therefore we talk about the propagation, began the Knight. Subject that has always been of great importance, but has even greater today, when the phylloxera forces us to abandon the old methods and instead use other, or completely new or significantly improved from that time who were . I will speak only of what we now can actually affect. And I begin by telling you that the screw can multiply in two distinct ways: by seed and bud. The multiplication by seed, as is well understood that, in using the pips) is used much less in practice than that for growing bud. And I am not afraid to make mistakes if any of you have ever thought of planting a new vineyard ... sowing the seeds!
What perhaps you do not know, this has the effect of sowing of the screw. And that's what I tell you in two words. Multiplying the screw to suit you get a plant that lives will be, but that it could be very different characters in the branches, leaves and fruit of the vine from what it was that hath supplied the seeds. If, for example, you have taken the seeds of a vine of white Muscat, you can get a screw that will give you white grape muscat flavor to it, you can also get a screw that does not even give you any fruit. Understand that it would not be pleasant for you. And that is what the wine you like practical, not to expose themselves these unpleasant surprises, do not ever use the propagation by seed. This does not mean that this kind of propagation has no utility will not matter.
On the contrary, it is now used on a large scale by scientists and industry, in some certain purpose. If in fact the sowing of new varieties easily screw us, it is not impossible that these new varieties may have special qualities, even more than the lives of mothers. Of course, so at random to sow the seeds of the screws, it will be difficult, unless he had a great chance, you manage to get yourself something really good, but no way to increase the probability successful, using a special practice, which is the artificial hybridization. What is this artificial hybridization? E 'operation whereby we fertilize the pistils of the flowers of a particular vine, a vine with pollen of other varieties or species. We make a cross and that is the product of this cross we call hybrid.
For what purpose does this hybridization is artificial? In order to bring together in a single screw the merits of the screw that acts as a mother and one that makes a father. More precisely, is now seeking to obtain artificial hybridization with a perfect life, possessing all the virtues imaginable: complete phylloxera resistance, resistance to fungal diseases, adaptation our land, including limestone, fruit plentiful and of good quality without the graft. As you can see the goal is attractive! And that is what the late 1800's many scholars of good will are fervently hybridization data of the lives and sowing of the products obtained, thereby creating an extraordinary number of new varieties. These vines are really good?

multiplication gem but I understand many different types of propagation. In all s'utilizza a piece of branch provided with one or more stones, whence the name of propagating to bud. Let's look at the main. One of the most important is the scion. For this we mean simply a piece of one-year shoots with two or more gems. If completely missing the old wood, the cutting is said ordinary, if the base of the cutting is a piece of wood instead of two years, more properly named the cutting of mallet. The first form, however, is the most used. And it is certainly the most popular way of propagation: Any advice about these cuttings will not be so useless. First: the cuttings must be chosen carefully. Given that, said com'ho be perfectly reproduced in all the characters of mother plant, we understand how this plant amounts to mother is excellent in all respects.
This choice is always best to do it before the autumn, when the screw vegetation best suited to the examination. The cuttings should be made with healthy shoots, shoots well, it very big nor very small. The cuttings should be rather short than long. Their length depends on the nature of the soil in which they should be planted: it depends on the length of internodes. In fresh soils, where moisture is not defective, the cuttings must be very short: just two buds. We understand that if gl'internodi are very long, even with only two gems will also cutting a length quite remarkable. However, should always be as short as possible. If the cuttings are not can plant it as soon as detached from the vine should be well preserved.
The best method is to keep them fresh and healthy in a cellar, buried in the sand well washed and slightly damp. If you must measure of this outside of your country, be very cautious in buying, especially trying to rely on an honest person, not giving v'imbrogli vine cuttings weak or sick, or different from the variety you want. Not only that, but when you buy the cuttings, and you can not have certainty that they come from certain places untouched by phylloxera, subject them to a good disinfection before planting in your land. This disinfection can be done safely and easily by immersing the beams cuttings in a container with water at a temperature of 55 ° C., and facendovele remain for 5 minutes. You just have to do so in a good thermometer, and the operation will proceed without difficulty.

I must say that in most cases today, the second method is preferable. But I must also add that, since the lives of Americans, today is also more common case of not planting cuttings as such, but to engage first with our own grapes. And what we will talk soon. I do not mind so now the nursery, because I prefer to talk about when we will deal with these grafted cuttings. Instead I'll say something on another form of propagation for gem, which was of great importance in the past, but now is finding applications less frequently because of the outbreak of phylloxera. I allude to the outcrop. The difference between this layer and consists in the fact that the gap in the spur of the branch from the mother plant is only after the emergence of roots.
The simplest is the offshoot offshoots of the ordinary, which is only a branch of one year nell'incurvare within a small pit dug at the stump, and bury a part of it protrude from the ground ends. In this way, come out from the buried portion of the roots and shoots from the outermost land, so that, one year after severing a branch in the ground, you will get a new screw. This form of propagation was used to replace a lot of time in the vineyard of the failure rate, either because they died, or because of false, that is of a different variety from the one you want. Then went to bed a nearby branch of the vine and s'otteneva so a new plant. This usually was done in the fall. In some places they used and still uses a kind of strangest offshoot: the provanatura. Its purpose is to obtain not only lives, but different, you can fill a void most of the vineyard.
that end, the entire vine is lying in a ditch, from which you do not check that the ends of the various branches, arise at the points where you want the screws. Today, however, the phylloxera tends to disappear these forms of propagation. And of course. If we buried our local branch of a vine, this will give the roots that will not resist the attacks of the phylloxera. So the new screw that will surely get more or less condemned to disappear soon. If you then planted a vineyard on foot, do some American vacuum, to fill there is nothing to do but replant a new American lives. Actually there would be some other form of offshoot, which might find such discrete applications. I allude to the multiple layers that serve to get many young people with a single branch or vine cuttings.

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