and livestock, because I find it very appropriate that each of you, as a small, prepared by if the material he needs to renew its vineyards, and if planted his small nursery.
You who are so good in all the affairs of the country, you should not have difficulty even in this. And there is no point in showing all the benefits he receives, and uses these choices rooted prepared with any care from you, rather than buying them from dealers, more or less conscientious, but always GP before anything of interest. And now I end up, because tonight is the time is later than usual. But I hope that it will be time lost. Good night!
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